Belle Hogan
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Detox for Health and Weight Loss Cleaning the #1 elimination organ of the body is the most important step of an effective cleanse. Every time you remove built up wastes from the bowel it has this wonderful systemic effect on what the rest of the body is able to eliminate. Alternately, if the bowel is blocked or sluggish, it's like having a blocked drain in your house. Wastes back up and accumulate filling your house with garbage. Your body will not let you lose weight if you have more toxicity coming in than going out! It's a built-in protection mechanism.
Colonic Hydrotherapy, Colonic Irrigation or Colonics
Servicing area
Logan AreaFocus areas
What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Did you know the average person who is not overweight has between 4-12 kilos of dried up poop in their colon? The 21st Century is tough on the digestive system; with our over processed diet and fast paced lifestyles the colon can become cloged. Many medical experts believe that this build up of toxins can turn us into disease time bombs, increasing the risk of diseases. Colon Hydrotherapy can aid in the removal of those built up toxins and improve your health by removing a root cause of disease.
The colon is the primary eliminator of wastes and toxins in our body, fundamentally acting as our sewrage system, a healthy colon is not only essential for effective elimination, it is also necessary for the absorption of vital nutrients. Over time wastes can build up in our colon leading to a variety of digestive disorders such as constipation, IBS, Candida overgrowth, bloating and flatulence. These built up toxins are also absorbed back into the blood stream resulting in general signs of toxicity such as fatigue, headaches, moodiness, food sensititivities and skin dissorders. Over time this gradual poisioning of the system can result in more serious disease, depending on which tissues the toxins settle in. Arthritus, chronic fatigue and cancer have all been linked to a toxic colon.
Colon Hydrotherapy is not a cure, but a valuable procedure used to assist the body with a wide variety of conditions. Colonic irrigation gently washes the colon of debris, re=tones the bowel wall and opens up our detoxification pathways. The bodies toxic burden is aleviated and the digestive system is able to function more effectively.
Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy
- Improved digestive function
- Increased energy and vitality
- Glowing skin and clear eyes
- Clearing up of acne and skin conditions
- Healthy and natural weight loss
- Reduces the effects of ageing
- Boosts emotional well-being
- Improved mental clarity
- Elimination of allergies
- Relief from bloating, constipation and IBS
- Aids in the removal of nasty parasites
- Helps the body to detoxify
- Loosening of mucus in the lungs
- Removes hardened waste and harmful toxins
- Strengthens muscular contraction of the colon - peristalsis
We are one of the few clinics in Australia to be utilising the worlds premier gravity feed open designed system, ensuring you the safest, simpelest and most effective solution available. You will enjoy a comfortable reclining chair experience, in privacy and with dignity, lasting approximately 45 minutes. Patients will experience profound elimination results after one session and will appreciate the procedure for its many health giving benefits.
The system is FDA, TGA and CE Mark-registered Class II medical device.
Single use disposable nozzles and modesty covers are utilised and the machine is thoroughly cleaned with hospital grade disinfectant prior to every use.
Book now and be surprised by the changes.
Weekend Retreat - Yoga & Detox - Reset & Renew
48hrA Weekend to Reset & Revitalize Your Mind, Body & Spirit! From 5.30pm Friday to 4.30pm Sunday you will be cleansed with colonics, detox saunas, lymph massage, and energy healings. You will be nurtured with yin yoga, guided breath work, and meditation sess
Yoga & Detox Mini Retreats
6hr 30minCleansing Body, Mind, & Soul
Business Hours
We're open 3 days.
Tuesday |
9:00 am | To | 8:00 pm |
Thursday |
9:00 am | To | 8:00 pm |
Saturday |
9:00 am | To | 4:00 pm |
- Colon Hydrotherapist
- Yoga Instructor
Professional Membership
- IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists
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