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Learn to Face your Fears

Jan 25, 2011

The fear of not being good enough...The fear of not finishing...The fear of rejection...The fear of commitment...The fear of failure and even of success... Fear is a creative block that is often associated with our belief that we do not have the necessary...

Talent, Giftedness and Creative Potential – Do You Have It?

Jan 24, 2011

Somewhere within the politics of innate versus acquired abilities, between capacity and performance lies the idea of talent ... What is it? Do you have it? And what does it take to develop it? Definitions of talent often involve a person’s (a) greater...

Why We Do The Things We Do

Nov 01, 2010

Sounds like a song title doesn't it? But seriously, have you ever wondered why we do the things we do? Our collection of life experiences contributes to the making of us. We are who we are and we do the things we do based on the residual effects of...

Growing Up with Your Inner Critic: The Origins of Low Self-Esteem

Sep 01, 2010

Is that voice in your head often putting you down, blaming you for all the things you've done wrong or badly, and telling you just how hopeless you are?  Does it follow you around wherever you go – at work, on holiday, to parties, on a first date...

Understanding Anger: Learning & Controlling

Jun 11, 2010

A common misconception about anger is that it is an unacceptable negative emotion that one should not express. In reality, it is a natural response when you are hurt, threatened or frustrated by difficult situations. Anger can have both constructive...

How the Body Relaxes: Things You Can Do

Jun 11, 2010

Relaxation is important for everyone, to let go of the stress of everyday life and recharge. There are many, many different ways that the body can relax and which one you choose will depend on the amount of time you have, what you are comfortable with...

Hypnotherapy for Decision Making

Jun 11, 2010

Do you find it hard to make decisions? You're not alone – making big decisions can be extremely terrifying at times due to the fear of getting it wrong – but there is a way to help you make those important decisions effectively. Read on for more...

Trusting Your Intuition

Oct 06, 2009

Intuition is defined as knowledge gained of something without the use of reasoning or the 5 basic senses. It is based on hunches, insights, visions, gut feelings and is often referred to as the sixth sense. In addition to your 5 regular senses, relying...

Increasing Confidence: Some Simple Tips

Aug 28, 2009

Confidence refers to a belief in one's self, in one's powers and abilities. Confidence is important because it plays a major role in success. In fact, successful people all have one thing in common: they display confidence in themselves. While possessing...

Get Out of The Rut: Tips on Preventing Boredom, Frustration & Disappointment

Jul 28, 2009

Constant feelings of boredom, frustration, disappointment or sadness may leave people feeling like they are stuck in a rut. When you do things automatically on a daily basis, your activities may start to lose their meaning and you may experience sentiments...

Developing Self-Discipline for a Better You

Jul 21, 2009

Discipline is not a popular word. It is often equated with self sacrifice, a tight routine, a strict set of rules, and in some cases it may involve punishment and a curtailment of freedom. Among the many traits that define a person is self-discipline...

Giving Gratitude: Why Is It Important?

Jul 10, 2009

Saying "thank you" goes beyond simply conforming to society's norms. While the expression may be used automatically in our daily lives, the practice of giving thanks is more powerful than you ordinarily think. The Law of Attraction applies when you...

Pro-tip: Maximising Your Metabolism for Your Health

Jul 03, 2009

A buzzword among weight watchers is metabolism. Slender women who seem to eat anything without gaining excess weight credit such good fortune to a good metabolism. Overweight individuals aim to increase their metabolism in their efforts to shed unwanted...

Desk Habits That Can Help You Become More Efficient & Healthy

Jun 26, 2009

Work, for most of us, can mean hours behind a desk, whether at the office or at home. Ideally, you start each day with some things that you need to do and accomplish those tasks by the end of the day. There are days, however, when you may feel that...

Shift Working

Jun 17, 2009

The business demands of some establishments require the presence of workers to perform various tasks at all times of the day, whether for production, customer care or sales. This is usually done by dividing a day into three 8-hour work shifts and assigning...

Understanding Obesity: Basic Things You Need to Know

Jun 13, 2009

Statistics gathered by the World Health Organization (WHO) show that an estimated 2.6 million people die yearly because of obesity. Obesity is best described as the abnormal or excessive accumulation of body fat that poses serious health risks to those...

Being a Good Listener

Apr 21, 2009

Listening is a skill that is necessary for proper communication, both in business and personal relationships.  Read on for our tips on being a good listener. The Difference between Hearing and Listening Even though they both use the ears, listening...

Goal Setting for Achieving Success

Apr 13, 2009

People set goals to improve behaviour or to find a solution to a problem.  Goal setting provides a long-term strategy for achieving success, and is widely used in the fields of sport, industrial and organizational psychology.  It is also an increasingly...

Emotional Intelligence: All You Need to Know

Mar 21, 2009

Most of us are familiar with IQ or intelligence quotient – the supposed measurement of how smart you are.  But what if there is another type of intelligence that could have more effect on your life than your IQ?  Read on to learn more about emotional...

The Power of Self Healing

Feb 09, 2009

Most people are looking for ways that they can become both healthier and happier.  Sometimes they look outwards for ways to achieve this when one of the best ways to be healthy and happy is to heal yourself.  Read on to learn more about the power of...

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