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An Integrated Approach To Health

Last Updated Jan 27, 2021

The huge growth in alternative or holistic medicine is perhaps a paradox of our times, as science and technology moves inexorably forward, expanding the boundaries of medical knowledge and offering hope for the treatment of once dreaded illnesses and disease.  But these insights and the growing body of medical expertise don’t always have all the answers. This is most evident in our inability to treat the army of resilient viruses that lurk in our midst.  This impotence is also reflected in our overreliance on medications, particularly antibiotics, which are routinely and sometimes indiscriminately prescribed.  The move to more natural alternative treatments is partly explained by a desire to limit the side effects of conventional drugs, which can often offset the benefits of the medication.

The Natural Therapy Pages caught up with Laura Brass of Uclinic, a practice that promotes the benefits of integrated medicine, with medical doctors working alongside natural therapists and other health professionals.

What is the ethos behind integrated medicine?

"Integrated medicine is the most effective model of medicine.  In order to heal and overcome illness it is integral for people to have access to both western and complementary medicine. "

Are modern Western medicine and alternative therapies natural bedfellows?

"Not only are they natural bedfellows, but they are beautifully married! Integrating western and complementary therapies are essential.  For instance, patients require blood work from the GP to monitor cholesterol and fat levels.  If their cholesterol is high, they probably require fish oils and other remedies prescribed by the naturopath, dietary changes with the dietician, and may need help coping with stress - when they will see the psychologist."

Why do you think people are looking beyond conventional medicine for health solutions?

"People are starting to become aware that conventional medicine has limitations.  For instance, if a patient has a cold or flu many GPs will prescribe an antibiotic, that’s their only tool!  Many people are becoming aware of the negative impact antibiotics can have on the body and immune system and are looking for alternatives.  The same applies for depression and anxiety - people are looking for alternatives to anti-depressants."

So conventional medicine isn’t always the answer?

"Conventional medicine is extremely vital to our health care system but definitely should not be relied on as the only primary system of health care. People should begin viewing naturopaths as primary health care providers as well.  It makes sense to try natural health care before starting on drugs."

Do you think antibiotics are prescribed too freely sometimes?

"Definitely! Antibiotics can have a detrimental effect on our gut health, immune system and even moods! Antibiotics should ONLY be used as a last resort, after trying natural therapies, or in very extreme cases."

Is the medical profession inherently sceptical about all alternative therapies?

"I think there are a lot of negative and ignorant doctors out there, which is very sad, especially for the patients.  However, there are also growing sects of open-minded and integrative doctors who will hopefully pave the way for the rest.  Integrative medicine is the future of all health care models."

Do you think we are going to see more integrated practices in the future?

"Absolutely!  Integrated medicine already exists on a larger scale in North America and Europe.  It is only a matter of time before all general medical practices and even hospitals have an integrated component."

Originally published on Jul 07, 2010

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