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Member since 2009

Michele Orman

Michele Orman Reiki Master

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Share the gift of healing by learning Reiki through these workshops for all levels.

Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances, the only services I am able to provide at present are telephone readings and distance Reiki Treatments.  Other services will resume at an appropriate time in the future.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Reiki Workshops (Level 1-3, Master & Teacher)

Servicing area

Tamworth, Manilla & Northern NSW

Focus areas

Complementary Pain relief Life purpose Love Stress Management Purpose

As a qualified Master/Teacher, I also conduct Reiki workshops for those who wish to learn how to do Reiki themselves. Workshop details are set out below. Please note prices include the cost of textbooks. Information packages are available upon request.

PLEASE NOTE:  This service has been temporarily suspended due to unforeseen circumstances.  Services will resume as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Reiki First Degree - $270.00 - presently unavailable.

This is your introduction into the healing journey that is Reiki. In this 10 hour workshop, you will learn the history of Reiki, the correlation between energy and matter and how it applies to Reiki itself.

You will learn the 5 Spiritual Principles associated with Reiki and how to use them as a foundation to assist you in altering your habitual thinking for your spiritual growth and to create prosperity in your life in many different forms.

You will learn Reiki's uses and how to conduct healing treatments on yourself, as well as your family and friends.

Attendance at the workshop provides:

  • A workbook for ongoing reference, including Five Spiritual Princples of Reiki and various hand positions associated with the treatment of yourself and others.
  • A Certificate of Attainment - issued to each student on completion of the workshop.

Reiki Second Degree - $540.00 - presently unavailable.

Open to anyone who has studied the first level of Reiki under the Usui System of Natural Healing, this is the next step in your journey of personal healing through Reiki.

In this 11 hour workshop, you will learn various symbols associated with this level of Reiki, plus how to use these symbols to benefit yourself and others.

You will learn how to send Reiki healing across distances that span both time and space.

You will learn additional tools to assist you with your personal growth.

I recommend this level of Reiki as a must, even to those who do not wish to practice and assist in the healing of others on a professional basis, as the tools learned within this workshop are of invaluable benefit and assistance to you in your own personal healing and spiritual growth.

Attendance at the workshop provides:

  • Training from a qualified trainer who will conduct the comprehensive lessons outlined for the workshop. Training complies with Association membership requirements for professional practitioners.
  • Workbook for ongoing reference, including the importance of symbology, using Reiki for personal development, affirmations, and the procedures for sending Reiki for Distance Healing.
  • A Certificate of Achievement will be issued to each student at the conclusion of the Workshop.

Reiki Third Degree (3A) - Master/Practitioner - $1,150.00 - presently unavailable. 

Reiki Third Degree Level 3A is a necessary first step on the journey to become a Master/Teacher, however it is also suitable for those who wish to delve deeper into the spiritual aspect of Reiki as part of their own spiritual journey.

This workshop is only open to students who have studied both Reiki First Degree and Second Degree through the Usui System of Natural Healing with either Michele Orman - Reiki Master, or the Academy of Reiki. It is, however, possible to apply for recognition of prior learning and consideration will be given for acceptance into the workshop, based upon previous course structure and instruction given to individual students,

This is a two day workshop wherein you will receive an additional symbol for use in your Reiki practice, plus additional treatment methods to assist you in being able to provide more comprehensive treatments to both yourself and others.

This level of Reiki has emphasis upon your own spiritual development and healing, as it is becoming commonly accepted that Master Usui created Reiki as a means of achieving a much deeper understanding and connection with his own Higher Self. It is trhough taking the time to grow to Know, Love, Accept, Trust and Be your Self unconditionally, that you are able to achieve your own greatest personal healing and in the process, become a much better healer of others as well.

Attendance at the workshop provides:

  • A workbook for ongoing reference, including techniques to assist you in finding your way to healing, personal growth and the possible pitfalls to look out for; healing symbols; use of Reiki crystal healing grid; energetic protection techniques and Reiki psychic surgery.
  • A Certificate of Achievement is issued to the students who have satisfied the trainer that they are committed to their own personal growth and the practice of being a Master Practitioner, as well as having met the criteria needed to comply with the requirements necessary to justify the issue of a Master Practitioner Certificate.

Reiki Master/Teacher and Grand Master - presently unavailable.

Reiki Third Degree Level 3B (Teacher) and Reiki Fourth Degree (Advanced Teacher) workshops, which qualify students to teach the various levels of Reiki, are also available. Price and workshop duration are available upon request.

Reiki Spiritual Principles Guidance Workshops - presently unavailable.

If you have ever asked yourself the questions: 'Who am I?', 'What is my purpose?', 'Why does this keep happening to me?', or, 'How do I love myself?', then this workshop might be of interest to you.

Each of us is a soul having a human experience and to enable us to achieve true inner peace, wisdom and growth it is essential that we take the time to get to know, love, trust and accept our Self, then give ourselves the freedom to be That.

The purpose of the group is to assist each other on the journey to know the Self through the sharing of ideas, techniques and experiences to assist you along your spiritual path and to achieve a way of living that promotes inner peace, harmony, love, acceptance and compassion. You will be given understanding that can empower you to make wiser choices for yoruself and thus create a better experience of your life. In assisting you in this journey, I also provide written discussion papers, in which I discuss various tools and aspects of spiritual growth, as well as what I have learned upon my journey so far.

There is no such thing as a right way or wrong way to achieve spiritual growth, there is only your way. This group will help you to discover yours.

The spiritual development group meets every three months and is open to anyone who has a desire to find and fulfill their greatest potential as a soul. No attunement to Reiki is required to attend this group.

The cost for attending the spiritual development group is $125 per person, with advance bookings recommended due to the limited number of places available. For further information, please contact me.

Book now and learn more how you can become a Reiki practitioner yourself.

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