Need to improve your health & wellbeing? Try intuitive healing today!

What is Intuitive Healing?

Health & Wellness
Last Updated Apr 16, 2023

What is Intuitive Healing?

What if you could improve your health by having an intuitive healer alter the state of your mind, body and spirit by transforming the negative energies that are responsible for your pain? Without posing any side effects, and with the guidance of the universal energy source, intuitive healing can holistically address health issues that are keeping you from living your life to the fullest. If you or someone you care about has been struggling with a condition for a long time, and taking conventional medicine has turned out ineffective, then you're in luck as you're about to find out how intuitive healing changes people's lives for the best.

How Does Intuitive Healing Work?

An intuitive healing session combines elements of different healing modalities, including crystal therapy, sound healing, Reiki, Reconnective Healing, kinesiology, meditation and Access Bars, to name a few. The tools used during a healing session will depend on what your energy field requires, which is determined through an energetic scan by the intuitive healer at the beginning of the energy healing session.

An energetic scan, in the context of intuitive healing, refers to the process of assessing a person's energy field, also known as the aura, to identify any imbalances or blockages that may be contributing to physical, emotional, or mental issues. Intuitive healers who perform energetic scans claim to sense or visualize the flow of energy and detect areas where it is stagnant or disrupted. They may use various techniques, such as Reiki or Access Bars, to facilitate healing by restoring balance to the energy field.

Meditation is an important aspect of the healing process that connects the energy healer to the highest source of energy, which comes in different names such as Divine Energy, Life Force, God and Love. This connection will guide them in accessing your consciousness to identify energetic blockages that are disturbing the flow of energy within your meridians or energy system. 

An obstruction in your energetic field stems from thoughts, ideas, beliefs and behaviours moulded from past experiences or trauma. These are the building blocks of emotional pain, mental distress and a slew of symptoms that affect your physical body in many unpleasant ways. The ultimate goal of an intuitive healing session is to transform negative energies into positive ones in order to restore balance and harmony in the mind, body and spirit.

How Does Intuitive Healing Contribute to Health and Wellbeing?

All methods of energy healing involve a reciprocal process, which basically means your role is equally important as the healer's. The practitioner, through the guidance of the ultimate source of energy, can assist you in instilling new thoughts and beliefs, but it is you who decides whether or not to accept these into your subconscious mind. Expressing your intent to overwrite your negative mindset with a positive one will instantly put you in a creation mode where new thoughts and feelings are forged.

Transforming the negative thoughts that are wired in your subconscious will clear your subtle energy, which in turn leads to your personal healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Intuitive healing does not merely eliminate the symptoms of an illness; it is the path that leads to your ability to self-heal. An intuitive healer teaches you how to listen to your body so that you can support its natural healing mechanism, prevent disease and maintain your sense of wellbeing. 

Benefits of intuitive healing

The benefits of intuitive healing may include:

  1. Stress reduction and relaxation
  2. Pain relief and improvement in physical ailments
  3. Emotional and mental well-being
  4. Enhanced self-awareness and personal growth
  5. Increased energy and vitality
  6. Strengthening of the immune system
  7. Improved sleep and overall quality of life
  8. Addiction - helping to break the cycle
  9. Reduction in mental health problems

History and Background of Intuitive Healing

Intuitive healing has roots in various ancient cultures and spiritual traditions, with healers using their intuition and sensitivity to subtle energies to promote health and well-being. While the history of intuitive healing is vast and complex, here are some key aspects from different cultural and historical contexts:

  1. Shamanism: One of the earliest forms of intuitive healing is shamanism, which dates back thousands of years and is found in indigenous cultures worldwide. Shamans, often considered as healers or medicine men/women, use their intuition, altered states of consciousness, and connection to the spirit world to diagnose and treat illnesses and imbalances.

  2. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Dating back over 2,000 years, TCM is a holistic system of healing that recognizes the role of energy, or qi, in maintaining health. TCM practitioners use their intuitive understanding of the body's energy pathways, or meridians, to diagnose and treat imbalances through various modalities, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and qi gong.

  3. Ayurveda: Originating in India over 3,000 years ago, Ayurveda is an ancient holistic healing system based on the balance of energies or doshas within the body. Ayurvedic practitioners use their intuition and knowledge of the body's energy systems to diagnose and treat imbalances through diet, lifestyle, herbal remedies, and other therapies.

  4. Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egyptian healers, known as priests or priestesses, were believed to possess intuitive healing abilities, often invoking divine intervention to assist in healing. They utilized various techniques such as herbs, oils, and amulets, as well as energy healing practices, to restore balance and well-being.

  5. Greek and Roman traditions: In ancient Greece and Rome, intuitive healing was often associated with the temples of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine. Patients would visit these temples to receive dream-based healing, where healers would interpret their dreams to provide insights into their physical and emotional ailments.

  6. Early Christianity: Early Christian mystics and healers, such as St. Hildegard of Bingen and St. Francis of Assisi, were believed to possess intuitive healing abilities. They often relied on divine guidance and spiritual practices to diagnose and treat illnesses and imbalances.

  7. Spiritualism and the New Age movement: In the 19th and 20th centuries, the rise of spiritualism and the New Age movement led to a resurgence of interest in intuitive healing. Modalities such as Reiki, Healing Touch, and Therapeutic Touch emerged during this period, focusing on the role of energy and intuition in promoting health and well-being.

While the specific practices, beliefs, and techniques associated with intuitive healing have evolved over time, the core principle remains the same: the healer uses their intuition, sensitivity to subtle energies, and connection to spiritual or universal forces to facilitate healing in others. Today, intuitive healing continues to be practiced across various cultures and traditions, often in conjunction with conventional medical treatments, as part of a holistic approach to health and well-being.

How do intuitive healers develop and use their intuitive abilities to assess and treat energy imbalances?

Intuitive healers develop and use their intuitive abilities through a combination of innate talent, training, practice, and personal growth. They may sense or perceive energy imbalances in various ways, such as through feelings, images, or even auditory cues. Here are some steps and practices that intuitive healers may use to develop and apply their intuitive abilities:

  1. Acknowledging and embracing intuition: The first step is to recognize and accept one's intuition as a valuable tool. This involves trusting and paying attention to one's inner voice, gut feelings, or sensations that may provide guidance and insight.

  2. Meditation and mindfulness: Regular meditation and mindfulness practices can help healers develop greater self-awareness and tune into their intuition more effectively. By quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment, they can become more attuned to subtle energy shifts and impressions.

  3. Developing psychic abilities: Some intuitive healers may work on developing psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, or claircognizance. These abilities can be honed through exercises, workshops, or guidance from experienced mentors.

  4. Studying energy healing modalities: Learning about various energy healing techniques, such as Reiki, Pranic Healing, or Healing Touch, can provide a deeper understanding of the human energy field and how to work with it. Formal training and certification in these modalities can also help build credibility and competence.

  5. Cultivating empathy and compassion: By developing empathy and compassion, intuitive healers can better connect with their clients and sense the underlying emotions and energy imbalances at play.

  6. Regular practice: Like any skill, intuitive healing abilities can be strengthened through consistent practice. This may involve working with clients, conducting energy scans on oneself, or exchanging sessions with other practitioners.

  7. Maintaining personal energy hygiene: Intuitive healers must take care of their energy field to avoid absorbing negativity from clients or the environment. This can be achieved through regular energy clearing practices, such as grounding, shielding, and cleansing techniques.

  8. Continual learning and growth: Staying up-to-date with the latest research, techniques, and tools in energy healing, as well as engaging in personal and spiritual development, can help intuitive healers refine their skills and stay at the forefront of their field.

When assessing and treating energy imbalances, intuitive healers use their developed abilities to tune into the client's energy field, identify blockages or disruptions, and apply the appropriate healing techniques to restore balance. This process may involve hands-on or hands-off energy work, visualization, affirmations, or other practices depending on the healer's specific modality and approach.

How Long Are The Treatment Sessions and How Much Do They Cost?

The duration and cost of intuitive healing sessions can vary greatly depending on the practitioner, the modality used, and the client's specific needs. However, here are some general guidelines:

Duration: Intuitive healing sessions typically last between 45 minutes to 90 minutes. Some practitioners may offer shorter sessions (e.g., 30 minutes) or longer sessions (e.g., 120 minutes) depending on the client's needs and the complexity of the treatment.

Cost: In Australia, the cost of intuitive healing sessions can range from approximately AUD 60 to AUD 250 or more. Factors affecting the price include the practitioner's experience, the session duration, and the specific modality used. Some practitioners may offer package deals, discounted rates for multiple sessions, or sliding-scale pricing based on the client's financial situation.

Keep in mind that these are just general estimates, and it's essential to research and communicate with individual practitioners to get accurate information on session duration and pricing. Additionally, it is crucial to consider the practitioner's qualifications, experience, and reputation when selecting an intuitive healer.

Evidence and Studies For Intuitive Healing

While the scientific evidence for intuitive healing is limited (outside of strong testimonials and anecdotal evidence, there is a small but growing body of studies that show show support for a number of energy healing modalities that are associated with intuitive healing. 

  1. Reiki: A systematic review published in 2017 examined the effects of Reiki on pain, anxiety, and depression. The review included 13 clinical trials and concluded that Reiki might be an effective complementary therapy for managing pain and anxiety, although more rigorous research is needed (Thrane & Cohen, 2017).

  2. Therapeutic Touch: A study published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing investigated the effects of Therapeutic Touch on anxiety and physiological indicators of stress in hospitalized patients. The results showed that the intervention group experienced a significant reduction in anxiety and cortisol levels compared to the control group (Gronowicz et al., 2015).

  3. Healing Touch: A randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management explored the effects of Healing Touch on pain, fatigue, and quality of life in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. The study found that the Healing Touch group experienced significant improvements in pain, fatigue, and overall quality of life compared to the control group (Post-White et al., 2009).

  4. Biofield therapies: A systematic review published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine analyzed 66 clinical studies on biofield therapies, including Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, and Reiki. The review concluded that these therapies show promise for reducing pain intensity and improving the quality of life in various populations, although more research is needed to strengthen the evidence base (Jain & Mills, 2010).


Who Can Provide Intuitive Healing Services?

Intuitive healers work in energy centres, yoga studios, private practice, or organise wellness retreats. They range from massage therapists and chiropractors to spiritual healers and life coaches. Even your primary healthcare provider might have completed a qualification in intuitive healing for all you know. 

If you're tired of relying on medications that only provide short-term relief, consulting an intuitive healer may be the key to regaining absolute health and wellness. Take the time to go over the list of Australia's most sought-after intuitive healers on the Natural Therapy Pages to find one in your local area.

Originally published on Sep 09, 2021

FAQs About Intuitive Healing

Is intuitive healing compatible with western medical treatments and medication?

Yes, it is. Intuitive healing does not cause negative drug interactions, nor does it have any contraindications. Whether you're taking antidepressants, pain relievers or undergoing cancer treatment, intuitive healing can serve as an adjunct therapy for your condition.

What happens during intuitive healing?

During a healing session, the healer will put you in a deep state of relaxation and, through the guidance of divine energy, use their intuition to access the information in your subconscious. As they work on clearing the blockages in your energetic body, you may experience different sensations, ranging from heat and cold to pins and needles.

Are there any side effects from intuitive healing?

There have been no reports of serious side effects resulting from intuitive healing. If ever a client experiences an unpleasant physical sensation like heat or a tingling sensation, it only lasts throughout the duration of the healing session. These feelings are the effects of the energy clearing process and should not cause alarm.

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