What is Cupping?

Cupping is an ancient therapy method used to help with a variety of health problems. It entails placing glass cups on areas of the body that are affected by a patient's condition. The practitioner then uses heat to create a vacuum in the cup, allowing negative energy to be drawn out of the affected area. This aids in the removal of toxins and stagnation in the body, which leads to healing.

Cupping in Broadmeadows

What are the Benefits of Cupping?

By sucking out toxins and congestion from the body, cupping increases blood flow and relieves pain, stiffness, aches and soreness. It is a very useful natural therapy, especially in the treatment of joint pain, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis and allergies. Because it causes a circular flow of energy throughout the body, cupping offers a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Releases muscle tension
  • Reduces stress
  • Relieves pain linked to asthma, arthritis, backaches and headaches
  • Helps ease respiratory problems like bronchitis or flu symptoms 
  • Lessens the appearance of cellulite by removing toxins from your lymphatic system
  • Stimulates blood circulation which encourages healthy cellular growth  
  • Helps with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Remove scar tissue from previous injuries
  • Relieves digestive and menstrual problems

How Much Does Cupping Cost in Broadmeadows?

The cost of cupping therapy in Broadmeadows varies widely across different service providers. Depending on the length and location of treatment, the cost ranges between $50 and $95. Home visits, as well as additional cups, will incur additional charges.

How Many Cupping Practitioners are There in Broadmeadows?

As cupping has grown in popularity, more cupping practitioners have emerged in the state of Victoria, including Broadmeadows. In 2013, it was estimated that there were approximately 46 cupping therapists working in the area. Practitioners can be found in TCM clinics, massage clinics, spas or in private practice. 

How Many People in Broadmeadows Use Cupping?

Every day in Australia, many people have cupping performed on them to help treat pain and inflammation caused by medical conditions or previous injuries. Although there is no data on the number of users in Broadmeadows, there are strong indicators that more than 2,000 people seek out cupping therapy each year.