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Becoming Your Own Weight Loss Expert

Health Tips
Last Updated Sep 07, 2020

The past few decades have seen more and more weight loss plans and programs released onto the market yet we are becoming fatter and fatter.  Perhaps all those plans and programs are missing the point.  Perhaps they are actually getting it completely wrong.  Perhaps, as human beings, we aren't psychologically equipped to follow a strict plan or program.  Perhaps the only way to successfully healthy weight loss (by which I mean losing fat forever - not just losing fat fast) is to develop exercise and healthy eating strategies that are unique to you physically, practically and psychologically.  Perhaps this is the real revolution in weight loss.  Perhaps it isn't really a revolution at all.  Perhaps it is just evolution – something to ensure survival of the fittest and a way for us to escape the draconian dodos that weight loss plans and programs have become.

So how do you do it?

  1. Think for yourself. You can. The only person who knows about everything that goes on in your own life is you.  Don't mindlessly follow any health, fitness or food guru.  Temper their words with your own unique insights into what will work best for you.  Chances are you already know ten or twenty healthier habits that you could adopt.  All your need to do is work out how you are going to integrate them into your life not just for now, but for forever.
  2. Remember that you are in control of your own weight loss journey.  You set your own speed limit.  Rev up your exercise and healthy eating efforts and you will arrive at your destination in next to no time.
  3. Consider keeping a food and exercise diary.  It doesn't just keep you accountable; it also helps keep you organized, focused, and better able to make informed decisions.  It also does wonders for your self-confidence.
  4. Once you awaken your healthy body from its hibernation into unhealthy living it will soon start talking to you.  Listen to it.  Some days are hungry day, some days aren't.  Some days you need to rest, other days you need to smash it out at the gym.
  5. The road to weight loss isn't straight and smooth. You need to change and grow according to whatever life throws at you.  Expect the unexpected and you will always be prepared.

Think you can't do it on your own?  Consider contacting a wellness coach to help facilitate and partner you in your weight loss journey (draconian dodos not included!)

Originally published on Dec 07, 2011

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