Natural Approaches to Infertility

Last Updated Aug 09, 2019

Infertility describes the inability of a couple to conceive a child, which is the primary symptom of this condition.  They are regarded as infertile if they have not conceived after 12 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.  Infertility affects both sexes, and in many cases there is no specific medical explanation. This is called idiopathic or unexplained infertility.  A number of tests can attempt to diagnose the underlying cause of infertility.  In males this includes analysis of semen, whilst female hormonal levels and the monitoring of cervical mucus may aid diagnosis. Secondary infertility describes couples who have previously been pregnant, but have not been able to conceive again.  Conventional medical treatments for infertility are varied and include surgery, hormone treatments and artificial insemination. 

Lifestyle choices, nutritional deficiencies and hereditary factors or a combination of these are some of the underlying causes of infertility.  In addition, environmental factors such as the presence of toxic pesticides and heavy metals have been shown to have a negative effect on fertility.  Male infertility can be caused by a range of factors, including sperm disorders, genetic disorders, alcohol and drug misuse, testicular injury, sexually transmitted diseases and the side effects of illnesses.  Female infertility is often centred on the reproductive organs and includes problems with ovulation, egg transport, fertilisation/implantation, endometriosis and miscarriage.

The following lifestyle choices can all increase the likelihood of infertility:

  • Smoking  - lowers the sperm count in males
  • Recreational drugs - street drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy all have a negative affect on male and female fertility
  • Alcohol – excessive consumption has been shown to decrease sperm count, and lead to an increase in abnormal sperm. Alcohol also inhibits the body's absorption of nutrients such as zinc, an essential mineral for male fertility
  • Caffeine – reduces sperm count and motility whilst increasing abnormalities in male sperm

Read on to find out what you can do to maintain your fertility.

Natural approaches to infertility


Nutritional supplements can be very effective in re-balancing your hormones, as well as improving you and your partner's reproductive health, vital for successful conception.

  • Folic acid - together with vitamin B12, folic acid works to ensure that a child's genetic makeup (DNA and RNA) is protected.  It can also prevent spina bifida (malformed spinal cord) and is typically taken before and during pregnancy
  • Zinc is an essential component of genetic material for men and women, and is found in high concentrations in male sperm
  • Selenium is an antioxidant that also helps to protect your genetic makeup, and prevent birth defects and miscarriage. Good levels of selenium are also essential to maximise sperm formation
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and has been shown to increase fertility when given to both men and women.
  • Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant, with studies showing that it enhances and protects sperm quality
  • L-arginineis an amino acid found in the head of the sperm, and essential for sperm production
  • L-carnitine is an amino acid essential for normal motility and functioning of sperm cells

Herbal medicine

Herbal remedies are aimed at restoring hormone imbalances, and encouraging ovulation.  Agnus castus is a popular herbal remedy that works to restore hormonal balance and increase fertility.  It must be noted that if you are taking, any fertility drugs, or hormonal treatments, the pill, you should consult a registered, experienced practitioner as some herbs can interfere with the functioning of these drugs.


This ancient Chinese treatment is a positive complementary form of therapy for women undergoing fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).  Acupuncture is thought to help women stay more relaxed through a stressful course of fertility treatment.


Meditation can have similar benefits to acupuncture and together with other natural fertility treatments such as fertility yoga, hydrotherapy, reiki, pilates and Ayurveda can have a positive influence on mind and body.

So to reiterate, you can increase your chances of being fertile by:

  • Taking regular exercise
  • Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • Keeping stress to a minimum
  • Having safe sex regularly

If you are having trouble conceiving or are planning on having a child see your herbalist, naturopath or doctor.

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Originally published on Apr 19, 2009

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