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Beat Insomnia With Aromatherapy

Last Updated Sep 07, 2020

Can't sleep? For what seems like hours, you've been tossing and turning, getting thoroughly irritated, and before you know it, you're overcome by anxiety about tomorrow. Before you resort to sleeping pills that leave you feeling terrible in the morning, there are a few good things to try.

What Is Insomnia?

Insomnia affects a good percentage of the population. It usually refers to those who don't get adequate sleep over the long-term.  It may be the inability to fall asleep, or it can be that you fall asleep, but waken and are unable to return to sleep.

Insomnia is a condition that can affect us all, and can have a multitude of causes, some of which are:

  • Diet
  • Stress
  • Over-stimulation -  coffee, mental work, TV
  • Too little exercise
  • Too much exercise
  • Medical condition
  • Too much noise and light in the bedroom

As life gets busier, and we embrace poor eating and exercise habits, insomnia is becoming more common.

If you like to eat starchy high carb foods, evening is a good time to have them, because they can help you to sleep. But large meals can make it more difficult, as they increase the likelihood of reflux.

Under-exercise can result in too much energy left over, so the body doesn't feel the need for sleep; too much exercise may over-stimulate the muscles.

Preparing for Sleep

  1. Wind down by turning the TV off, and playing some quiet music.
  2. Make sure the bedroom has no noise or light.
  3. Leave computers, phones and appliances in another room.
  4. Don't have the bedroom too warm
  5. Empty bladder
  6. Read a chapter of a book (preferably a boring one) when you get into bed.

Aromatherapy Tips to Help You Sleep

Use some of these tips regularly to get you ready for a sound night's sleep.  Or use them if you wake in the night.

Aromatherapy bath

Add 3 drops each Lavender and Clary Sage essential oils to a warm (not hot) bath.

Note: Dissolve the oils in a teaspoon of milk, shampoo or bath gel. They won't mix with water, and will float on top of the water, possibly stinging your skin.

Aromatherapy massage

Maybe you have a handy willing partner. Or, take the time to massage your own arms, legs and front of body. Add 2 drops each Lavender, Mandarin, Sandalwood essential oils to 2 tablespoons of gently warmed carrier oil.

Solar plexus massage

Mix 3 drops each Sandalwood and Frankincense essential oils with 3-4 drops of carrier oil.  Apply to Solar plexus, (area of chest between waist and breasts, roughly over the heart) and massage in an anti-clockwise direction. It's nice to do this when you are already in bed; you'll have the wonderful smell wafting up to you all night.


Use acupressure techniques to massage the following points with 1 drop of neat Sandalwood essential oil:

  1. On the inside of wrist just above the crease, and on the same side as the little finger, find the prominent bone. Apply a drop of oil and massage on and around the bone.
  2. On the inside of your ankle and in the hollow just below the bone, press to find the tender spot.    Apply a drop of oil and massage in well.

Whatever you do when you can't sleep, don't look at the clock: if you don't know the time, you'll be less anxious.  Get up and do something else for a short period. Have a warm drink, then with an empty bladder, return to bed.

Using aromatherapy can help you to get to sleep, and can also improve the quality of your sleep.  You'll wake more refreshed in the morning, even when you haven't slept for as long as you would like.

You can find an aromatherapist in your area  for a professional treatment.

Originally published on Aug 31, 2011

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