Holistic Dentistry

Popular Holistic Dentistry articles

Study Suggests Acupuncture Can Help With a Toothache

Apr 07, 2021

A toothache has been compared to other types of pain numerous times, and it has never failed to be labelled worse than most of them. If you suffer a painful dental condition but refuse to take any medication for fear of what it can do to your body?

Dental Hygiene and Your Health: Tips You Need to Know

Feb 18, 2015

Did you know that the health of your teeth can impact your overall health and wellbeing? And the state of your teeth can reveal a lot about your overall health? So even if the thought of visiting the dentist fills you with dread, it could be one of...

The Sugar and Teeth Connection

Dec 03, 2014

As you may already know, sugar is one of the main causes of tooth decay.  However, it is not just the amount of sugar you eat, it is also when you eat it and how long after your sugar consumption that you brush your teeth.When you frequently consume...

Natural Remedies for Tooth Pain

Apr 16, 2014

Tooth pain can be horribly uncomfortable, disrupting your day and perhaps even impacting your sleep. Thankfully, there are some natural remedies that may help minimise tooth pain and bring about relief. What Causes Tooth Pain? Painful pearly whites can...

Natural Remedies for Dental Health

Mar 01, 2013

Australians spend an estimated $6.7 billion on dental care every year. In spite of this, Australia is ranked 18th out of 21 OECD countries for dental health. What's the solution to this problem? Many natural health therapists argue that nature already...

Natural Dental Health

Oct 25, 2012

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy goes beyond brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist once a year. In fact, there are many natural strategies you can try to improve your dental health. Why Dental Health is Important No doubt everyone wants pearly...

Receding Gums Treatment: How to Stop Receding Gums Naturally

May 21, 2010

What do our gums do? Gums are tissues that provide support to the teeth that enable them to function properly. Generally, they are light pink in colour, and have a rippled texture similar to an orange. When gums become unhealthy, they tend to swell, bleed, and...

Simple Tips in Dealing with Gum Disease

Sep 16, 2009

Gum disease (periodontitis) is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and bone which support your teeth. Gum disease, if untreated, can lead to tooth loss and increases your risk of heart attack, stroke and other serious health problems.

Avoid Receding Gums

Jul 03, 2009

Receding gums are as unsightly as they are unhealthy. Oftentimes, having receding gums is an indication of poor oral health. The gums in your mouth are made up of soft tissues that are susceptible to inflammation and damage. Gums may recede due to...

Dental Care 101: What is the Correct Way of Flossing?

May 07, 2009

Flossing is an important dental care practice that many people forget about or neglect. Regular flossing not only promotes good breath but also improves your overall oral health by preventing tooth decay and gum disease. There are different types of...

Chirodontics 101: The Basics You Need to Know

Mar 07, 2009

Chirodontics combines both chiropractic techniques and dentistry in order to help with head, neck, facial, and cranial problems.  If you are suffering from these, read on for more information on how Chirodontics may be able to help you. The Relationship...

Natural Remedies for Fresh Breath

Jan 13, 2009

Do you ever worry that your breath may sometimes smell less than its best?  Don’t rely on traditional mouthwashes and sprays.  There are some natural remedies that will ensure that your breath always smells sweet. Causes of bad breath There are many...

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Hypersensitivity

Dec 19, 2008

Do you suffer from sensitive teeth, whether it is from eating, drinking, or something else?  There are some treatments that can help to ease the pain.  Read on to learn more. What is Dental Hypersensitivity? Dental hypersensitivity is a relatively...

Best Foods for Healthy Teeth

Sep 16, 2008

Healthy teeth are something that we all aspire to.  After all, we all know the value of a beautiful, healthy smile.  But how do we ensure that our teeth are as healthy as they can be?  Read on to learn more. Sugar and its Effects on Teeth The bacteria...

Is Holistic Dentistry Really Dentistry?

Sep 03, 2008

Holistic dentistry is a practice that uses safe, non-toxic methods of caring for your oral health. It covers the same areas as traditional dentistry but works with the entire body in order to ensure optimal health. Read on to find out more. What is...

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