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Self Discipline in Business: Why Discipline is Important for Success

Last Updated Aug 21, 2020

Discipline is necessary in any business and that includes a natural therapies business. If you have a passion for natural therapies, you use discipline to learn all you can about them. When you start your own natural therapy business, discipline may not enter the picture, but it is a necessary part of starting a natural therapies business.

What is self discipline?

Self discipline can sound like a harsh word, but it doesn't have to be. Discipline is simply having a plan and sticking with the plan. If you don't have a plan for your natural therapies business you may flounder and have to find a job you don't like doing. If you have discipline, you can succeed in your natural therapies business and enjoy the work.

How can you achieve discipline? It shouldn't be a vague plan. You should have goals for your business and work towards those goals. A good way to start is to write down what your goals are and you may want to put the goals on a cork board or whiteboard to remind yourself of what you want to do.

Goals, performance and discipline go together

When you have goals, you also have discipline. The goals are what you strive for and discipline helps you achieve those goals. That is why it is a good idea to put your goals on a cork board or whiteboard. Every day when you see those goals, you are reminded to use discipline to reach those goals. What goals should you have? Some of them may be:

  • To move from your house to an office near a downtown area to attract more customers
  • To have staff on your payroll who can do work you cannot do
  • To create a website to reach more people who are interested in natural therapies

Business Core Values

When clients come to your house, your performance will count. They are looking for someone who is knowledgeable, friendly and ready to listen to their problems. Your performance will bring them back for more treatments and they might recommend you to their friends.

Why a website may be an important part of your business

When you're starting out in a natural therapies practice, you may not have enough money to move to an office or pay staff. A website is an inexpensive way to attract more customers. People tend to look online for natural therapists and when they find you, they may be inclined to come to your house and get treatment from you.

A website will alert clients from other suburbs to your business. They may come to your house and in time, you may have enough clients to open an office in a more central location and not have to work out of your house. You may also be able to hire staff because your business is doing well. Don't overlook the possibilities of a website because people go online to find businesses near them.

The website should have your address at the bottom of each page and on the contact page, too. That way, when people search for a natural therapist nearby, your website will be visible and they may come to you for treatment. It should also have a blog, for two reasons. A blog will tell your potential clients you know about natural therapies and if you write blogs at least once a week, your website will move up the ladder and you may get on page one of Google or Yahoo.

Your website should have brief outlines of what you do and should have several pages. The contact page is important and should have a box where people can contact you directly. Check the box regularly and reply to them as promptly as you can. They will be impressed by your promptness, but don't offer treatment. Save that for when they come to see you and tell you about what is wrong with them.

Discipline doesn't have to be a chore. Set your goals and work towards them. Your business may not thrive overnight, but if you stick with your goals and use discipline, you might be surprised by how quickly you realise your goals.

Once your natural therapy business is up and running, you also need to list your business with a natural therapy directory.

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Originally published on Jan 15, 2019

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