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Top Brain Boosting Foods

Health Tips
Last Updated Mar 08, 2022

How many times a day to you go into a room only to forget why you are there? Go to the shops to buy something and forget what it is you need?

Food can play a major role in concentration and memory. Eat the right kinds of foods and boost your mind and health at the same time. The right type of foods support a brain’s cognitive function as well as support memory and concentration.


Our brain is made up of 60% fat. We therefore need to feed it with healthy fats in order to benefit and support its function. Omega fatty acids are considered essential in that they cannot be made by the body and have to be outsourced. These vital fats are high in DHA which is crucial in supporting a healthy nervous system. These are found cold water fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel. Fish also contain the very important mineral, iodine. Iodine has been found to improve intelligibility.

Other healthy fats which have been shown to boost cognitive function include olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseeds, nuts and seeds and avocado.

Unhealthy fats such as trans fats and hydrogenated fats do not improve brain function but can slow it down and clog it up. It is best to avoid these kinds of fats. They are found in biscuits, French fries, cakes, pastries.

Lecithin and Choline

Choline is converted to acetylcholine in the brain which is an important neurotransmitter. Although choline is produced in the liver, it must be obtained from lecithin found in the foods we eat. Foods that contain lecithin include cauliflower, eggs, soybean (dig into that edamame!), liver, peanuts.


Blueberries are truly one of nature’s miracles. High in antioxidants, they protect the neurons (the nerves in our brains) by mopping up damaging free radicals. These antioxidants, called anthocyanins give blueberries their blue colour.


Water helps with brain function, memory and helps us to focus. The brain is made of up 70% water and so it is no wander we need water to rehydrate and to focus. How many times have you developed a headache only for the pain to relieved by drinking water? Water is also important for cell function.


Magnesium is a very important mineral for calming of the nerves. Magnesium protects the nerves by supporting and building the myelin sheaths which insulate the nerve fibres. Many of us are magnesium deficient which also disturbes our sleep.


Sleep needs to be mentioned in this topic! Sleep is needed for our brain to function at it’s most optimal level. Sleep regenerates and repairs many parts of the body including the brain. So, for effective memory and function 7 or more hours of sleep is necessary!

If you feel you are deficient in some foods or need support with brain foods, contact your naturopath or nutritionist.

Originally published on Jul 16, 2012

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