Natural Health and Wellness Articles

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What to Expect from an Iridologist

Have a deeper understanding of your eyes

Essences Basics: Flower, Bush & Shell

Understand Herbal Essences and their uses, benefits and how to choose the right one for you

The Importance of Fatty Acids

Information on Essential Fatty Acids

Way to Improve Your Brain Power

Using herbs, foods, teas and tonics to improve your brain functions

Herbal Pick-Me-Ups to Boost Your Energy Level

Leave the coffee and choose a herbal remedy to revitalise and rejuvenate you!

Top 7 Herbs To Use for Immunity

Herbs to help stregthen your immune system getting you through the winter season

The Goal of Massage Therapy

There is more to massage than simply performing a routine of mechanical movements on the body

The Meaning of Colour

Colour is a form of energy and has unique vibrations - how do you use colour in your life?

What Are Acupuncture Meridian Lines?

Find out what are acupuncture meridian lines & its human body map, as well as zang fu organs & their relationship to acupuncture therapy.

11 Therapies for Natural Pain Management

Try these 11 natural treatments you can use to manage pain you have all over your body.