Jenetta Haim therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
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Jenetta Haim

Stressfree ManagementĀ® - Jenetta Haim

36 Gipps Rd Greystanes NSW 2145

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We provide Reiki healing, holistic healthcare, naturopathy, diet, nutrition, sensitivity tests, hypnotherapy, counselling, meditation, coaching, workshops, courses.Ā 

Stressfree Management - Reiki

Servicing area

Greystanes, New South Wales

Focus areas

Supervision Tinnitus Arthritis Heart disease Menopause Bullying

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We specialise in nutritional naturopathy, hypnotherapy, NLP, counselling and also Reiki as well as other energy healing. Residents in Sydney West continually use our Reiki services to help improve energy, health and wellbeing.

What happens during a Reiki session?

Often our energy does not function the way it should in our bodies to keep us healthy. We even talk about this by saying we feel tired and drained but we dont always have the tools to do something about it. Reiki is a gentle healing process which will assist you to heal and help you feel energised. We do Reiki healing for clients as well as teach Reiki at our centre. We can assist you in rebalancing your energies and show you how to use this in your life to stay healthy.

Whether you just need a session as a client or you are looking to learn Reiki and become a practitioner we can assist. As a student you would learn traditionally through all the levels of Reiki and become certified worldwide. Reiki is a spiritual practice also so it will assist you also in your spiritual journey. You also will have the opportunity to join a Reiki Organisation such as Reiki Australia if you wish which could give you more professional standing as a practitioner in the community.

This centre is also certified as a Reiki Australia clinic for the brand new Certificate IV in Reiki Treatment Practice which is a government accredited course. You do not have to be a member of Reiki Australia to do this course however you do need to have studied certain levels of Reiki.

What is the experience of Reiki?

As a Reiki client you could experience different sensations during the process. You may feel hot, cold or tingling. You may feel nothing at all if you are not sensitive enough to tune in to the process. Either way your health will gradually begin to improve and you will feel more relaxed and energised. Your energy centres will dispel some of the blockages you have there and become more balanced.
Once in a while you will find yourself releasing deep negative feelings that you have held onto consciously or subconsciously. This could be brief instances of pain or negative feelings or you may find tears in your eyes. There are only so many ways the body and emotions can be released and once this negativity is released it means you have learnt to let go. This is often called a healing crisis Once this has passed, which doesnt take that long, you will be free.

We also teach all levels of Reiki in the Usui Tradition. Our courses are all certificate courses with World wide accreditation. For more courses information please call us on 0414680713.

How it Works

Ailments you are seeking relief from may well be because your healing energy is not being appropriately accessed in your life. We use a relationship that uses traditional teaching methods; where the therapist is the teacher and the client is the student who learns from us. With that, we will teach you how to rebalance your natural healing energies in your life, so that you can take those principles and apply them to living a more positive life at home and about!

Natural therapies such as Reiki, Sydney, taps into the natural healing centres of the body so that you can heal yourself! Imagine a life being lived where the natural healing powers of your body can be tapped on cue. There are a whole range of applications this can have to make your life lived more fuller and with the most positive outlook possible.

What is the experience of Reiki, Sydney students?

As healing occurs when the energy centres within the body are put into balance, you can expect there to be a range of sensations during this process. This process may take some hours, although most students report an immediate sense of calm and relaxation. After that though, students start feelings significant feelings of joy and relaxation.

Sometimes though, our healing practitioners at Stressfree Management will remind you that- even though if results are generally positive- some clients experience an overwhelming feeling of pain, discomfort or negative feelings. However, this is just a normal part of the process, as this sort of thing can be expected when the energy is put into practice. The negative feelings are merely your body collecting all the negative energy inside of you so that it is enable to be released. Luckily, once those feelings have passed, you will begin feeling better than ever!

Where to from to here?

Who doesnt want to replace negative feelings with positive feelings? Negative ailments can have a hard effect on a persons well-being, reducing their pleasure in life. Whereas we offer to use the natural healing centres of your body to beat your ailments and feel transcendent over your problems! This causes an increase in a positive outlook on your life, your relationships and yourself.

Natural therapies tap into the natural healing centres of the body so you can heal yourself. The practitioners at Stressfree Management are standing by to deliver a personalised experience to help boost your natural energy and promote the healing process. If you are ready to give Reiki a try, you can call Stressfree Management on 0414680713 to schedule your treatment procedures.

We also offer distance healing for people out of town, interstate or overseas.

This clinic is a Reiki Australia Certified Clinic!

Reiki Courses

This clinic is a Reiki Australian Certified Clinic meaning it is recognised as one of the clinics where you can complete your nationally recognised VETAB training for Certificate IV in Reiki Treatment Practice Course Code 10346NAT.

We are accredited to teach all levels of Reiki. Courses are all certified courses with a world wide accreditation. For more information please call us on 0414 680 713.

Give Reiki a try today and call Stressfree Management on 0414680713 to book your session or course.



8 Services

Feng Shui

Feng Shui Energy Healing Energy Healing Courses Energy Healing Energy Healing Online
$400 Per course

A beginners course in how to feng shui your home or office. Both theory and practice. Cost of courses vary so please call us. Certificate on completion and earn CPE points.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui Energy Healing Spiritual Healing
$400 Per session

Feng Shui and energy clearing your home or office to make the most out of your space. Balance your energies, space clearing. Great if you are moving into a new home. Cost varies depending on type of clearing needed and size of home or office. Call us now.

Business Hours

We're open 5 days.


11:00 am To 8:30 pm


11:00 am To 8:30 pm


11:00 am To 8:30 pm


11:00 am To 8:30 pm


11:00 am To 5:00 pm


  • Reiki Master
  • NLP Practitioner
  • Hypnotherapist
  • Naturopath
  • Nutritionist
  • Theta Healing
  • Reiki Teacher

Professional Membership

  • ASCH - The Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists
  • ACA - Australian Counselling Association
  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
  • Complementary Medicine Association
  • ABNLP - NLP Association of Australia
  • HCA - Hypnotherapy Council of Australia
  • Reiki Australia
  • AHA - Australian Hypnotherapists Association
  • Australian Board of NLP
  • Australian National Hypnotherapy Register

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