You The Conqueror therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2014

You The Conqueror

You The Conqueror

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You the Conqueror provides Mediation, Counselling and Hypnotherapy services to help you and your family overcome learning or concentration challenges, addictions and phobias. Call to hear how we can help you move forward in life

You The Conqueror - Therapy

Servicing area


Focus areas

Breakdown Love Hypnotherapist Tiredness Stress Management Drug addiction

Child Therapy

You the Conqueror can help your child with a variety of behavioural issues that they may be experiencing. If they are having trouble:

    • Learning or concentrating in class


    • Controlling their emotions (sadness, inappropriate anger or fear)


    • Breaking bad habits or habitual patterns


    • Dealing with separation


    • Communicating with their peers or teachers


    • Nightmares, phobias


    • Going to sleep at night, or staying in their own bed


    • If your child is bullied or is a bully


You the Conqueror is able to offer comfort and specifically designed therapies so that your child can understand how the problems occur and thereby change their behaviour, and results, both social and academic.

Emotional Stability

You the Conqueror can help with:

    • Depression


    • Lethargy or overwhelming tiredness


    • Relationship breakdowns


    • Inner conflict / confusion


    • Feeling Overwhelm


    • Abuse


    • Phobias


    • Guilt


    • Stress at work or home


    • Inner conflict / confusion


    • PTSD


    • Anger


    • Hurt and inner pain


    • Fears / anxiety


Confidence Therapy

Do you feel like you are being held back from achieving your goals because of low self-esteem or a lack of confidence in yourself? Do you watch opportunities pass you by as you surrender to your own imposed limitations?

Have you got the feeling that your life is destined to be mediocre (or worse) because you feel:

    • You aren’t good enough


    • You aren’t educated enough


    • You are the wrong colour/race/sex/age/size


    • You don’t deserve it


    • You can’t make money


    • You come from the wrong “side of town”



There will undoubtedly be times in your life when you need to talk things out. You the Conqueror provides you with non-traditional couples and family counselling services which will provide you with strategies and understanding so that you are able to:

    • Discover peace from your situation, and move on with healthy memories


    • Re-align your values and build healthy goals together


    • Learn listening skills that allow you to really understand each other’s true message in communication


    • Re-connect and re-discover the love that originally bonded you together


    • Accept one another’s differences and agree upon compromises that allow mutual respect


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

 Have you got a habit or an addiction in your life that you really wish you did not! If you truly think you are “hooked”, then you will have no chance at changing, so the initial steps in breaking the pattern is to believe that change is possible.

You the Conqueror have several techniques and programmes that will help you to make these changes effortlessly and swiftly.

We can help with:

    • Drug Addiction


    • Weight Change


    • Compulsive behaviour


    • Hair Pulling


    • Smoking


    • Alcohol Abuse


    • Nail Biting


    • And more…



A phobia can be embarrassing at the best of times, as you lose control of your emotions without any warning.  A phobia can ruin your life, ruin your vacation, and limit your career.

You the Conqueror is able to revert this and show you that it is possible for you to remove any phobia.  It doesn’t serve you! So let it go!

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!

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