Vegetarian Diet

Popular Vegetarian Diet articles

Veggie Weight Gain

Jun 21, 2009

Becoming a vegetarian may not always equate with losing weight. While eliminating beef, pork or chicken from your diet may mean fewer calories from meat sources, you may still put on a few pounds when you consume more vegetables that are loaded with...

Turning Vegetarian

Jun 20, 2009

The health benefits of a vegetarian diet are no longer "news". Studies link meat consumption to increased risks of various types of cancers, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and other illnesses. What makes a regular diet of meat bad for your health is...

Nutrition for Kidney Disease

May 30, 2009

Kidney disease has become one of the world's leading causes of death. It usually starts out unnoticed with most people experiencing no signs or symptoms at all until it progresses to kidney failure. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that can be...

Natural Treatments for Menopause

May 19, 2009

Most women dread the "M" word - menopause. It is synonymous with ageing and signals the end of a woman's reproductive capacity. Menopause is a natural life process that every woman must go through. Its most common symptom is the total cessation of...

What is the Raw Food Diet?

Mar 30, 2009

Raw food diets have been around for a number of years now, with many people swearing by them. But what exactly is a raw food diet, and is it as healthy as raw foodists claim? What is a Raw Diet? The basic part of raw diets is that 75 percent of the...

What is a Diet?

Jan 16, 2009

Many people have undertaken some form of diet at one time or another, with the goal of fitting into a new outfit, or simply to help feel better about themselves.   But is dieting actually having the opposite effect?  Read on to learn more.  What...

What is Rice Milk?

Jan 15, 2009

There are many milk substitutes for people that are vegetarian, vegan, lactose intolerant, or otherwise unable to drink regular milk.  Rice milk is just one of these.  But how healthy is rice milk and is it really an acceptable substitute?  Read on...

Lectins and Your Health: Everything You Need to Know

Sep 17, 2008

Heard about lectins, lectin-free diets, and want to know what all the fuss is about? Lectins are a naturally occurring protein found in foods that you are likely to have in your fridge or pantry. These include members of the bean family (legumes), many...

Tahini 101: What is Tahini?

Jul 29, 2008

Curious about the deliciously nutty taste in the Middle Eastern dish you had the other day at a friend's house? It's most likely tahini. It's that creamy paste you'll always want in your kitchen because not only is it versatile, but it's also loaded...

Vegetarian and Vegan Diets

Jun 04, 2008

Many people are switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet for personal reasons such as health, the environment, or because they do not wish to consume animal products.  While there are many health benefits to a vegetarian or vegan diet, there can also...

Eye Health 101: What Foods to Eat for Healthy Eyesight?

Jun 01, 2008

The eyes are one of the most important parts of the body, and most people fear losing their sight or having their vision deteriorate. The good news is that there are some foods that can help to protect the health of your eyes and ward off eye diseases...

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