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Is a 4-Day Work Week Healthy?

Sep 19, 2016

A four day workweek sounds so blissful - four days of work, and a long weekend... every weekend. But to burst our bubble, some experts say the extra personal time may not be as beneficial as first thought. Sounds suss to us (are the so-called 'experts' overzealous...

Want to live longer? Read a book

Aug 17, 2016

They say reading makes you smarter, more worldly. And now science says reading for just 3.5 hours a week could extend your life! Yes, avid book readers live about two years longer than non-readers. Just think of how many more books you could read in...

Study: are antidepressants pointless for kids and teens?

Aug 15, 2016

A significant review of antidepressant use has found that they are mostly ineffective and could even harm children and teens.Published in The Lancet, the review led by researchers at Oxford University, assessed the evidence for 14 different antidepressants...

Cold Weather Can Affect Mood When Working Out

Jun 01, 2016

Cold weather can dampen the spirits of even the most motivated of exercisers.  With the following tips for cold weather exercising, you can still become motivated and stay fit. Exercising is important for a number of reasons.  It supports health...

Is psychology better than pills for back pain?

May 18, 2016

    Don’t like taking pills whenever your back plays up? Then you might be keen to know that a new study has found two psychological treatments can ease back pain better than pills!  Mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) were both...

Why Water Views Are Better For Your Mental Health

May 13, 2016

Why water views are better for your mental health Do you feel happier, healthier, and more at peace when watching a wild ocean or calm sea? A new study agrees that people who have a water view (‘blue space’) are mentally healthier than people who...

Scientists Find 69 Factors that Influence Gut Bacteria

May 09, 2016

Our digestive system is an intricate, intriguing thing. And scientists in Belgium have just unearthed 69 different factors that control the bacteria in your gut.The long list includes your choice of chocolate, contraceptive pill, sleep habits, medicine, and...

Why It's Hard to Sleep in New Places

May 02, 2016

Why It's Hard to Sleep in New Places Do you find it difficult to sleep in a new bed when travelling? That king-sized, plush hotel bed sure is comfortable, so why are you tossing and turning? Science says it’s because your brain is hard-wired to stay...

How is Fruit Healthy for the Heart?

Apr 27, 2016

Even as nutritional advice has evolved, one tenet has remained: fruits and vegetables are essential for maintaining optimal health and wellness. And a new study has linked fresh fruit to a lower risk of heart attack and stroke. Published in the New...

Is napping good for you?

Apr 08, 2016

I’ve been travelling in Spain, where every day in marked with an afternoon siesta. Good luck finding a café or shop that’s open when naptime rolls around each day!But are naps healthy? Or should you avoid a little lie down during the day? When napping...

Meditation reduces breast cancer biopsy pain

Mar 16, 2016

Experts have known for some time that meditation helps keep patients calm and relaxed in the lead up to surgery. And now new research has found that meditation could reduce pain during breast cancer biopsies.   The Duke Cancer Institute study, published...

Scientists find the grey hair gene

Mar 14, 2016

What makes our hair turn grey with old age? Turns out, a gene is responsible. Scientists have just identified the grey hair gene, called IRF4 – the same gene that determines blonde hair.  Why does our hair turn grey? The pigment melanin is responsible...

Study: Does Poor Nutrition Cause Depression?

Mar 02, 2016

We've known for a long time that we are what we eat. And science is striding forward in finding out just how food is linked to mood – and even mental health. One study found that eating a Mediterranean-style diet could prevent depression – while...

Can Coffee Boost Your Fitness?

Feb 01, 2016

Have you ever had a cup of coffee before a workout and found it boosted your performance? Well now science backs up your experience, with a review finding that endurance is enhanced by around 24 percent after drinking coffee. The only issue? You’ll...

How Exercise Affects Your Gut Health

Jan 25, 2016

You probably know that working out is good for keeping fit and healthy. But did you know that exercising at a young age can improve your gut health? How exercise affects your gut health A research team from the University of Colorado Boulder found...

Early Bird or Night Owl: Which is Healthier?

Jan 15, 2016

Are you an early lark, or a night owl? Studies show that your sleep style reveals a lot about your personality and brain structure. But is it healthier to get up early or stay up late? Why are you an early bird or night owl? Why are some people early...

Blueberries: Nutrition Facts & Information

Jan 13, 2016

Several studies show that blueberries are good for memory. In fact, in some parts of the world, they are made into a juice and consumed by the glass full!  Blueberries have consistently been ranked amongst the top fruits to eat, only second to strawberries.

Study: Happiness Region Found in the Brain

Jan 10, 2016

Ever wondered why some people appear happier than others? A study fresh from Japan suggests your happiness could depend on the size of a specific brain region. Published in Scientific Reports journal, the Kyoto University study points out that until...

Study Shows How Yoga Helps Men With Prostate Cancer

Jan 08, 2016

How many men are in your yoga class? If the answer is "not many", you might like to invite the important men in your life along. Why? Because a new study from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine has found that yoga may reduce the side...

What happens when cracking your knuckles?

Dec 14, 2015

What does it look like when a knuckle is cracked? A new US study put knuckles under the microscope and found that the cracking is “like a firework exploding in the joint.”  What makes knuckles crack? A few months ago, University of Alberta researchers...

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