Natural Health and Wellness Articles

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Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

There are many natural hair loss remedies that can be used to treat the underlying causes of hair loss and promote hair regrowth without relying on medical treatments that have a slew of side effects. This guide teaches you everything you need to know.

Checkup Musts for 40+ Year Olds

It is important to get regular medical checkups, but from the age of 40, there are some important tests that you should have done to ensure that you are in good health, or to help to pick up on problems before they arise.

Dowsing 101: What is it & What is it for?

When we think of dowsing, we most commonly think of those people that look for water but dowsing can also be used for determining a state of health, asking questions and so forth. Dowsing is a fascinating art and

Menopause Naturally

There are conventional treatments available but if you prefer not to use these, there are plenty of natural therapies that are of help

List of Herbs & Plants + Vitamins & Minerals They Have

Find out which herbs & plants contain which vitamins & minerals that you can use to keep yourself healthy.

Hiccups: All the Things You Need to Know

We’ve all had but what exactly are they, and can they be a source of concern? We’ve done the research for you, so here’s everything that you need to know.

Checkup Musts for 30+ Year Olds

there are some important tests that every person should get in order to ensure that their health is good or to pick up any irregularities before they pose a problem

Natural Therapies for Endometriosis

Endometriosis is not normal and should not be associated with menstruation. If you have this condition, you can find relief from several types of complementary medicines.

Vegetarian and Vegan Diets

We have taken a look at both the positives and the negatives of a vegetarian or vegan diet, so that you can make up your own mind

All About Exercising

No matter how you exercise, there are some tricks that you can use to ensure the maximum benefits