Michelle Pinto therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2019

Michelle Pinto


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“As a true empath, Michelle reflects the deep, and often hidden, facets of one’s issues. As a healer, her gentleness and laughter belies the ferocious, life-changing power of her healing. You won’t even realize when your Ha-Ha changes into an A-ha!”


Servicing area

In Person sessions Strathmore Area. Phone/Skype sessions anywhere in the world.

Focus areas

Growth Gratitude Anxiety Anger Access consciousness Stress Management


Michelle Pinto - Healer ♦ Guide ♦ Coach

Gifted with intuition, empathy, and an ability to connect with the Divine, Michelle works as a healer, guide and coach. Her healing work is intuitively guided, depending on what support each client needs at the moment. Through compassion, humor and joy, hidden qualities as well as hidden blocks are brought out for healing. Her gentle, heart-filled sessions provide clarity and an immediate shift into peace, along with practical tools and tips to take away.

Michelle’s spiritual journey began many years back when she struggled with physical and emotional health issues. Conventional medicine brought no relief. Her search for understanding these imbalances in her life took her to India. There she was encouraged by her friend to meet an energy healer. That simple nudge transformed Michelle’s life forever. She was also guided to her spiritual teacher GD (www.sessionswithgd.com), who set her firmly on her new path.

This journey from being a skeptic to a seeker completely changed Michelle’s life. Since then, her outlook, family life and health improved immensely. Somewhere along the way, she also discovered her purpose: sharing what she had received with others as much as she could, while continuously learning and growing. She devoted her life to studying and practicing healing techniques (Full list of techniques and certifications at the end).

As a guide, Michelle uses her intuitive gifts to help you understand your strengths and shortcomings and helps you identify areas that need support. As a coach, she works with the principle that every repeated situation in life brings with it the lessons we need to learn. As a healer, she uses a variety of modalities that she’s certified in, but her healing is primarily guided by the principle of being a conduit to the universal energy that the client receives through her. Using this energy, the client’s consciousness entrains to the frequency of perfection and self heals.


Michelle’s deep connection to truth and consciousness lays the framework for her healing sessions. Sessions with her are always different as what happens in a session is intuitively guided, based on the needs of the client. Thus, every subsequent session may be different or may repeat, depending on the changes in the client. 

Michelle offers in-person sessions, over Skype or telephone as required. These sessions usually last for an hour. She also offers purely distance healing, when there is no need to speak and the healing is done intuitively.

Session cost $120 or pack of 4 for $400.

Healing Modalities Mind Training and Emotional balance tools
 Reiki Master  Emotional Freedom Technique
 Pellowah  Sedona Method
 Access Bars  Byron Katie Work
 Shadow self integration  Access Consciousness
 Sacred Activations  Bach flowers
 Now Healing  Z-Point
 Crystal Healing  Guided Visualization
 Chakra Balancing  Yuen Method
 Energy and Aura Clearing Full Court of Atonement 


“Deep gratitude to Michelle for offering me healing sessions when I needed them the most.  It's been over a year that I have been taking healing support from Michelle, and I have always been amazed with the level of accuracy that she is blessed with as a healer.  All that I have to say is, "I need a healing session" and she would exactly pick up the exact chakra or body part and run the healing for me. Often times her healings have given me a deep experience of stillness and silence, sometimes the body feels as though it's on a tranquilizing effect.  I would specifically like to highlight an experience wherein I had requested for a healing session while I was standing in a long queue, without me telling her she exactly knew that my legs were hurting and she gave healing to my legs which felt both comforting to legs and calming to my anxious mind. Her gentleness as a person is infectious, and her intuitiveness as a healer is amazing. Thank you for helping me.” S.T

“I have taken multiple healing sessions over the phone, simply sitting in silence as she heals. All these sessions helped me in reducing stress and getting clarity on the issues I was struggling with.
What is most impressive about Michelle is her healing intent, interest, willingness and sincere desire to help. It has always been a beautiful experience to receive healing from Michelle.” J.K

“I had my first healing with Michelle, not knowing exactly what to expect. She was very open about what the session would involve and I was immediately at ease with her kind, warm and caring manner. The setting was spacious and calming with a beautiful array of stunning crystals on display. Michelle placed some crystals in my hands and on my body which felt rather like being tuned or bathed in various energetic frequencies. Combined with an absorbing guided meditation, I quickly became relaxed and certainly felt the session was deeply restoring. It was as though her work stimulated a clearing of my body’s energy flow into a gentle vibrancy and balance.  My nervous system felt restored as well as my heart. Not only did I float home feeling very zen, but also felt nourished and brighter in spirit. I thoroughly recommend the experience.” E.I

“Michelle's presence emanates a sense of Joy, Peace and Calm.” A.A

“Michelle has a natural vibe that is caring and empowering! She helped me look at where I needed to work most on myself so that my close relationships are more fulfilling.  If you are open to change and growth in your life, then she will be your guide.” L.L 

“There are times when I know what is wrong with me and there are times when I don’t. But in both circumstances, I always turn to Michelle for healing. Time and again, I am blown away by her ability to perfectly get to the root of the issue and offer my body or mind, the healing energy that it needs. Knowing that Michelle, is doing healing for me, fills me with immense strength. She is blessed with healing abilities and I would highly recommend her to everyone I know.” A.S

“Received an instant relief from backache as a result of a remote healing from Michelle.” A.K

“Michelle exudes peace and tranquility from the first time you meet her. Her presence, her aura and smile are calming and you can't help but to like her.  Her healings helped me in my anxiety, depression and anger issues. After her sessions, I felt a sense of tranquility. It gave me clarity and I now prioritize the things that matter most in life.” A.A


One on one Session

1hr 30min
$120 Per session

60 to 90 minutes long.

Business Hours

We're open 7 days.


10:00 am To 7:00 pm


10:00 am To 4:00 pm


10:00 am To 7:00 pm


10:00 am To 7:00 pm


10:00 am To 7:00 pm


9:00 am To 5:00 pm


9:00 am To 5:00 pm

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