Anke Koelman, Spec. Nat., MHSc therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2005

Anke Koelman, Spec. Nat., MHSc

Optimum Learning & Health Centre

12 Bayview Crs Beaumont SA 5066

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Optimum Learning & Health Centre - Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, (Educational) Kinesiology, Nutrition Medicine, Brain Gym® & Autism Recovery Therapy. Click here to visit the website >>(Please be patient with this website as it may take a little time to load.)

My passion is the reversal of Autism, AD(H)D in children & chronic diseases in adults

Servicing area

Adelaide, Eastern Suburbs, South Australia

Focus areas

Autism spectrum disorders Brain injuries Dementia Early intervention Learning disabilities Colitis

My third child was born with a severe brain injury and this affected not only his brain, but his body as well. After a few months, he was diagnosed with severe spastic quadruplegia and there was no known cure for this in Western Medicine. As I wanted to help him improve his brain function, I studied many alternative modalities to help him reach his optimum potential. 

If a modality was successful, I decided to learn it, so that I could help others as well. This became a lifelong journey and passion for me.

When Autism and chronic diseases became more prevalent, I needed  more nutritional tools, so I became a Specialist Naturopath, Nutrition Medicine Practitioner, Herbalist, Homoeopath and a Bio-medical Practitioner. I am also a fully registered Teacher in SA, professional Trainer, professional (Educational) Kinesiologist and a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). I holds a Masters Degree in Nutrition Medicine and Biochemistry

For the last 30 + years I have worked with adults and children to improve health, (neuro) development, learning, behaviour and well-being.

I have now specialised in the recovery from (regressive) autism and the reversal of the course of gut/brain related chronic diseases that affect men, women, children & babies.

The nature of a chronic disease or condition is different in these groups, so please click on the link that is most appropriate for you:

  • Men's health
  • Women's health
  • Children's health


I have co-written an international best seller: "Elevate Your Health", which is available from most book stores. Her chapter is titled: "Gut Revelations". You can purchase the ebook and the hard copy by clicking on the following link:

Click here to purchase

Here are some of the cnditions I have dealt with in c
  • Recovery from Regressive Autism & (Neuro) Developmental disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) such as Aspergers syndrome
  • ADD, ADHD, concentration & other behaviour problems
  • Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, CAP Disorder & other learning disabilities
  • Specific learning difficulties in Reading, Phonics, Comprehension, Writing, Spelling & Mathematics
  • Developmental delay, language & speech development
  • Brain injuries and early stages of Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Disease
  • Diet, Nutrition, Lifestyle, Health & Wellbeing
  • Allergies, Food intolerances, Hayfever & Asthma
  • Skin conditions such as Eczema, Psoriasis & Acne
  • Gut conditions such as IBS, Crohn's disease & Ulcerative colitis


The following articles can be obtained from the Optimum Learning & Health Centre or from the web:
  1. A fresh focus on our food

  2. How to Improve Learning. Information booklet : This information booklet shows the effect of Brain Gym® and the amazingly effective Integration process on reading writing, spelling and maths through writing examples of "before and "after"

  3. How to Improve Reading. Information booklet about the Learning to Read for Sure Method, now called the "SureReading" programme:

    If you have difficulties downloading the information booklets, please Email me at

I am a Member of the AKA (Australian Kinesiology Association) where I am registered as a Level 3 Practitioner and an accredited member of the ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society).

In South Australia I am registered with the Teachers Registration Board as a Fully Registered Teacher.

Upcoming Courses

Please click on the images below to download flyers about my upcoming courses (incl. course outline, dates and times...)

Autism - Brains in Crisis


Autism - Moving out of Crisis

Autism - Moving towards Literacy

Reading Readiness


Syllabification Rules

Live Maths




I am a Consultant and Instructor in the following Kinesiology techniques:
  • Brain Gym
  • Educational Kinesiology
  • Immuno Kinesiology
  • Food For Health
  • Brainfood
A Consultant in:
  • Touch For Health
  • Applied Physiology
  • Kinergetics (Level 1 to Level 7)
  • Stress Indicator Points (SIPS) (1-3 + BAP)
  • One Brain (Basic one Brain - Structural Neurology)
  • Australian Bush Flower Essences
  • Chironic Healing
  • Homeopathic Meridian Science (HMS)
  • Chakra Hologram

In 1999 I became a Diplomat in Neural Organization Technique (NOT) (see other website) after studying with Dr Carl Ferreri DC, its Developer.

In 2001 I started studying for a Master's degree in Health Sciences (Nutrition Medicine) at the University of New England, New South Wales and in 2003 and 2004 I won the scholarship for Academic Excellence awarded by the South Australian Chapter of the Alumni Association of UNE. In March 2005 I graduated and was awarded the Dean's Merit Award of the Faculty of Education, Health and Professional Studies upon graduation.

Whilst studying at UNE I started studying Western Herbal Medicine followed by Homoeopathy and in May 2005 I graduated with a diploma in Advanced Naturopathy from the Adelaide Training College of Complementary Medicine in South Australia. In May 2006 I completed a Diploma in Western Herbal Medicine and was awarded the prize for All Round Excellence in Studies. In 2007 I completed a diploma in Homoepathy.

Click here to our Workshops and Courses page


Free half hour introductory phone consultation

Naturopathy Herbal Medicine Iridology Kinesiology Nutrition Remedial Therapies Touch for Health Allergy Testing / Treatments Weight Loss Time Line Therapy® Biofeedback Children's Health Counselling Online Holistic Counselling Online Homoeopathy Online Naturopathy Online Life Coaching Online Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Online Nutrition Online Weight Loss Online Allergy Testing Online Kinesiology Online Buteyko Breathing Technique Online Homoeopathy Educational Kinesiology Flower Essences Brain Gym Children's Health Life Coaching Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Buteyko Breathing Technique Men's Health Energy Healing Spiritual Healing Women's Health
$0 $0 Per session
100% OFF

If you have any queries or if you want to discuss your or your child's issues with me, you can ring me on 0423763273 or email me: with some dates and times that suit you & I will book you in for the free consultation.

Business Hours

We're open 7 days.


2:00 pm To 6:00 pm


4:30 pm To 7:00 pm


9:30 am To 6:00 pm


4:30 pm To 7:00 pm


1:30 pm To 6:00 pm


9:30 pm To 12:00 pm


12:00 pm To 2:00 pm


  • Diploma In Western Herbal Medicine
  • Master of Health Sciences In Nutrition Medicine
  • Master of Health Science In Biochemistry
  • Level 6 Kinesiology Specialist Practitioner (KSP)
  • Professional Trainer
  • Fully Registered Teacher In SA
  • Diploma of Homeopathy
  • Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • Advanced Diploma In Naturopathy

Professional Membership

  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
  • AKA - Australian Kinesiology Association

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