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Why Drink Aloe Vera Juice?

Health Products
Last Updated Aug 21, 2020

Aloe vera is one of the most popular and cherished medicinal plants in the world. For thousands of years, it has been used as a topical ointment in treating wounds, burns, and various skin disorders. Various indigenous cultures have discovered the laxative effects of the latex lining inside the leaf (aloin) and have been verified by scientific studies that substances called anthraquinone glycosides are responsible for this. But why should you drink aloe vera juice? Are there  potential health benefits to drinking aloe vera juice regularly?

Aloe vera benefits

Some promoters of aloe vera juice make it sound a little bit too miraculous, with its ability to cure almost any disease, but what does the evidence say? There are several evidence that suggests that aloe vera juice can be used to treat various disorders and prevent others. It is said that aloe vera juice can treat a number of health disorders including gastro-intestinal disorders:

  • Aloe vera has a laxative properties and can give constipation relief.
  • Although there is a lack of clinical trials conducted, it is said that aloe vera juice can be used to treat ulcers.
  • It has been reported by many people that aloe vera juice provides significant relief from ulcerative colitis.
  • It is believed that the gel inside aloe vera can coat the intestinal tract and provide relief from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • It is also believed that aloe vera may also help in preventing colon cancer.

Of all these claims surrounding the potential health benefits of aloe vera, the claim on cancer prevention is the most controversial. Several studies suggest that the same anthraquinones responsible for the laxative effect may also contribute to the growth of cancer cells if it is taken excessively. For this reason, some experts are recommending to drink aloe vera juice only that has removed in processing. On the other hand, animal studies that use aloe vera extract have revealed its potential as a cancer treatment. Acemannan, a carbohydrate found in aloe vera leaves, "has been known to have antiviral and antitumor activities", according to a study published by the United States Library of Medicine.

By no means, aloe vera juice may only be able to relieve digestive disorders. In addition, aloe vera contains various health promoting ingredients including:

  • Macrophages are white blood cells that fight viruses. Polysaccharides contained in aloe vera juice are known to stimulate them, therefore indirectly helping in preventing viral infections or minimise their effects on the body.
  • It is believed that aloe vera juice has many anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Aloe vera contains high levels of amino acids called mucopolysaccharides that are important in regenerating body cells.

You can make aloe vera juice straight from the plant or add it to other juices or you can drink a commercially available brand. If you choose to buy it, look for a brand that preserves all of its health promoting ingredients during the processing phase. Health foods stores are probably the best places to look for them. If you are concerned about anthraquinones or want to avoid any of its laxative effect, just choose an aloin free brand.

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Originally published on Mar 18, 2013

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