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Dyslexia: What It Is, Its Causes & Symptoms?

Sep 27, 2021

Dyslexia: What It Is, Its Causes & Symptoms?

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it difficult for people to read and write. It can also be hard for them to spell words, match letters and sounds, or express their thoughts in spoken language. The disorder affects people of all ages and backgrounds and has no single cause. It occurs in people of all ethnic, cultural and economic backgrounds. It can affect individuals who speak English as their first language or those who communicate using sign language.

Dyslexic children may be intelligent, but they do not learn to read at the same pace as other students. This is because dyslexia makes it difficult for them to break down individual sounds into clusters (phonemes). They also find it challenging to translate these phonetic groups into written words that make sense when combined with each other. The disorder can impact a person's ability to think clearly and hold attention on tasks like listening or reading comprehension. People affected by this learning disability often struggle with time management skills due to difficulty processing information quickly enough during lectures, conversations, or lectures.

Causes of Dyslexia

Dyslexia can be due to various reasons, including heredity. This means that the likelihood of acquiring developmental dyslexia increases if it is present in one's family history. Sometimes primary language at home affects how children learn to read and write. The best way for someone with dyslexia to learn is through consistent exposure to books and other reading materials, as well as regular practice of spelling skills.

Children who are slow readers may need more than just extra time when taking basic vocabulary spelling tests or during timed exams. They might also benefit from receiving oral directions instead of written ones because they find them easier to understand when verbalized by another person rather than reading on their own before taking action. When students feel anxious about reading out loud in front of others, teachers should not pressure them into doing it. It may help to read together or take turns reading with another student if the child is able.

Symptoms of Dyslexia

Dyslexia symptoms are often not noticeable in a child who is learning how to speak, but they become more apparent later on in academic learning. These symptoms include:

  • Struggling during dictation exercises and word games that involve rhyming words by saying them quickly after one another
  • Trouble matching letters and numbers, which makes developing basic literacy skills difficult at an early age
  • Having difficulty recalling information that was just heard or seen, such as what something looks like from different angles
  • Difficulty in visualising images clearly in their minds even though they can recall details about past experiences fairly well

Diagnosis & Treatment for Dyslexia

Dyslexia is often diagnosed by educational or school psychologists after an evaluation of the child's literacy skills and their performance in school. The diagnostic procedure includes observing how they work on spelling lists, reading stories, writing reports or essays, as well as listening to lectures given by teachers. Sometimes children may need extra time during exams because it takes them longer than most students to do what others can accomplish within regular testing periods. The method used for diagnosis also depends upon the individual situation and where someone lives. Some students with dyslexia find that taking classes online works better for them because this allows them plenty of opportunities to receive feedback from instructors without having anyone watching over their shoulders while doing homework or tests.

Other telltale signs of dyslexia in a person include:

  • Difficulty processing information quickly enough during lectures
  • Poor listening, comprehension and time management skills
  • Reading difficulties and poor spelling, especially of lengthy words like "rhinoceros"
  • Difficulty in sounding out letters such as the letter P
  • Mixing up similar-sounding syllables like "pen/pin" or "hat/cat"

A speech language pathologist can conduct further tests on an individual's ability to read single words aloud without errors, distinguish rhyming sounds from one another, match spoken sounds with their corresponding letters, and identify words that rhyme.

An important part of treating dyslexia involves finding a method that works best for each individual. This means refusing to use a particular approach if it causes the student anxiety or makes them feel uncomfortable. It is also important not to label children with learning disabilities because they often become self-fulfilling prophecies when other students and adults expect them to fail in certain situations. Instead of focusing on what someone cannot do, teachers should emphasize their strengths while providing support during challenging times.

Although there is no cure for dyslexia, there are many ways to help people who struggle with the condition learn how to read independently by using computer programs that provide immediate feedback about mistakes made while writing and saying words out loud. A reading specialist can work one-on-one with students, reading along with them silently as they practise reading aloud and taking note of their level of phonemic awareness. 

Dyslexia is also commonly treated with a combination of therapies, including remedial reading instruction, tutoring to build vocabulary and comprehension skills, as well as instructional software for practicing phonetic rules. These techniques allow a child with dyslexia to develop the necessary skills they need in order to succeed academically from home, or at school, without being exposed to negative labels from their peers as a result of their learning difficulties.

What is the Future for People With Dyslexia?

The outlook on life for a person with dyslexia depends on their ability to cope effectively, as the condition can have significant effects on their self-esteem when others do not understand what everyday life with dyslexia is like. It is often this lack of understanding that leads others to bully or make fun of those who have to put up with the symptoms of dyslexia and can only hope for a better life.

People with dyslexia can accomplish anything they set their mind to, but it is important that they and the people around them understand the challenges they face each day because of their condition. It is also essential that teachers, parents and peers know how best to help someone struggling with dyslexia so they never feel as if there is no hope for them in overcoming their difficulties or for those whom they care about deeply.

The future of children with dyslexia can be positive if they are provided with the essential tools to cope effectively and hone their academic skills. We couldn't stress enough the importance of finding the most effective treatments for their condition that work best for them, such as speech therapy or tutoring services.

The more people understand about this disorder, the better it will be for those struggling because there is less chance of others bullying them or ridiculing their literacy difficulties. People should also remember that no two cases of dyslexia are exactly alike; therefore what works well for one person may not necessarily help another individual overcome the difficulties associated with a dyslexic brain.

Resource & Support for Dyslexia Sufferers

Dyslexic people can find many helpful resources online — such as Dyslexic Advantage — that provide information relevant to questions concerning symptoms and treatments for dyslexia, as well as support groups focused on helping every person affected by this disorder know that they are not alone.

There are also many health specialists, including natural therapists, who can help address different aspects of dyslexia. All you need to do is find the perfect one for you that can guide you through this journey.

FAQs About Dyslexia

What age is best to test for dyslexia?

Dyslexia is most commonly diagnosed in children between the ages of 5 and 6. In most cases, dyslexia does not manifest itself before the individual actually begins learning to read.

How can dyslexia affect emotions?

Children with dyslexia are at risk of developing anxiety disorders, especially when they are mocked by other children. Knowing that they lag behind in reading and spelling compared to other students in their class may also cause them to experience low self-esteem.

Do all dyslexics have high IQs?

Although dyslexics struggle with reading and spelling, they often have superb intellectual abilities. They have highly advanced IQs compared to those with a normal reading aptitude, as evidenced by studies.

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