Sue Hamilton
Bowen Therapy Clinic & Training at Karana Downs
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Bowen Therapy & Training at Karana Downs
Servicing area
Brisbane, Ipswich, Karana Downs, Kenmore, Forest Lake, Karalee, QueenslandFocus areas
Beautiful Balinese flags billow in the breeze along Mount Crosby Road, Karana Downs, West of Brisbane. Welcoming clients to a stylish, state of the art Bowen Therapy and Wellness Clinic.
Just a 10 minute drive from either Kenmore or Ipswich, Bowen Therapy at Karana Downs is high up on the mountain ridge, situated in a tranquil bush land setting, featuring contemporary, well-appointed, recently refurbished air-conditioned treatment rooms, with plenty of safe roadside parking and easy access from both the city and country.
- Bowen Therapy
- Wolfe Non Surgical Therapy
- Functional Nutrition advice - included with consultation
- Exercise, Yoga and Stretching advice and printouts -included with consultation
- Please visit my website for more information about the benefits of Bowen Therapy for your health and wellbeing.
Sue Hamilton
Your Registered Bowen Practitioner & Accredited Instructor, Sue Hamilton, is a fully qualified Bowen Therapy practitioner
Sue's qualifications:
Senior Cert IV & Diploma of Bowen Therapy - Est 25 years
Bowen Therapy Training and Assessment qualification
Masters Class Certificate
Functional Nutrition
Certified Yoga Instructor
Bowen Therapy at Karana Downs is the home of one the most experienced Bowen practitioners West of Brisbane. Sue has worked in the Heath and Wellness Industry for over 40 years and founded Bowen Therapy and Wellness at Karana Downs, West of Brisbane, where Bowen Therapy and Wolfe Non Surgical Therapy is used to treat pain of all types, sports injuries, trauma, stress, hormonal imbalance, frozen shoulder, sciatica and many other ailments including difficult and unsuccessfully treated ailments and injury's. Long standing reoccurring problems and areas of concern and pain of unknown origin.
"You told me that you could treat my crippling sciatica with 3 treatments, a week apart. I was extremely skeptical. Especially when you started the treatment and the moves on my body were a relatively light pressure, compared to some remedial massage that I'd had the week before. But after the first treatment with you I felt different! I felt balanced and grounded for the first time in years, and the pain in my left buttock down through my leg to my foot had reduced by 50%. Within weeks, just as you said, I was feeling like my old self again. Thank you Sue for helping me out of my pain. It was depressing to have Sciatica, and very debilitating. I'm now able to do things that I haven't done in years. I shall keep up my monthly maintenance Bowen treatments with you too, as a preventive measure, thanks for maintaining my good health. I love coming to your clinic, always clean, relaxing and smelling good :-) Cheers, see you soon"
- Meredith G. Forest Lake Q
"As a registered nurse of 28 years, I don't know how many times I've counselled patients that after a fall/accident/trauma they are often going to feel worse the next day and even worse the day after that. This is the usual course of events for any type of trauma to the body. But with a Bowen session the day after my big fall, I was deeply surprised at how much better I felt, rather than being more sore and achy.
I recommend Bowen as soon as possible after an injury, to bring the body back to balance!"
- Sharon L., Nurse, Karana Downs (after falling on her already injured shoulder)
Bowen Therapy and Wellness at Karana Downs
1hr 30minLongest Est Bowen Therapist in area. Highly experienced and professional services. Bowen Therapy, Top to Toe - All body health, Wolfe Non Surgical therapy, Perfect Day consultation. Best and most experienced/effective in SE Qld.
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