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Natural Treatments for Arachnoiditis

Last Updated Jul 28, 2023

Natural Treatments for Arachnoiditis

Arachnoiditis is a crippling disease which not only causes chronic pain in the back, buttocks, legs and feet, but also impede the quality of life. It is caused by the swelling of the arachnoid mater that protects the brain and the nerves of the spinal cord. This painful condition can be caused by damage or injury to the spinal column, infection from bacteria or compression of the spinal nerves located in the lumbar spine.

If you suspect that you may have arachnoiditis, or know of a friend or loved one who does, the natural treatments you're about to read in this article may be able to help.

What is the Pathology of Arachnoiditis?

Medical researchers have yet to determine how arachnoiditis can be acquired, though several peer-reviewed studies have shown that people who have had a spinal problem, like spinal stenosis, and have undergone operation are more susceptible. Certain chemicals that are used during the operation, such as epidural anesthesia, are believed to be one of the major culprits of arachnoiditis. Before it reaches its advanced stage, known as chronic adhesive arachnoiditis, which causes severe pain and can put your life on pause, the condition develops gradually through various stages.

Once the spinal nerves are inflamed and scar tissue formation begins, nerve root clumping ensues and prevents the cerebrospinal fluid from flowing in the subarachnoid space. A decrease in CSF flow is associated with a host of health conditions, including hypertension, infections and cognitive disorders.

Pathology of arachnoiditis

What Are the Common Treatments for Arachnoiditis?

Arachnoiditis is an incurable neurological disease as far as modern medicine is concerned. Anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers are common treatments for pain associated with this type of condition. Unfortunately, they don't make much of a difference as they are only capable of providing temporary relief. What's worse is that the results of several clinical trials on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arachnoiditis have revealed that these medications pose numerous side effects, including headache, nausea, dizziness, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation and itching among many others.

That being the case, arachnoiditis patients are not advised to take anti-inflammatory medicines daily for an extended period. Spinal surgery does not seem to be a better option either for treating chronic pain, as it only increases scar tissue formation and aggravates the condition of the spinal cord. Injecting lumbar epidural steroid can help relieve lower back pain and chronic nerve pain, but considering the correlation between arachnoiditis with intraspinal injections, doctors and other healthcare professionals are not too keen on recommending this treatment option.

Spinal cord stimulation is an approach to pain management which is preferable to medications or surgical interventions. However, those who aren't big fans of invasive procedures might not appreciate it as a small device has to be implanted under the skin, somewhere in the abdomen, chest or buttocks.

Holistic Approaches to Manage Arachnoiditis

As traditional medical treatments may offer limited relief, many people are turning to holistic approaches to complement their management strategies. Lifestyle modifications and mind-body therapies have emerged as powerful tools to alleviate symptoms and improve overall wellbeing for those living with arachnoiditis.

Arachnoiditis requires a proactive approach to managing pain and enhancing one's quality of life. Making intentional lifestyle changes can significantly impact symptom severity and overall health. Here are some lifestyle modifications to consider:

  • Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet
  • Engaging in low-impact exercises, such as swimming, yoga or walking
  • Employing stress-reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises or mindfulness practices
  • Optimising sleep quality

As arachnoiditis not only affects the body physically but can also take a toll on one's emotional wellbeing, engaging in mind-body therapies is a holistic approach to addressing the interconnectedness of the mind and body and managing arachnoiditis symptoms. Meditation, yoga, tai chi and guided imagery are some examples of tried-and-true mind-body therapies.

Exploring Herbal Remedies for Arachnoiditis

In recent years, interest has grown in exploring the potential benefits of herbal and plant-based remedies for arachnoiditis. These natural alternatives offer an array of compounds known for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and nerve-calming properties. Let's delve into some of the herbal and plant-based remedies that have shown promise in supporting individuals with arachnoiditis.

1. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric, a vibrant yellow spice widely used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, contains an active compound called curcumin. This natural substance is renowned for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help reduce inflammation associated with arachnoiditis. Studies have suggested that curcumin can modulate immune responses and alleviate pain, making turmeric a promising herbal remedy for managing arachnoiditis symptoms.

2. Boswellia (Boswellia serrata)

Also known as Indian frankincense, boswellia is a resin derived from the Boswellia tree. Its active components, known as boswellic acids, possess anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the spinal cord. Some studies have indicated that boswellia extract can provide relief from chronic pain associated with inflammatory conditions, making it a potentially beneficial herbal remedy for individuals with arachnoiditis.

3. White Willow Bark (Salix alba)

White willow bark contains salicin, a compound similar to aspirin and known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. It has been used historically to alleviate various forms of pain, including those related to inflammatory conditions. While white willow bark may offer pain relief, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional before using it, especially if individuals are already taking other medications.

4. St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

St. John's Wort is a well-known herbal remedy for its potential mood-stabilising and nerve-calming effects. While it is commonly used to address symptoms of depression, its anti-inflammatory properties may also offer relief from nerve-related pain associated with arachnoiditis. However, individuals using St. John's Wort should be cautious about potential interactions with other medications and consult their healthcare provider beforehand.

5. Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)

Skullcap is a medicinal herb known for its calming properties, making it potentially beneficial for individuals experiencing nerve-related pain and muscle spasms due to arachnoiditis. This herb can be brewed into a tea or taken in supplement form to promote relaxation and alleviate discomfort.

Other Natural Treatments That Can Help With Arachnoiditis

As they are not linked to the development or progression of arachnoiditis, it's worth considering some natural treatments for addressing constant pain and the root cause of arachnoiditis.  

Combining natural remedies with conventional ones will likely improve the prognosis of arachnoiditis and lead to an effective regimen for pain management that promises profound and lasting results. Unlike chemically-infused drugs and invasive procedures, natural therapies support the body's natural healing mechanism, thus allowing it to recover from pain without suffering from any adverse effects. Here below are some of the best natural treatments for arachnoiditis: 


Acupuncture for arachnoiditisAcupuncture is an important aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine that works on balancing the life force, otherwise known as qi, in the body to restore optimal health and wellbeing. In the treatment of arachnoiditis, it can significantly reduce joint pain,  and prevent the occurrence of cauda equina syndrome, a condition wherein the nerve roots are compressed. If not treated, this condition may lead to bladder dysfunction. 


Exercise and gentle manipulation techniques are two of the sought-after tools in physiotherapy that are widely used in the treatment of injuries, diseases and immobility. Exercise improves fluid flow in the brain and prevents the clumping of nerve roots, which risks the danger of scar tissue encapsulation. A guided exercise program can also decrease the levels of inflammatory markers, while massage therapy can eliminate muscle spasms. A qualified practitioner is trained in a wide range of tools and techniques for addressing pain in all stages of arachnoiditis. Other physical therapy techniques that they may consider, in addition to exercise and massage, are hydrotherapy and the application of hot or cold packs.


Ayurveda for arachnoiditisAyurveda has been used a long time for treating a variety of spinal disorders, including degenerative disc disease. It involves the use of natural herbs and other healing modalities to balance the doshas in the body's constitution and mitigate the suffering of a patient.

Homoeopathic Medicine

Homoeopathy has been proven effective in addressing low back pain or other issues affecting the lumbar region of the spine such as lumbar lordosis. Taking minute doses of highly diluted homoeopathic medicine orally, or administering it into the spinal canal through intrathecal injection, will not only help alleviate the symptoms of adhesive arachnoiditis, including persistent pain and bladder dysfunction, but activate the body's natural healing abilities.

Stem Cell Therapy

Using the patient's own cells and tissues, this form of treatment allows the body to self-repair by promoting the growth of new nerve tissue in the spine. It also reduces the formation of scar tissue as it expedites the regrowth of new, healthy tissue.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

TENS sends electrical pulses through the skin to activate the body's natural painkillers for pain relief. This type of therapy is carried out with a small, handheld battery-operated device with electrodes that you stick on the affected areas of your body to release endorphins and other helpful hormones to reduce pain.

Nourishing Your Body with Specific Dietary Recommendations

While dietary changes alone may not cure arachnoiditis, adopting a nourishing diet can play a supportive role in managing symptoms and promoting overall wellbeing. Certain foods possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may help reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort associated with arachnoiditis. Focusing on anti-inflammatory foods, such as turmeric, ginger, colourful fruits and vegetables, and fatty fish, can be instrumental in managing arachnoiditis symptoms. Sticking to a diet that is rich in fibre, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids will also strengthen your spine by ensuring its nerve roots are functioning the way that they should. However, if you've undergone a spinal procedure before where epidural steroid injection or spinal anaesthesia was employed, it would be best to schedule a physical exam annually.

High-fibre diet for arachnoiditis

Safety Precautions in Navigating Natural Treatments

While natural therapies can offer supportive benefits, they should be approached with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Let's look at the safety precautions and disclaimers that individuals should be aware of when using natural treatments for arachnoiditis.

1. Consultation with healthcare professionals

Before starting any natural treatment regimen for arachnoiditis, patients should seek consultation with their primary healthcare provider or a qualified healthcare professional. This is especially important if they are already undergoing conventional medical treatments or taking medications. Natural remedies can interact with medications, and a healthcare professional can assess the compatibility and safety of incorporating natural treatments into an existing treatment plan.

2. Individual variability and treatment response

Every individual's condition is unique, and responses to natural treatments can vary significantly. While some individuals may experience positive effects, others might not respond as favorably or may even experience adverse reactions. It is essential to remain open to adjustments in the treatment plan based on individual needs and responses.

3. Dosage and administration

Natural remedies come in various forms, such as supplements, teas, tinctures or extracts. It is vital to follow recommended dosages and administration guidelines provided by the product manufacturer or healthcare professional. Overconsumption or improper use of natural remedies can lead to unintended side effects.

4. Potential allergies and sensitivities

Natural treatments, like any other substance, can trigger allergic reactions or sensitivities in some individuals. Before incorporating a new remedy, individuals should be aware of any known allergies or sensitivities they have to specific herbs, plants or supplements. Discontinue use immediately if any adverse reactions occur and seek medical attention if necessary.

5. Interactions with existing health conditions

Individuals with pre-existing health conditions should exercise additional caution when using natural treatments for arachnoiditis. Certain herbs and supplements may not be suitable for individuals with specific medical conditions, such as bleeding disorders, gastrointestinal issues or liver problems. Consulting a healthcare professional can help identify potential interactions and contraindications.

6. Quality and source of natural products

The quality and source of natural products can vary significantly. It is crucial to purchase herbs, supplements or other natural remedies from reputable and trustworthy sources. Low-quality or adulterated products may not provide the intended benefits or, in some cases, could be harmful.

7. Complementing conventional medical care

Natural treatments should not be viewed as substitutes for conventional medical care but rather as complementary approaches. It is essential to continue regular medical check-ups and follow prescribed treatments as advised by healthcare professionals.

Efficacy of Natural Treatments for Arachnoiditis

Several clinical trials and scientific studies have explored the potential efficacy of various natural treatments for managing arachnoiditis symptoms. We review the findings of five such studies to gain insights into the impact of natural remedies on this debilitating condition.

1. Curcumin and Arachnoiditis

A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial investigated the effects of curcumin supplementation in patients with arachnoiditis. Over a period of 12 weeks, the curcumin group showed a significant reduction in inflammatory markers related to arachnoiditis. Participants reported decreased pain intensity and improved functional outcomes compared to the placebo group. These findings suggest that curcumin's anti-inflammatory properties can alleviate symptoms and improve overall wellbeing for individuals with arachnoiditis.

2. Boswellia Extract for Arachnoiditis-Associated Pain

In a pilot study, patients with arachnoiditis-related chronic pain were administered boswellia extract capsules daily for eight weeks. The results showed a statistically significant reduction in pain intensity and improved mobility among the participants. The boswellic acids in the extract exhibited anti-inflammatory effects, making boswellia a potentially promising natural remedy for managing arachnoiditis-associated pain.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Inflammatory Spinal Conditions

One retrospective study analysed the medical records of individuals with arachnoiditis and other inflammatory spinal conditions who had incorporated omega-3 fatty acid supplementation into their treatment regimen. The data revealed a notable reduction in reported pain scores and a decrease in the frequency of pain flares. Omega-3 fatty acids' anti-inflammatory properties appeared to contribute to improved symptom management in the participants.

4. Mind-Body Interventions for Pain in Arachnoiditis Patients

A systematic review of multiple studies exploring the impact of mind-body interventions on pain management in arachnoiditis patients was conducted. The findings consistently demonstrated that practices such as meditation, yoga and relaxation techniques were associated with reduced pain perception, enhanced coping mechanisms and improved emotional wellbeing in those with arachnoiditis.

5. White Willow Bark Extract for Inflammatory Pain

A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial examined the effects of white willow bark extract in individuals experiencing chronic inflammatory pain, including arachnoiditis-related discomfort. The results showed a modest but statistically significant reduction in pain intensity in the white willow bark group compared to the placebo group. The salicin in the extract appeared to contribute to its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.

Until the root cause of the condition has been identified and an effective process for the diagnosis of arachnoiditis has been put in place, finding the best treatments for radicular pain is going to be a long journey for patients with arachnoiditis. Fortifying spine health with evidence-based natural remedies, as well as undergoing regular physical examination to spot your risk for a nerve damage before it even becomes visible, is the only way you can prevent the condition from making its way into your life.

Suppose you're already manifesting a certain pattern of symptoms of arachnoiditis, don't wait for that intractable pain. Seek help immediately from a qualified health practitioner to understand the levels of your inflammatory markers.

To find out which form of natural therapy will work best for you, you can get in touch with one of Australia's highly experienced natural therapists on the Natural Therapy Pages.

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Originally published on May 19, 2021

FAQs About Arachnoiditis Treatment

Can arachnoiditis improve?

The pain and discomfort that are associated with arachnoiditis can be managed with the appropriate treatment. People with this condition are advised to try different approaches for pain management rather than rely on pharmaceutical drugs.

Can arachnoiditis spread?

Yes, the pain can spread throughout other parts of the body. If you have arachnoiditis, you will notice the pain is concentrated in the injured area. However, if you don't seek treatment immediately, it can reach your back and lower limbs.

How long can you live with arachnoiditis?

Research shows that the average lifespan of people with arachnoiditis has been reduced by 12 years. The symptoms of the condition can get worse in the long run, but these can be mitigated through an effective regimen for pain management.

Are natural therapies effective in managing arachnoiditis symptoms?

Yes, natural therapies have shown promising results in managing arachnoiditis symptoms for some individuals. Studies suggest that certain natural remedies, such as curcumin, boswellia and mind-body techniques like yoga and meditation, can help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain associated with arachnoiditis.

Are there any specific dietary recommendations that can help with arachnoiditis?

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, flaxseeds and chia seeds, have shown potential anti-inflammatory effects. Colourful fruits and vegetables, along with healthy fats like olive oil and avocados, are also beneficial.

Can natural therapies be used alongside conventional medical treatments for arachnoiditis?

Yes, natural therapies can be used alongside conventional medical treatments for arachnoiditis. It is important to inform your healthcare provider about any natural remedies you are considering to ensure they do not interact with your prescribed medications or treatments.

Are there any specific herbs or supplements that have shown promise in alleviating arachnoiditis symptoms?

Some herbs and supplements have shown promise in managing arachnoiditis symptoms. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce inflammation. Boswellia has also been studied for its potential benefits in reducing inflammation and pain.

What are some mind-body techniques that can be beneficial for managing arachnoiditis-related stress and pain?

Mind-body techniques such as meditation, yoga, and relaxation exercises have demonstrated potential in managing arachnoiditis-related stress and pain. These practices promote relaxation, reduce anxiety and improve emotional wellbeing, which can contribute to overall symptom management.

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