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Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Brisbane Livewell Clinic (Wavell Heights & Cannon Hill)

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Full Health Screening and Review Our qualified health professionals are trained to use Health Screening tools to test and help recognise how different signs and symptoms may relate to your current state of health. Throughout your initial appointment for your Full Health Screening Brisbane, we will gather a comprehensive and very detailed health history and family history from you. Within this questioning, our health practitioners learn a great deal about the state of your overall health and well-being and potential causes for what you are currently experiencing.

Food Intolerance and Allergy Testing

Servicing area

All Parts of Brisbane.

Focus areas

Gestational diabetes Arthritis Cancer management Gastrointestinal disorders Heart disease Lactation

Pathology Review

Information learned via any blood tests you may have previously had can be used to determine the need for a range of different treatment. The more information your Practitioner has to work with the more comprehensive and accurate your treatment will be. If you haven’t had any previous testing it is not required and if appropriate, your practitioner may refer you for testing after your health review is complete.

Our qualified health professionals are trained to use Health Screening tools to help recognise how different signs and symptoms may relate to your current state of health. Throughout your initial appointment, we will gather a comprehensive and very detailed health history and family history from you. Within this questioning, our health practitioners learn a great deal about the state of your overall health and well-being and potential causes for what you are currently experiencing.

Food Intolerance Testing

Discovering what food(s) you have a sensitivity to can change your life and often it can do so in dramatic ways. It is important to note that there are many reasons that your body is rejecting a particular food. Heredity can play a role as can the existence of chemicals, pesticides, food dyes and colourings. The fact that food now includes artificial ingredients, chemicals and pesticides can make it more difficult to initially understand one’s food allergies or food-related issues. All of these factors underscore the great importance of food intolerance testing.

If you have chronic pain or health issues that you just can’t seem to resolve, the problem could be food-related. We offer a test that reveals if a patient has IgG antibodies when he or she eats a portion of certain food.

We test for a variety of foods that are common among those with intolerances including Corn, Durum Wheat, Gluten, Oats, Rice, Rye, Wheat, Almond, Brazil Nut, Cashew, Cocoa Bean, Peanut, Legume Mix (pea, lentil, haricot), Soya Bean, Walnut, Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Freshwater Fish Mix (salmon, trout), Shellfish Mix (shrimp, prawn, crab, lobster, mussel), Tuna, White Fish Mix (haddock, cod, plaice), Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Celery, Cucumber, Leek, Peppers (red, green, yellow), Potato, Apple, Blackcurrant, Grapefruit, Melon Mix (cantaloupe, watermelon), Olive, Orange & Lemon, Strawberry, Tomato, Egg (whole), Cow’s Milk, Garlic, Ginger, Mushroom, Tea, Yeast.

Food Allergy Testing

Food Allergies are not common and only about 2.5% of the population actually have them. Food Intolerance is what a majority of our patients are diagnosed with. A Food Allergy is when your immune system severely overreacts to a specific food. In fact, your body responds as if that food were toxic! This is where food allergy testing can help.

If you visit an Allergy Clinic and do not have a food allergy most doctors will refer you to a Nutritionist or Dietitian, which will be at an additional cost. A Nutritionist or Dietitian will most likely ask you to complete a Food Elimination Diet which is quite difficult and often fail due to the fact that you must deprive yourself of certain foods. Completing a Food Intolerance test is fast, painless and you receive the results within the week. Our practitioners can recommend a plan for your diet and nutrition allowing you to move forward immediately. Again, if you are unsure about whether you have a Food Allergy or Food Intolerance call the Clinic for impartial advice.

DNA Testing

Each of us is unique and our wellness can be directly affected by our individual, inherent differences as well as diet, lifestyle choices and the environment we live in. We offer DNA Testing in Brisbane instead of using a one-size-fits-all approach, personalized medicine allows practitioners to tailor treatment protocols to achieve more positive outcomes. We are now able to identify patients who are more likely to benefit from specific treatments, nutrient types or dosages in advance than those who are not.

MTHFR Gene Testing

The MTHFR gene, technically called Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase, is a key enzyme required to metabolise homocysteine. It is an enzyme that converts folate you eat into an active form (5-Methyltetrahydrofolate). The MTHFR gene test is used to detect two relatively common mutations in the MTHFR gene that are associated with elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood.

The major cause of high homocysteine levels is folate deficiency. Other factors include insufficient vitamin B12 and genetic mutations in the MTHFR gene. Folate is Vitamin B9 and is not the same as folic acid. (Folic acid is synthetic and is not found in nature. It must undergo various transformations to utilisation.)

You can’t change a defective gene. But you can help it do its job better and minimize problems.

Our highly qualified Naturopaths at Brisbane Livewell Clinic is able to perform an MTHFR gene blood test onsite and if defects are found then help with the following:

  • Help design a diet with foods to avoid, especially certain processed foods
  • Provide information and supplements, such as Vitamin B, to counterbalance effects caused by the mutated gene

Fitgenes Genetic Profiling

The Fitgenes Fast Track to Health program is based on the science of Nutrigenomics and how our genes are influenced by our nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. Scientific evidence tells us that our genes are not static, but in fact responsive to the choices we make, which impacts on how effectively they ‘express’ themselves. Gene expression is a way of explaining how we feel in terms of our wellbeing and how effectively our bodies function.

Based on a non-invasive saliva sample which is analysed and returned to us as a personalised genetic profile, we are able to take a holistic approach to addressing facets of your genetic profile that reveal what nutritional supplements will benefit you the most, the best choices of foods to consume and the type of exercise that will have a positive effect. This effectively eliminates any guesswork around what will work for you as the treatment plan is based on your own genetic profile.

We will guide you through the Fitgenes Fast Track to Health program with a series of consultations, ultimately seeing you through to a healthier state of physical and mental wellbeing.


Yours in Health and Happiness


Please phone and talk with us on (07) 3861 5881

or click any of these links.

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 (Clinic Directions) - Wavell HeightsCannon Hill


36 Services

Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture Acupressure Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Moxibustion
$88 Per session

Subsequent Consultation


Remedial Massage Pregnancy Massage
$500 Per session

Save $50 with this Pregnancy Massage Package. 5 x 1 Hour Massages. (Must be Pre paid)

Business Hours

We're open 6 days.


8:00 am To 8:00 pm


8:00 am To 8:00 pm


8:00 pm To 8:00 pm


8:00 pm To 8:00 pm


8:00 am To 8:00 pm


9:00 am To 4:00 pm


  • Certificate In Bowen Therapy
  • Hypnotherapy Practitioner
  • Degree In Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Bowen Practitioner
  • Qualified Physiotherapist
  • Mindset Coach
  • Clinical Nutritionists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Certificate In Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss
  • Qualified Naturopath
  • Diploma In Hypnotherapy Gastric Band
  • Remedial Massage Therapist
  • Diploma of Health Science In Holistic Kinesiology (College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney, 2008)
  • Bachelor of Health Science In Naturopathy (ANTA)
  • Bachelor of Science In Dietetics
  • Energy Healer
  • Diploma of Health Sciences In Holistic Kinesiology
  • Registered Acupuncturist
  • Registered Acupuncturist (The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia)
  • Nutritionist
  • Naturopath
  • Diploma In Remedial Massage Therapy

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