What is Iridology?

Iridology is the process of studying the iris to determine the state of the body and spot potential health issues. Your iris is connected to various organs in your body through the nervous system and can help you and your healthcare provider identify what steps to take to improve your health. By looking at the colour and patterns of the iris, you can determine what needs to be done to improve the health of the body's systems.

Iridology in Melbourne

What are the Benefits of Iridology?

Iridology is not to be confused with other diagnostic tools used to detect symptoms of disease. But what makes it so much better is the fact that it allows you to see what health conditions you may be at risk of developing as a result of the images of your glands, organs and tissues recorded in your irises. Iridology is mainly used to identify the telltale signs of poor health and provide support to the body where it is needed. Among the problems it can spot include:

  • Poor circulation
  • Stress
  • Inflammation
  • Toxin accumulation
  • Vitamin or mineral deficiencies
  • Overactive or underactive organs

How Much Does Iridology in Melbourne Cost?

For disease prevention, there is no better time than now to visit an iridologist in Melbourne. Iridology sessions typically cost $150 to $180, depending on the duration of the session and any additional treatments. You will also have to consider where you are planning to have your iris checked. Iridology sessions online are typically cheaper than face-to-face sessions.

How Popular is the Iridology Profession in Melbourne?

Naturopathic medicine uses iridology as a key component in supporting the body's innate healing abilities, which means that many of the world's iridologists are qualified naturopaths who specialize in a variety of natural therapies. Perth and other parts of Western Australia account for 24% of Australia's naturopathic workforce. Apart from iridology, they also specialize in nutrition, herbal medicine and homoeopathy, massages and many other natural therapies.

What is the Demand for Iridology in Melbourne?

Iridology is a vital part of naturopathy, which is widely used by Australians to improve their health and wellbeing. While statisticians have not yet determined the number and profile of residents in Perth or across Australia who use iridology, a study conducted by academic researchers in Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide (McIntyre et al., 2019) shows that most of them are aged between 18 and 29.