Rebecca Czapnik therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2017

Rebecca Czapnik

WARM WATER HEALING with Rebecca Czapnik

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Watsu® | WaterDance™ | Fluid Presence®

Watsu | WaterDance | Fluid Presence

Focus areas

Nervous system Hydrotherapy Relaxation Physical pain Love Infertility

Anyone can benefit from Aquatic Therapy and the healing properties of warm water.
It's another level of relaxation and healing.
Those who love float tanks are amazed by Aquatic Therapy.



Watsu® (Water Shiatsu)  

began at Harbin Hot Springs when Harold Dull started floating people in the warm pool

while applying the stretches and principles of Zen Shiatsu.

The receiver is supported on the surface of the water throughout the session as various

innovative massage and yoga-like stretching techniques are combined into a seamless whole-body dance.

Watsu® can now be found at spas and resorts worldwide. 


Fluid Presence ™

is an integrative, somatic, holistic warm-water therapy and land-based approach

to awakening and living from our intrinsic wholeness.

Developed by Shantam through decades of practice in Watsu, WaterDance, Biodynamic Cranial Touch,

and spiritual mentoring with Adyashanti, Fluid Presence invites you to dive deeply into the direct experience of your essential nature.

Through the fluidity and support of the water, constant attention to your breath, and gentle, loving, and intuitive touch,

we explore the depth and grace of your being, welcoming all of who you are. 



WaterDance™ (WATA®) 

is a dynamic movement therapy that uses the three-dimensionality aspects of the underwater world.

Developed by Arjana Brunschwiler and Aman Schroter in Switzerland in 1987, “Wassertanzen” slowly introduces

the receiver to periods of movement underwater where deeper levels of freedom and therapeutic release become possible.

With deep awareness and attention to breath connection, the receiver is given nose clips

and a variety of individually choreographed waves, stretches, dolphin like rolls.


Rebecca’s Aquatic Therapy offering is deeply informed by Polyvagal Theory, the research of Bessel Van Der Kolk and Attachment theory.

She collaborates closely with other mental health care professionals.

The warm water is a potent environment for integrating peak spiritual and emotional experiences.

This may include medicine journeys. The water offers safety, and deep relaxation to the nervous system.

In this environment, supported by movement, touch and the practitioner as witness,

the body is able to move with or release any disruptive energy.

This can be profoundly healing, enabling wisdom and insight to be integrated

and embodied into everyday life and relationships.


Rebecca says: "the water's gifts are profound, offering learning and healing around trust, surrender, softening, fear, intimacy, creative flow, birth, death, our interconnectedness and receiving greater love.

As a guide, I hold a space of compassion and emergence inviting you to connect deeply with your felt experience in this moment.

From that place so much is revealed.”


Professional Membership

  • IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists

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