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3 Steps to Becoming a Spiritual Healer

Last Updated Jun 09, 2023

3 Steps to Becoming a Spiritual Healer


  1. What is a Spiritual Healer?
  2. What Makes Spiritual Healing a Life-Changing Modality?
    1. What's the connection of spiritual healing to one's spirituality?
    2. What's the difference between spiritual healing and energy healing?
    3. Is spiritual healing the same as psychic healing and faith healing?
  3. Spiritual Distance Healing
  4. Where Do I Begin In My Healing Journey?
  5. Types of Work
  6. How Long Does it Take?
  7. What Course of Study Should I Undertake?
    1. Take a peek into the coursework
    2. Inquire about accreditation
    3. Consider your convenience

If you're reading this, chances are you're looking to explore spiritual healing in pursuit of helping others. You may have had a calling from within yourself or felt a passionate urge to nurture others. Either way, you've come to the right place.

What is a Spiritual Healer?

Spiritual healers come in all shapes and sizes and work with different tools to suit every person's personal needs. They work on a unified goal though, which is to guide and connect their clients with their higher selves. And that's the ultimate beauty of what they do.

A spiritual healer stimulates your desire to achieve optimal health, which goes beyond the physical aspect of your being. They motivate you to live your life to the fullest by aligning yourself with your spirit through energy and light.

That increases your self-awareness, making you capable of learning how to heal and nurture others by tapping into their spiritual realm.

A Journey through History and Across Cultures

Spiritual healing, an ancient practice that transcends time and cultural boundaries, has long been regarded as a profound means of promoting physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Rooted in the belief that a person's spiritual essence plays a vital role in their overall health, this holistic approach has garnered attention and reverence across diverse cultures and spiritual traditions throughout history. Let us embark on a journey to explore the origins, evolution and significance of this modality.

Ancient Origins

The origins of spiritual healing can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it played a central role in their healing practices. In ancient Egypt, healers believed in the power of incantations, sacred rituals, and the channeling of divine energy to restore balance and harmony within individuals. Similarly, the Ayurvedic tradition in ancient India incorporated spiritual principles into its holistic healing system, emphasising the connection between the body, mind and spirit.

Eastern Spiritual Traditions

Across Eastern spiritual traditions, spiritual healing has thrived for centuries. In Chinese culture, practices such as Qigong and acupuncture aim to balance the flow of vital energy, known as Qi, within the body to promote healing and wellbeing. In Japan, the practice of Reiki, which involves the gentle laying of hands to channel healing energy, has gained popularity as a means of restoring harmony and enhancing the body's natural healing abilities.

Indigenous Healing Wisdom

Indigenous cultures around the world have also embraced spiritual healing as an integral part of their healing practices. Native American tribes, for example, employ ceremonies, rituals, and the use of sacred herbs to cleanse and heal both individuals and communities. Similarly, Australian Aboriginal healing traditions emphasise the connection between the spiritual realm, the land, and the individual's wellbeing, promoting a holistic approach to healing.

Spiritual Healing in Western Traditions

In the Western world, spiritual healing has experienced a resurgence in recent decades, with renewed interest in alternative and complementary healing modalities. Influenced by Eastern philosophies and indigenous practices, Western spiritual healing encompasses various approaches, including energy healing, crystal therapy, sound healing and meditation. These practices focus on accessing and channeling universal energy to restore balance, release blockages and support healing at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

What Makes Spiritual Healing a Life-Changing Modality?

Spiritual healing is an umbrella term for different holistic modalities that involve the channeling of divine healing energy through the healer to the individual who needs it, to restore balance to the latter's mind, body and spirit. Qigong, acupuncture, Pranic Healing, Reiki and healing touch are all examples of spiritual healing.

In spiritual healing, the practitioner always takes the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of their client into account as these are all interconnected, so a dysfunction in one area affects the rest.  

Spiritual healers work with the aura, which is the invisible, electromagnetic energy field surrounding the physical body. A person's aura is connected with their physical energy, thinking patterns and emotional state, so it mirrors everything that's going on in their life. By cleansing it and wiping off the negative energy, the healer succeeds in bringing the whole being of a person back into alignment.

What's the Connection of Spiritual Healing to One's Spirituality?

Spiritual healing is not associated with any religion. The word spiritual refers to the core of one's life—their spirit—hence the modality is a holistic approach to reconnecting a person's mind, body and spirit so that they can heal their entire being and live their life to the fullest.

When one's body is strong but their spirit is weak, it would be impossible for them to pursue their goals and desires since their soul is misaligned. If this misalignment isn't addressed, the frailty of the spirit will eventually trigger a cascade of physical, psychological and emotional problems. Spiritual healing helps people correct this, as well as feelings of dissociation which hamper them from healing as a whole person instead of fragmented parts.

Spiritual healing vs. other healing techniques

What's the Difference Between Spiritual Healing and Energy Healing?

Spiritual healing and energy healing are almost always interchanged as they fall under one umbrella after all. The subtle difference lies in the way the healing session is carried out. A spiritual healer would summon angels, or their spirit guides, to assist them during the healing session and help them identify where in the client's body the healing energy is needed. At the end of the healing session, the healer would cut the etheric cords that attach them to the energy field of their client.

Energy healing, on the other hand, involves the transfer of universal life force, or ki, to the client's body from the healer's hands. It aims to remove energy blocks resulting from physical injuries or emotional distress. Unlike spiritual healing, though, it doesn't require the cutting of etheric cords after a treatment session.

The Role of Intuition in Spiritual Healing

Intuition serves as a powerful guiding force in the practice of spiritual healing. It is the innate ability to tap into a deeper knowing beyond logical reasoning. Developing and trusting intuition can greatly enhance the effectiveness of spiritual healing, allowing healers to access profound insights and healing energies.

Understanding Intuition

Intuition is a subtle yet profound inner guidance system that allows spiritual healers to connect with the energetic and spiritual realms. It involves trusting the wisdom that arises from within, bypassing the limitations of the rational mind. Intuition can manifest as gut feelings, inner nudges or sudden flashes of insight.

Cultivating Intuition

Developing intuition is an ongoing process that requires practice and attunement. Here are a few techniques to cultivate and strengthen your intuitive abilities:

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Regular meditation practice helps quiet the mind and cultivate a receptive state for intuitive insights to arise. Mindfulness in daily life enhances awareness and connection to intuitive nudges.

  • Journaling and Reflection: Engage in journaling exercises to explore and reflect on intuitive impressions or guidance that arises during healing sessions or personal experiences. This practice helps deepen your understanding of your own intuitive language.

  • Trusting Your Inner Voice: Learn to differentiate between fear-based thoughts and genuine intuitive guidance. Trust your instincts and allow yourself to act upon the messages you receive.

Applying Intuition in Spiritual Healing

Incorporating intuition into spiritual healing sessions can bring a profound sense of alignment and effectiveness. Here's how:

  • Active Listening: Cultivate deep listening skills during healing sessions, paying attention to subtle cues and energetic shifts. Trust your intuitive impressions to guide you in addressing the core issues that need healing.

  • Sensing Energy: Develop your ability to perceive and interpret energy by using your intuitive faculties. Trust the sensations, images, or messages that come to you, allowing them to guide your healing approach.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Intuition may lead you to unexpected healing techniques or modalities. Stay open and flexible, trusting the guidance that emerges from within.

Exploring Spiritual Healing Modalities and Techniques

Spiritual healing encompasses a wide range of modalities and techniques that tap into the energetic and spiritual dimensions of healing. These approaches offer diverse pathways to promote healing, balance and wellbeing on multiple levels. Let's explore some popular spiritual healing modalities and techniques, highlighting their unique qualities and potential benefits.

Energy Healing

Energy healing is a foundational modality within spiritual healing. It recognises that energy flows through all living beings, and disruptions or imbalances in this energy can lead to physical, emotional or spiritual distress. Energy healing techniques, such as Reiki, Quantum Healing or Healing Touch, involve channeling healing energies to rebalance and harmonize the energetic field, supporting the body's innate healing abilities.

Crystal Therapy

Crystal therapy is a practice that utilises the energetic properties of crystals and gemstones for healing purposes. Each crystal holds unique vibrational frequencies that can interact with our energy field, promoting balance and restoration. Practitioners may place crystals on or around the body, use them during meditation or visualisation or create crystal grids to amplify healing intentions and facilitate energy flow.

Sound Healing

Sound healing harnesses the power of sound vibrations to facilitate healing and relaxation. Various instruments, such as singing bowls, drums, gongs or tuning forks, are used to create resonant frequencies that positively influence the energetic body. Sound healing sessions can help release stagnant energy, promote emotional release and induce deep states of relaxation and harmony.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness practices form the foundation of spiritual healing. By quieting the mind and cultivating present-moment awareness, individuals can access deeper states of consciousness, connect with their inner wisdom, and promote self-healing. Guided meditations, breathwork, visualisation exercises and mindful movement practices are integral components of spiritual healing, fostering a deep sense of peace, clarity and inner transformation.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing is rooted in ancient indigenous traditions worldwide. Shamanic practitioners connect with the spirit realm, working with spirit guides, power animals and various healing rituals. These practices aim to restore balance, retrieve lost soul fragments, clear energetic blockages and facilitate spiritual growth and empowerment.

Intuitive Healing

This encompasses a wide range of approaches that rely on the practitioner's heightened intuitive abilities. These healers may employ various techniques, such as intuitive guidance, energy scanning, intuitive counseling or intuitive bodywork, to identify and address underlying imbalances in the energetic and spiritual realms. Intuitive healing techniques offer personalised and tailored approaches to meet individual healing needs.

Types of Work Completed by Spiritual and Energy Healers

Energy healers and spiritual healers often have overlapping practices, but they typically focus on different aspects of a person's wellbeing. Energy healers generally concentrate on balancing the flow of energy within the body, while spiritual healers address the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person's life. Here are some examples of practical work done by both types of healers:

Energy Healer:

  1. Reiki: A hands-on healing technique that channels universal life force energy to restore balance in the body and promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
  2. Chakra Balancing: Working with the body's energy centres (chakras) to ensure they are functioning optimally and facilitating the free flow of energy.
  3. Qigong Healing: Utilizing Qigong exercises, a form of Chinese energy medicine, to help clients clear energetic blockages and restore their natural energy flow.
  4. Crystal Healing: Placing crystals on or around the body to realign and balance the body's energy system, removing blockages and promoting self-healing.

Spiritual Healer:

  1. Counseling and Life Coaching: Guiding clients through personal issues, helping them gain clarity and develop a greater understanding of their life purpose and spiritual journey.
  2. Meditation and Mindfulness: Teaching various meditation techniques to promote relaxation, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.
  3. Past Life Regression: Guiding clients to access past life memories, helping them gain insight and healing from unresolved issues affecting their present lives.
  4. Shamanic Healing: Using ancient shamanic techniques, such as journeying, soul retrieval, or power animal work, to address the root causes of emotional, mental, or spiritual imbalances.
  5. Angelic or Spiritual Guide Communication: Connecting with a client's spiritual guides or angels to receive guidance, insight, or healing energy on their behalf.

Remember, the specific practices used by each healer may differ, depending on their training and personal beliefs. It's important to find a practitioner who resonates with your own beliefs and preferences for the most effective healing experience.

How Long Does it Take to Become a Healer?

The duration of a spiritual healer course can vary widely, depending on the specific modality, the depth of the program, the teacher's approach, and the individual's commitment to learning. Some courses may be as short as a weekend workshop, while others can extend over several months or even years. Here are a few examples:

  1. Reiki: Reiki courses are often divided into different levels of training. A Level 1 course may take one or two days, while Level 2 and Master/Teacher levels may require additional days or weekends. In some cases, an apprenticeship or mentorship with a Reiki Master is required to achieve higher levels of training.

  2. Meditation and Mindfulness: Courses can range from an introductory weekend workshop to more comprehensive programs spanning several weeks or months. For those interested in becoming certified meditation instructors, programs may take several months to a year or more.

  3. Shamanic Healing: Introductory shamanic workshops can be completed in a weekend, while more advanced courses may take multiple weekends or require ongoing training over a few months. Some shamanic practitioners also undergo apprenticeships or mentorships with experienced shamans that can last for years.

  4. Energy Healing Modalities (e.g., Pranic Healing, Healing Touch): Introductory courses may take a few days or weekends, while more advanced training or certification programs can take several months to complete.

  5. Spiritual Counseling or Life Coaching: Certification programs for spiritual counseling or life coaching can range from a few months to a year or more, depending on the depth of the program and the specific approach taught.

Ultimately, the length of a spiritual healer course depends on the modality and the individual's goals. It's important to research different courses and choose one that aligns with your interests, schedule, and desired level of expertise.

What is the Healing Touch Program?

The Healing Touch Program offers a standardized, multi-level curriculum that provides practitioners with a framework for developing their skills and understanding of energy healing. The program is widely recognized and has been accredited by several professional organizations, including the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).

The HTP curriculum includes five levels of training:

  1. Level 1: Foundation of Healing Touch – This introductory course teaches the basics of energy anatomy, energy assessment, and various hands-on healing techniques.
  2. Level 2: Energetic Patterning and Clinical Applications – Expands on the foundational knowledge and introduces more advanced techniques, as well as clinical applications of Healing Touch.
  3. Level 3: Advanced Healer Preparation – Focuses on deepening the practitioner's skills, introduces new healing techniques, and explores self-care and personal development.
  4. Level 4: Case Management and Professional Practice – Covers case management, documentation, and professional practice, preparing practitioners to work with clients in a professional setting.
  5. Level 5: Self-Evaluation and Professional Development – Provides practitioners with tools for self-assessment, mentoring, and advanced practice techniques.

Upon completion of the program, practitioners can become certified through the Healing Touch Professional Association (HTPA) by meeting specific requirements, including completing a certain number of documented practice sessions and passing a written exam.

Healing Touch is used in various settings, including hospitals, hospices, long-term care facilities, and private practices, to support the healing process, reduce pain and anxiety, and promote relaxation and overall well-being.

Is Spiritual Healing the Same as Psychic Healing and Faith Healing?

Spiritual healing is different from psychic healing and faith healing. It doesn't require clairvoyance, which is crucial in psychic healing, nor does it involve prayers or religious practices which are important components of faith healing. In addition, spiritual healing is recognised by some medical professionals and, in fact, considered as an adjunct therapy for a variety of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, depression and certain types of cancer.

Spiritual Distance Healing

Spiritual healing may be performed in-person or at a distance, as several scientific studies have shown that the effects of healing transcend time and space. Even if the healer and client are oceans apart, the former can release positive energy onto the latter and allow their body to heal naturally and come into alignment with their mind and spirit.

Remote healing can be performed over the phone, or through a videoconferencing platform, whereby the healer states their intention before sending healing energy across to their client. They may opt to use one or a combination of transmission methods to affect their client, ranging from visualisation to a proxy that represents the client, such as a photograph. Regardless of which technique they employ, the client will be able to receive the energy because the healer has clearly stated their intention to heal them.

Spiritual distance healing   

Ethical Considerations and Boundaries in Spiritual Healing

It is crucial for spiritual healers to approach their work with the utmost respect, integrity and ethical consciousness. Here are some ethical considerations, as well as ways to establish boundaries within the realm of spiritual healing.

Informed Consent

Obtaining informed consent from clients is a fundamental ethical principle. Before initiating any spiritual healing session, it is essential to explain the nature of the healing process, the techniques involved, and the potential outcomes. Encourage open communication, allowing clients to ask questions and express their preferences. Respecting their autonomy and ensuring they fully understand the process establishes a foundation of trust and empowers them to make informed decisions.


This is the cornerstone of ethical practice in spiritual healing. Clients must feel safe to share their personal experiences, emotions and challenges without fear of judgment or breach of trust. Spiritual healers should respect the privacy of their clients and maintain strict confidentiality, refraining from disclosing any sensitive information shared during the healing session unless mandated by legal obligations.

Professional Competence and Integrity

Ethical spiritual healers are committed to ongoing professional development and maintaining a high standard of competence. Seek appropriate training, certifications or credentials to ensure you have the necessary knowledge and skills to serve your clients effectively. Remain within the scope of your training and expertise, referring clients to other professionals when their needs fall outside your area of specialisation. Uphold integrity in your practices, being transparent about your qualifications, experience and any limitations.

Boundaries and Self-Care

Establishing clear boundaries is crucial in maintaining a healthy healer-client relationship. Spiritual healers should maintain appropriate physical, emotional and energetic boundaries during sessions. Respect personal space, obtain consent for physical contact and ensure clients feel comfortable expressing their boundaries. Prioritise self-care to prevent burnout and maintain your own wellbeing, allowing you to provide the best support to your clients.

Respect for Cultural and Religious Beliefs

Recognise and respect the diversity of cultural and religious beliefs among your clients. Avoid imposing your personal beliefs onto clients and honor their unique spiritual paths. Create a safe and inclusive space where clients feel free to express their beliefs and practices without judgment. Cultivate cultural competence by educating yourself about different spiritual traditions and their respective customs.

Continuous Reflection and Ethical Awareness

Ethical considerations in spiritual healing require ongoing self-reflection and awareness. Regularly assess your intentions, motives and biases to ensure they align with the highest ethical standards. Seek supervision or engage in peer support to explore ethical dilemmas and challenges that may arise. Remain open to feedback and commit to personal growth as an ethical and responsible spiritual healer.

Where Do I Begin In My Healing Journey?

Before you set out to begin your journey, reassess yourself and your goals using the signs below. If you can relate with these tenets, then you're on the right path.

You embrace awe

You're constantly wondering about the universe and the space that surrounds you. This innate curiosity will lead you to the depths of your spirit and energy.

You can read others

You can easily read people within the first few minutes of meeting them. Family and friends are amazed by the fact that you're always right about your first impression of someone. This is a valuable tool for you to understand your client.

You are empathetic

You feel other people's emotions as if they were your own. Whether it be a family member's, a friend's, but most especially those of whom you don't know personally. The strong urge to nurture others is what fuels your desire to become a healer.

You are confident in your beliefs

To be able to cultivate your energy and spiritual energies, you must be in tune with your inner self and surroundings. 

You are comfortable with your own unique path

You trust your soul and universe with your course of action. Letting go and just relying on your spiritual journey is key to experiencing your own personal healing.

You know how to put things into perspective

You recognise and keep tragedies in perspective when dealing with other people's traumas. You also have the capability to make peace with your own tragedies through proper guidance.

You have the power to influence others

Spiritual healers have been told that they are influential and have the ability to persuade others. If you have the natural ability to establish rapport with others, then you can definitely guide your clients towards their inner selves in that they may locate and treat the source of their problem at its root.

What Course of Study Should I Undertake?

Studying spiritual healing

If you believe that you possess the innate qualities of a spiritual healer, you're all set to take a course in spiritual healing. Here are 3 helpful tips for landing on the right learning pathway.

1. Take a peek into the coursework

Spiritual healing covers a wide range of subjects. Do you want to learn Pranic healing, Family Constellation or Theta healing? What tools and techniques do you want to master? These are just some of the questions that you need to consider before enrolling. You also want a course that focuses on aura cleansing, which is the primary objective of spiritual healing.

2. Inquire about accreditation

Take time to perform a background check on your preferred school. Whether you're looking to take a certification program, a diploma course or a bachelor's degree, you want to earn your qualification from an institution that is nationally accredited and recognised by professional bodies for certified healers. The ideal school will teach you how to channel universal energy to your client so you don't end up draining your own energy during the healing process.

3. Consider your convenience

Individuals who study at their own place absorb new knowledge faster and produce outstanding results. Taking an online spiritual healing course affords you a more flexible schedule, allowing you to work your study time around your daily activities. So when looking at all your options, you want to give more points to a school that allows its students to enjoy the convenience of distance learning or a blended learning approach. To ease the selection process for you, we've listed below Australia's cream of the crop:

Scientific Studies Shed Light on the Potential of Spiritual Healing

The field of spiritual healing has gained attention and interest in recent years, prompting researchers to explore its potential benefits and effects on health and wellbeing. While the scientific literature on spiritual healing is still developing, there have been several studies and clinical trials conducted in this area. Here are some key points:

  1. Pain Management and Symptom Relief: Several studies have investigated the effects of spiritual healing on pain management and symptom relief in individuals with various conditions, including cancer, chronic pain and cardiovascular disease. These studies often report positive outcomes, such as reduced pain levels, improved quality of life and enhanced wellbeing.

  2. Stress Reduction and Emotional Wellbeing: Research suggests that spiritual healing modalities, such as Reiki, mindfulness and meditation, may have positive effects on stress reduction and emotional wellbeing. Studies have shown improvements in anxiety, depression, stress levels and overall psychological wellbeing among individuals who received spiritual healing interventions.

  3. Immune System Function: Some studies have explored the potential influence of spiritual healing on immune system function. While findings are preliminary, there is evidence suggesting that spiritual healing modalities may have modulatory effects on immune markers and immune system responses. However, more rigorous and controlled studies are needed to establish a clearer understanding of these effects.

  4. Mind-Body Connection and Self-Healing: Researchers have investigated the mind-body connection and the role of spiritual healing in facilitating self-healing mechanisms. Studies suggest that spiritual healing practices can promote a sense of empowerment, self-awareness and self-care, leading to improved overall health outcomes.

Spiritual healing is becoming an increasingly valuable tool in the health space as it helps people heal at the spiritual level and achieve their desired lives. Hence, there's no better time to start learning than now.

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Originally published on Jul 10, 2020

FAQs About Becoming a Spiritual Healer

Should I become a spiritual healer?

It depends on the kind of character you have. If you are passionate about helping others and have an empathetic nature, then you should pursue a career in spiritual healing.

What are the requirements to become a spiritual healer?

In order to become a spiritual healer and be recognised by professional organisations such as the Australian Holistic Healers and Counsellors Association, you have to earn a qualification from an accredited course.

How much does a spiritual healer earn?

On average, a spiritual healer can earn $72,230 annually. The actual figures vary according to one's location and level of experience. Earnings for spiritual healers in Australia however can vary greatly based on factors such as experience, location, client base, and the specific healing modalities they offer. In general, spiritual healers may charge by the hour or per session, with rates ranging from around AUD $50 to AUD $200 or more.

Can everybody become a spiritual healer?

Yes. Having a compassionate heart and the commitment to help people improve their lives are the primary qualifications of a spiritual healer. The succeeding ones are what you could obtain from a spiritual healing course.

Is spiritual healing recognised as a legitimate form of therapy in Australia?

While spiritual healing is not regulated by a specific governing body in Australia, it is recognised and embraced as a complementary therapy by many individuals and healthcare professionals. Many spiritual healers adhere to ethical standards and may hold certifications or qualifications from recognised training programs. However, it is important to seek practitioners who align with your personal beliefs and values.

Are there any specific regulations or guidelines for spiritual healers in Australia?

There are no specific regulations or guidelines governing spiritual healers in Australia. However, various professional associations and organisations provide voluntary membership and standards for practitioners to follow. It is advisable to seek healers who are members of reputable associations and uphold ethical practices.

How can I find a qualified spiritual healer in my area?

To find a qualified spiritual healer in Australia, you can start by researching local alternative therapy centres, holistic wellness directories or online platforms that specialise in connecting individuals with practitioners. It is important to read reviews, consider referrals and have initial consultations to ensure the healer's approach aligns with your needs and values.

Can spiritual healing be covered by health insurance in Australia?

Health insurance coverage for spiritual healing in Australia may vary depending on the insurance provider and the specific policy. Some private health insurance policies offer extras or alternative therapy coverage that may include spiritual healing modalities. It is recommended to check with your insurance provider directly to determine if spiritual healing is covered under your policy and to what extent.

How is spiritual healing practised in Australia?

In Australia, spiritual healing is practised by trained professionals who utilise various techniques such as Reiki, energy healing, crystal therapy and meditation. These practitioners often work in complementary medicine centres, wellness retreats or private practices.

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