Yoga - Satyananda

Health & Wellness
Last Updated Jul 20, 2020
Health & Wellness

Satyananda yoga is a system of yoga that aims to bring together all areas of the body.  In fact, it is referred to as the Yoga of the Head, Heart, and Hands.  The head represents intellect, the heart represents compassion, and the hands represent action.  Read on to learn more about this form of yoga.

What is Satyananda Yoga?

Satyananda yoga is a type of yoga that is traditional but yet has been adapted to suit the modern lifestyle.  It was developed by Swami Satyananda Sarawati and it is comprised of several types of yoga including Hatha, Raja, Karma, Jnana, Mantra, and Bhakti yogas, as well as other types.  Satyananda yoga is flexible so it can be tailored to suit a person’s individual needs.  It is a systematic approach which aims to bring together all aspects of being.  This type of yoga can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their background, as Satyananda yoga does not propose any political or religious beliefs.

What Does Satyananda Yoga Do?

Satyananda aims to incorporate awareness of all the aspects of being – physical, emotional, and spiritual – in order to create true alignment.  As well as awareness, disease and mental stress can be relieved through the development of the body’s self-healing powers.  Satyananda yoga stabilises emotions and calms the mind in order to bring perspective to a person, in turn giving them peace, freedom, and inner strength.

How Does Satyananda Yoga Work?

Satyananda yoga uses asanas or postures to balance the body and mind using the physical body, pranayama or breathing to work on the energy body, and meditation to calm and focus the mind.  It also teaches and encourages yogic lifestyles.  It is a systematic, step by step approach to yoga that is based on safety and common sense.  Satyananda yoga is gentle and achievable and there is no sense of competition.  You simply go at the pace that is right for you.  This is because the focus is not on getting the physical posture perfect but rather developing one pointed concentration and the ability to witness the activity of the mind.

Originally published on Jan 26, 2009

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