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Feedback from our product users:

It is not until you come face to face to illness caused by food additives in everything do you appreciate a handy tool such as the Chemical Maze.
Dan Summers - Melbourne, VIC


Debra in North Epping who writes about her son's progress from ADHD.

I would like to share with you a miracle with my youngest son Jack. By eliminating harmful numbers from our environment, house and food my son's behaviour has become much calmer, he is so much easier to handle. The main difference that we welcomed was that Jack was diagnosed a classic ADHD with major learning difficulties (not that I ever put him in that box) and this is the first time that anything alternative had actually made a huge difference for him. His memory is getting better each day and he is all of a sudden able to learn. His Rudolf Steiner schoolteacher is amazed at the dramatic difference and suddenly.

I am currently supporting other mothers with hyperactive children or with behavioural or learning difficulties and they are impressed with the changes that can happen when you eliminate the numbers. I am currently moving my family onto a 100% raw food life plan and it going really well. I still carry your book with me everywhere and people always comment and ask questions in supermarkets. The world is waking up to this and companies are going to have to change their capitalist ways. Parents are becoming angry when they learn about the harm so-called healthy snack foods are doing to their children and families.


Julia From NZ, deals with Eczema

My son was 15 months old when he developed eczema and we found more than anything else man- made chemicals were more to blame than any natural foods.

We were given a tool to deal with the eczema, which then allowed us to eliminate and experiment with the foods and chemical products in our environment. When you start looking, it almost feels like ignorance could be bliss, as there is such a minefield of chemicals and misleading advertising.

Thank you for giving us a clearer path to follow!
We have found that by going back to basics in our foods and using natural products our whole family has benefited.

Our original tool was using probiotics for our son's eczema. This cleared his skin up like new, and using it in conjunction with as much chemical free products, has allowed him to grow up without a debilitating skin condition. He is also healthier than most of his peers and even at the age of six understand the importance of a chemical-free diet and usage of products.

Primadophilus Reuteri is the probiotic we used – and having checked an eczema website it appears that many others are finding this type of probiotic to be be of a superior type. Not all probiotics are the same. More misleading advertising!

We also found all disposable nappies to be a problem – the only one that was kind to his skin was Moltex Eco or cloth nappies.


Michael from Melbourne deals with their sons Hyperactivity

This is a fantastic life changing book. I was beginning to think my son had psychological problems when a friend recommended The Chemical Maze to me. I now have a perfectly ‘normal’ four year old, providing I monitor his food.

We have just had a weekend away with two other families who were handing out all sorts of ‘bad’ food to the children and I was having trouble keeping it away from my son, we ended up with a very cranky boy and a frazzled mum who just wanted to save her son from the ‘poisonous’ food. I had left my copy of the book at home and searched frantically until I got a second copy. I showed the other parents how the shopping companion works and they were horrified at what was in the foods they were giving to their (and my) children. Two more copies of the book will now be purchased and my second copy will always be left in the glove box of the car in case I am ever forgetful again.

My sister-in-law is now an avid user of the book too. We were discussing her son's behaviour when I asked her to get the packet of what he had eaten. To her horror your book proved the contents of what he had eaten matched the effects. Hyperactivity, aggressive, head banging, insomnia, learning difficulties. She had told me she ‘couldn't be bothered’ reading all the labels, but she is now a convert.

We recommend The Chemical Maze to many people and they may look up your website as we did.


From Karen Fox, who writes about a pregnancy hazard.

I would like to let you know about a choice I made lately and after using your guide I am so thankful that I did so. As part of my pregnancy care, I was recommended to have a blood test to check for diabetes. The test involves being given a sickly sugary green drink as a glucose challenge on my body to see if I could get my sugar level back down to normal within one hour (when I had blood taken).

I was Ok with having to have blood taken, but was concerned about what effect the glucose (and whatever else was in the drink) would have on me and my baby. My very understanding doctor said that it was mainly only glucose in the drink but I could supply my own challenge if I wanted. I chose 300ml of Organic muscat grape juice which was plenty sweet enough for what I am used to. I was particularly concerned that other women had told me that the green drink had made them sick and even vomit. As I have had yucky morning (or all day) sickness, I did not want to add to this.
After doing the glucose challenge and having blood taken, the nurse showed me the green drink that I had avoided. Check out the contents: water, glucose, food acid 330, preservatives 202 & 211, colours 102 & 143. When I got home I checked these in "The Chemical Maze". As you would know, none of these additives are a particularly good idea and all of them are unnecessary, but 102 is very hazardous. Thank God I made the right choice and thank you for giving me the information to confirm my concerns.

I will be showing your book to my Doctor.
No wonder other pregnant women are sick from this test. I believe that pregnancy sickness is a detoxification process to clean out your body in preparation for building a healthy child. The more sensitive of us get it the worst. No wonder when women get over it they appear to be glowing. This is closer to our natural state.

I am very grateful to my morning sickness for waking me up to this theory and seeking out your book. I am determined now to stay detoxed and my health can only improve from here. I bet next time I won't suffer so much.


From Rae who writes about taking back responsibility for her and her family's life.

Our lives changed rather dramatically when one day my husband came waltzing in the front door with The Chemical Maze tucked firmly under his arm. At first I found the whole thing just terrifying and then, very depressing. I kept thinking about all the really bad stuff I'd been consuming and using over my thirty-odd years of life. The possible accumulative effects of sheer ignorance are a lot higher than people think, and were weighing heavily on my mind. But as time went by, I moved from feeling like a victim to feeling like a person who now had the ability to exert change in my life - an empowered person. Sure, I couldn't do much about the past, but I could do a whole lot about the future. My little boy was somewhere around the 6 month mark, and I was just so thrilled to be able to set him on a course towards better health and, as such, quality of life….

…..Until we read your humble little book, we were totally ignorant to the whole food/personal products "conspiracy". Like far too many people, I never really questioned what I was eating or putting on my body. Why would I need to? Surely if the stuff was bad the government would prohibit it's use! How naive I was. I had, without even knowing it, handed over responsibility for my life to someone else. I was horrified to realise I had been using harmful antifreeze type chemicals among many, many others.

As a family we took back that responsibility and since that time have made huge changes in our lives. Out went most of our personal care products, along with half the pantry. We now stick with companies like Pure Earth, Miessence and Coral Moon to provide all the personal care products, and what they can't provide, we make. Robin Stewart's Chemical Free Home (book) contains a lot of great natural recipes such as lemon juice hairspray that works a treat! We buy only organic fruit and vegies (and as many organic items that we can) and basically avoid as many chemicals as possible. We even bought an ice cream maker to avoid carrageenan, among other harmful additives.

We also use absolutely brilliant cleaning "fibres" (gloves & cloths) from a company named Enjo. The fibres clean simply with water, eliminating all chemical usage. The fibres are not impregnated with any chemicals at all, the water itself acting as the surfactant. They work really well, halve cleaning time and eliminate all chemical usage. What more could you want? They're not cheap, but neither are all the cleaning chemicals when you add them up, not too mention the health concerns, and they last for years. I don't really have a lot of information on chemicals used in cleaning products, nor why to avoid using them, but I figure they would make some of the chemicals in your book look like a walk in the park, so that's enough for me!

So thank you for questioning and for sharing your knowledge with others. Knowledge is, indeed, a powerful thing. We know a number of people who rushed out and bought a copy of your book when they read ours. But many people still look at us like we're nuts and think we're insane (you should have seen the look on the checkout chick's face when we explained why we were returning so many bits and pieces!).

But hey, if being aware human beings who question, take responsibility for our own lives and enjoy the ensuing good health makes us nuts, then bring on the lobotomies! Thank you for sharing what you know. It changes lives. Keep doing it!


From Peter Pearson who writes about The Chemical Maze as a supporting framework.

Clearly the only way that people can change their habits and consumer decisions is to understand the decisions, what they are eating and how it affects them. I can say from my experiences, that the most powerful way to be able to understand something is if you have a supporting framework to place one's experiences. Without a supporting framework, an experience cannot be placed mentally so no connection is made. The experience of consuming and the resulting physical experiences just seem to be like fog.

Using this simply and superbly presented information source "The Chemical Maze" helps to provide a background framework to then test and build upon the understanding of one's experience. For instance, I now understand why I feel a particular way from particular ingredients much more clearly than with only the name and numbers of ingredients labelled on products.

"The Chemical Maze" is an important contribution to a growing awareness that is shifting the balance away from harmful ingredients to more user friendly, life supporting, sustainable ingredients that are easily recognisable by a market that is growing in dietary and consumer awareness.


From Leonard writes about Migraines

Please allow me to tell you a positive story, which is also a true story about myself and my family. For the last three years I suffered left temple migraines which only appeared to be in a single point in my head. So I went to a doctor who advised me that my blood pressure was high. He then prescribed an MRI, blood pressure tablets and headache pills. He also mentioned that migraines can be the sign of a reaction to some food types and then gave me a migraine booklet to assist me in finding the answer.

When I returned to my doctor two months later I informed him I was no longer taking the prescribed medication and I had also found the problem to be certain foods, but I didn’t have it nailed to what exactly. After saying that my doctor prescribed me a dose of your booklet “The Chemical Maze” 4th edition. It was only after using your booklet that I discovered the actual chemicals that were upsetting me, and once I stopped buying and consuming these products I got better and I am now back to good old headache-free me.

At the end of the day I owe thanks to my doctor for being open minded, but I owe my gratitude to Bill Statham for producing the book which I believe may have saved my life. When I type “saved my life” I don’t take it lightly. The pain from these headaches had me thinking suicide on a few occasions as these headaches also caused me to sneeze and cough, my left eye would weep, my nose would run like a tap being turned on and off, my neck would crack and lock up, I would get very aggressive and short with people, itching on my elbows and no sleep for days.

The main food types which give me hell are; soy sauce (even organic type), gravy mixes and most of all the cheap “Kirks Dry Ginger Ale”. The problem actually started three years ago when I stopped drinking coca cola and I started drinking Dry Ginger Ale. When the headaches started the soft drink was the last thing from my mind and it was only after using your book and placing a chemical to each product that I found the problem. The food additives sodium benzoate (211) and MSG (621) seem to be big baddies for me.

My household have removed 90% of these chemically contaminated foods from our kitchen and diet. We would like to go 100%, but that is not achievable at this stage of man’s evolution! LOL.

Thank you for caring about your fellow man and I will continue to recommend this little booklet to all. When I shop I make it obvious to people what I am doing looking at the book and reading the labels. People will eventually change if given time. I don’t preach a perfect diet or lifestyle, but even cutting down on the food types we know have these toxins has changed my family’s lives by a long way.
P.S Now our cupboards are bare to look at but we are slowly finding alternatives to the shop bought foods which contain all the bad stuff. We do make some of our own sauces, but it is so amazing just how much rubbish we humans eat and how much junk we have to eliminate; absolutely amazing.


From Peter in Erina Heights, NSW who highlights a problem with synthetic flavouring.

I just wanted to take the time to let you know that vanillin (used in most chocolates and most ice creams) causes red patches on either side of my nose that flake like dermatitis. This reaction would last for about 3-4 days which made it hard to detect the problem. When I selected ice cream and chocolate products flavoured with natural vanilla there was no reaction, however these products are usually more expensive. I hope this has been helpful to you and keep up the good work!

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