Judy Harland
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Judy Harland - Wellness Programs
Servicing area
Cairns, QLD and Sydney, NSWFocus areas
Judy is highly experienced and has been a Wholistic Health Practitioner for over 16 years.
Specializing in all:
- Digestive Health problems
- Gut Related symptoms
- Acid reflux
- Gerds
- Heartburn
- Stomach Ulcers
- Duodenal Ulcers
- Liver and Gallbladder
- Pancreas/Pancreatic/pancreatitis problems
- Leaky Gut
- Intestinal Permeability
- Food Sensitivity
- Food Intolerance
- Food Allergy
- Allergies
- Constipation/Diarrohea
- Parasites
- Diabetes /mature onset
Also Judy successfully Treats those with
- Autoimmune Disease
- Asthma
- Kidney disease
- Hashimoto
- Arthritis
- Other autoimmune disease
- Thyroid
- Endocrine disorders
- Hormone Testing
- Fatigue
- Adrenal Exhaustion
- Adrenal Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Genetic testing
- Functional Medicine Testing
- Adrenal fatigue
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Chronic disease including Cardiovascular Disease
- Addiction Recoveryfor those committed to restore health
- Anti Aging Medicine
- Health Screenings/General
- General Health
- Wellbeing
- Wholistic Health
- Natural Health
- Integrated Health
These are only a few examples of what you'll discover... as often the above symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to improving your overall health... many health issues are interrelated... and you'll learn 5his as you work along with Judy
But don't take my word for it .... read some of the hundreds of testimonials below....
"Judy has been working in my medical practice for sometime.
I have referred many clients to her who were experiencing gut disorders, gut infections, blood sugar problems and diabetes, adrenal and chronic fatigue, thyroid problems, autoimmune disease, degenerative disease and mental illness.
Judy is always very thorough and detailed in her investigations and explanations of these disorders to her clients.
To improve your health and well being and to achieve optimal health: I recommend Judy Harland to you as an excellent and dedicated Naturopathic Practitioner.."
- Dr Sue Cory
Edge Hill Medical Practice
"With Judys incredible knowledge and guidance I have gone from a stage 3 renal/kidney patient to a stage 1!
My renal specialist and cardiologist are amazed and never thought it possible: I was told I would be on dialysis by now but with my commitment to be well again and the amazing guidance i received from Judy I have been able to turn my health around.
I am truly blessed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart".
- Di, Cairns
"I first went to Judy with the symptoms of lethargy and mild depression that a GP had simply prescribed iron tablets for. Judy has since informed me through her comprehensive and educational consultations on the systems within my body and their connections with each other.
I now understand how to take care of myself and as a result Ive experienced a level of health that inspires me to continue to do so.
Thanks to Judy I feel enlightened and empowered to make healthier choices and take care of myself and my children in the future. Ive never felt better physically or emotionally.
My sincerest thanks to you always Judy, youve given me my Life back!"
- Bec, Cairns
"I'm 45 and had asthma and sinusitis and allergies since my teens....that's 30 years! I got really worried as I was on a lot of medications and my symptoms were getting worse over the years. I found it increasingly difficult to exercise and breath and my sinus was worse at night when I was trying to sleep.
I had been to other natural therapists but never had much success.
I was desperate and was referred to Judy. I found she was extremely thorough in her investigations and lab testing... I felt confident because she is so very knowledgeable. We worked together on my health for a while ..and although it was not always easy I persevered... Judy never gave up on me and I'm so grateful for that because today my asthma and sinus and allergies are gone...and I'm very happy to say I very rarely require medication these days ....
Furthermore my energy and exercise tolerance has improved greatly. .and I feel and look healthier than I've been in years. I recommend Judy Harland to anyone who really wants to get well ...Judy really cares."
- Richard H
What is
Naturopathy is based on the healing power of nature and the bodys ability to fight disease and heal itself. It is holistic and therefore acknowledges all aspects of your health mind, body and spirit
Naturopathy includes the following modalities:
- Herbal Medicine/Bach Flowers
- Lifestyle
- Nutritional supplements
- Diet
- Iridology/other tests
What Conditions Can a Naturopath Treat?
As a naturopath, I focus on your health holistically physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - I look at balance verses imbalance.
The Naturopathic Philosophy
Health is not simply the absence of disease
Balance is the key to good health something we may often lose track of. Imbalance on the other hand can result in sickness and disease.
As a Naturopath, my aim is to help you identify were there is imbalance and help you get back on track to good health and wellbeing.
What Happens in a Naturopathic Consultation?
Judy's treatment is gentle and non invasive. The consultation is totally focused on you and what you are hoping to change or improve. The first consultation is an information gathering exercise. Changes and recommendations are implemented.
As judy's treatment is natural and wholistic it can be applied to support almost all conditions ranging from:
- Liver Detox; Digestive complaints, including irritable bowel (IBS); bloating, constipation, acid reflux, fatty liver, gallbladder, pancreatitis/ candida/ allergy and infection
- Thyroid conditions both hyper and hypothyroid conditions can be improved
- Respiratory conditions of all kinds including asthma / bronchitis and other respiratory conditions
- Cardiovascular conditions including high blood pressure/ high cholesterol/ other cardiovascular conditions can be improved with well selected natural therapies and diet and lifestyle changes
- Neurological and emotional conditions including anxiety and depression and insomnia
- Hyper/hypo glycaemia and Diabetes can be better managed/improved
- Arthritis can be improved/pain can be reduced
- Gynecological problems can be alleviated/improved
- Cancer patients can be supported
- Those who have given up alcohol and drugs who want to regain back their health and mental focus can benefit enormously - providing they are committed to their healing and recovery
- Kidney and bladder conditions can improve and patients may enjoy much better quality of life
Making a decision to see Judy can be a positive step in taking responsibility for your own health and well being.
So Why Have Naturopathy Consultation?
Naturopathy has been around for a very long time and it is a complete system of healthcare that encourages the body to heal itself in the most gentle possible way. This ancient practice aims to identify the underlying cause of the health issue and treats the whole person/body and not just the disease.
Other forms if treatment used include:
- Iridology
- Massage
- Diet and Life style counselling/coaching
- Counselling/basic & much more
Iridology - the study of markings on the coloured part of the eye called the iris. Iridologist believe different patterns, colours and markings can give insight into existing and emerging health conditions.
Today trained iridologists use this map and view the eye using a specially adapted torch with magnification attached. Whilst the iridologist cannot diagnose disease, overall health and any potential weakness may be seen.
Other Specialities / Services
Judy will tour your supermarket with you and teach you how to read labels and how to shop for your health. Judy will also visit you in your home and go through your pantry or fridge and educate you about what's good, what's bad & what's got to go!
Judy also gives talks/runs workshops on aging and common health problems, as well as providing information on getting some of your friends/family together to host an educational healthy lifestyle workshop in your own home.
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!
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