Natural Health and Wellness Articles

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How Your Subconscious Limiting Beliefs Are Running Your Life

The thoughts you hold about yourself, others, and everything around you on a subconscious level affect not only your daily life, but also your chances of success. This article will show you how to rewire your brain to improve your quality of life.

Management of Migraines Headaches Using Herbal Medicine

Learn about migraine symptoms and triggers that can contribute to the worsening of migraine pain. If you are suffering from persistent migraines, this article will also provide you with a multitude of therapeutic herbs and herbal medicine treatments that

Empowering Our Children and Helping Them to Have Better Mental Health

In addition to their environment, children's mental and emotional health depends on the empowerment tools provided to them. Whether you're a parent, educator, or mental health professional, this guide may be helpful.

5 Breathing Exercises Used for Relaxation

Regular practice of those five breathing techniques has astounding physiological effects. This article explains what they are and how to get started.

The Health Benefits of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is not something you are subjected to, but rather something you experience to facilitate your own healing. Check out this article to learn more about its benefits.

Activating and Relaxing Using Ceremonial Cacao

Depending on the time of day, a cup of dark chocolate can help you boost your energy levels or relax. Check out this article for more information about cacao's powerful health benefits.

Vaginal Health and Healing from Bacterial Vaginosis and Thrush

Bacterial vaginosis and other nasty yeast infections can be caused by an unhealthy shift in the balance of vaginal bacteria. The following article explains how to prevent this from happening and keep your vagina healthy.

Stress and Anxiety: An Ayurvedic Perspective

An Ayurveda-based stress-reduction plan is a surefire method to help you overcome anxiety and stress. Learn what makes it so powerful against negative emotions and chronic diseases.

Nutrition in the Management of Anxiety

Ever wondered how the food you eat affects your mental health? This article explains in detail how maintaining good nutrition can prevent anxiety.

Functional Movement Exercise

Functional movement has gained popularity due to its benefits for people of all ages. Learn more about how it works and how the functional movement screening test can predict your fitness level and future injury risk.