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Member since 2016

Ensha Reiya

Ensha Reiya

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Codes For Change and Acceleration Workshops. The Codes are a unique, simple, powerful, and efficient New Technology for Personal and Spiritual Growth.

Transformational Workshops - Codes For Change and Acceleration

Servicing area

Brisbane, QLD, Australia & Globally

Focus areas

Pellowah Pellowah healing Pellowah attunements Distance pellowah Pellowah teacher Umana technique

There are 4 Codes For Change and Acceleration Workshops. Each workshop activates a unique strand of Codes, the workshops can be done in any order, and you can do 1 of them or all 4. Once you have done the workshop/s it takes a few minutes each day to reactivate the incredible benefits in your physical and energetic field.

Codes For Life  - This workshop is suitable for everybody both children and adults. It will give you the Codes to improve self-esteem and confidence, problem solve, have clarity, help with retaining information, and many more useful attributes so you can improve your life on a daily basis in a fun easy and balanced way. 1 DAY WORKSHOP

Codes For Change and Acceleration 1 - Is a series of 13 Codes designed to activate within your field to produce change and accelerate your spiritual growth. 1 DAY WORKSHOP

Codes For Change and Acceleration 2 - Is a second series of 13 Codes designed to activate within your field to produce change and accelerate your spiritual growth. 1 DAY WORKSHOP

Codes For Change and Acceleration Advanced - Is a much more advanced Codes for Change workshop, it will take your Codes journey to the next level. This workshop will activate and accelerate you path and abilities. It will bring to the surface any hidden talents and an enormous number of resources from much higher levels. 1 DAY WORKSHOP


  • Accessing Higher Consciousness
  • Increases Clarity *Empowerment *Intuition *Awareness
  • Simple, easy and permanent change.
  • Put you in charge of your personal growth and expansion.


The Codes talk to the deepest part of you allowing growth on an expanded yet personal level. Helping you to operate on a higher level in your daily life so things become easier. 

"You dont have to change your life to do this, but doing this will change your life"

Private 1:1 Weekday Codes Workshop are available by arrangement, contact Ensha to organise  your 1:1 Codes Workshop

Client Testimonials

The Codes have bought a sense of clarity and calmness like I have never known. And in the midst of a storm, I have been able to find peace like I have never known. The benefits seem endless, and I am surprising myself with new insights daily. Anonymous Brisbane

I recently attended a Codes For Life Workshop. I found this to be a great addition to my spiritual wellbeing. I enjoy the practice of starting my morning with this positive technique. It's selfcare, self love, spiritual health and a positive way to start the day. Would highly recomend this workshop as another tool for you to work with for your highest and best self. Laura Brisbane

I really enjoyed it. I still feel uplifted, motivated, calm and at peace. It is like the “worry” has gone away. I feel excited about my life. I can now sense that everything is okay. It feels like I now have peace of mind. I would thoroughly recommend it. I like that it is easy to do and only takes a few minutes each day. I now have a positive feeling about my life which grows stronger each day – M Amor Journey To Awakening - Tweed Heads

I thoroughly loved The Codes For Change and Acceleration workshop and am enjoying using the codes daily. New technology is always welcomed, especially when it is user friendly and gets results. I’m so excited about the future and the magic it holds. Ensha’s excitement at teaching this new technology definitely comes through in this workshop as she shares her knowledge, wisdom and love for our growth and expansion  J Willis - Robinson Quantum Growth Coaching - Gold Coast

I would highly recommend this workshop for anyone who is interested in fine tuning their new life and for moving forward in this reality. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful these tools are and how we never stop learning. Ensha’s workshops are a must for anyone on the evolving spiritual path. Maybe I’ll meet you there ;)) Jenny Willis- Robinson. Law of Attraction Life Coach - Gold Coast

Codes for Change and Acceleration is just amazing and fascinating. I do feel a difference on the day when I don’t do it and amazing on the day when I do. It is a great tool for growth and also assurance. I love it. It is like texting God knowing that he received my texts and replied. Ashni - Brisbane

For further details on Workshops and Training with Ensha please visit enshareiya.com or pellowahhealingandtraining.com or make an enquiry on m 0409 040 283

Business Hours

We're open 6 days.


8:00 am To 7:00 pm


8:00 am To 7:00 pm


8:00 am To 4:00 pm


8:00 am To 7:00 pm


8:00 am To 7:00 pm


8:00 am To 4:00 pm


  • Certified Pellowah Trainer Level 3
  • Certified Pellowah Healer Level 1 & 2
  • Certified Umana Technique© Practitioner
  • Certified Past Life Assimilation Practitioner
  • Certified Reiki Master
  • Certified Reiki Teacher
  • Certified Arbah Healer
  • Certified Codes For Change & Acceleration Trainer

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