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The Benefits of Paw Paw (Papaya)

Health Products
Last Updated Aug 14, 2023

The Benefits of Paw Paw (Papaya)

Paw Paw (or papaya) is a soft, fleshy tropical fruit that is being cultivated in tropical regions and is easily available throughout Australia. Most Australians enjoy eating paw paw because of its delicious taste but increasingly, research has shown that its health benefits may be even greater than its delicious taste. As a matter of fact, paw paw and paw paw-based products are being used for various medicinal and therapeutic purposes both by natural health practitioners and in conventional medicine.

What are the Benefits of Eating Papaya?

No one is questioning the health benefits of the fruit, but paw paw is special because of the large quantities of major vitamins and minerals in it which include dietary fiber, folic acid, vitamins A, C, and E. It also carries small amount of riboflavin, calcium, iron, niacin, and thiamine. It is also rich in antioxidant nutrients, flavonoids and carotenoids, high in vitamin C plus A, and low in calories and sodium.

Nothing in the fruit goes to waste; not even its seeds. Did you know that high amounts of fatty acids, including oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic and stearic acids, can be obtained from papaya seeds? These unsaturated fats make the fruit's seeds worth considering as a raw ingredient in the manufacture of food-grade oils and skincare products, according to several studies. Palmitic and stearic acids are primarily used in cosmetics as they contain natural cleansing agents that wash away accumulated oil and dirt on the skin that clog the pores. Palmitic is also a natural emollient that locks in skin's natural moisture.

The high content of linoleic and oleic acids in papaya seeds can help prevent heart disease, cancer and inflammatory diseases resulting from oxidative damage to the cells in the body. Linoleic is especially beneficial to people with diabetes as it helps maintain low blood sugar levels.

Apart from these, paw paw is rich in important antioxidants and an excellent source of fiber, which reduces the risk of colon cancer. At the same time, it is low in sodium and calories but contains citric acid, making it an excellent fruit for maintaining kidney health as citric acid prevents the formation of kidney stones. If these reasons are not enough for the fruit to be a part of your diet, it also contains unique ingredients that are not found, or found in limited concentrations, in other fruits. Papain and chymopapain are digestive enzymes found in the fruit that help in breaking down proteins and converting them into amino acids, making paw paw an excellent solution for indigestion and other digestive health issues.

Paw paw also has anti-inflammatory properties that may help in reducing the severity of the symptoms brought by rheumatoid arthritis and in the recovery from sport injuries or other conditions caused by or exacerbated by inflammation. These include properties in treating the common cold to more serious diseases.

Continuing studies also reveal that paw paw and paw paw-based medications show promise in providing relief from the side effects of cancer treatments such as difficulty in swallowing and mouth ulcers, as well as providing a boost to the production of immune system cells. And like many coloured fruits that contain lycopene, paw paw just might be the answer to every man's problem, especially those who are at risk of prostate cancer. Eating fresh papaya once in a while may help improve their sperm counts and fertility.

Supporting Digestive Health with Paw Paw

If you're looking to give your digestive system a boost, papaya might just be your secret weapon. The enzymes found in papaya, particularly papain, are renowned for their ability to break down proteins and promote better digestion. Whether you're dealing with bloating, indigestion or other tummy troubles, papaya could offer some natural relief.

Papaya-Packed Breakfast

Start your day on the right foot by adding papaya to your morning routine. You can slice up fresh papaya and enjoy it as a standalone fruit bowl or blend it into a smoothie. Combine papaya with other digestive-friendly foods like yoghurt and a sprinkle of chia seeds for a delicious and nutritious breakfast.

Papaya Salad Delight

Lunchtime calls for a refreshing and vibrant papaya salad. Create a colorful medley by combining diced papaya with crisp vegetables like cucumber, bell peppers and carrots. Drizzle with a zesty lime vinaigrette and top with a sprinkle of nuts or seeds for an added crunch. This salad not only tantalises your taste buds but also supports your digestion.

Papaya Salsa Sensation

Bring the tropics to your dinner table with a papaya salsa that complements grilled chicken or fish. Dice papaya, mix in some red onion, cilantro, and a touch of lime juice. The enzymes in papaya will not only add a burst of flavor but also aid in the digestion of the protein-rich main dish.

Papaya Parfait Pleasure

For a delightful dessert that's kind to your digestive system, create a papaya parfait. Layer papaya chunks with Greek yoghurt and a sprinkle of granola. The combination of papain from the papaya and probiotics from the yoghurt can work together to support a happy gut.

Papaya Enzyme Supplements

If you're on the go or find it challenging to incorporate fresh papaya into your meals regularly, papaya enzyme supplements are also available. These supplements can provide you with the digestive benefits of papain even when fresh papaya isn't readily accessible.

Paw Paw's Contribution to Skincare

Unlock the secret to radiant skin with the natural wonders of papaya. Beyond being a tropical treat, this fruit holds the potential to address a range of skin concerns, giving you the confidence to put your best face forward.

Exfoliating and Brightening

Paw paw's enzymes, particularly papain, can work as a gentle exfoliant, sloughing off dead skin cells and revealing fresher, brighter skin underneath. This makes paw paw a valuable ally in addressing dullness, uneven skin tone and minor pigmentation issues. Regular exfoliation with paw paw can help your skin regain its natural radiance.

Acne and Blemish Control

If you're battling acne or blemishes, paw paw might be your new go-to solution. The enzymes and antioxidants in paw paw can help soothe inflammation, reduce redness and assist in unclogging pores. The natural exfoliating properties of papain can aid in preventing the buildup of dead skin cells and excess oil that contribute to breakouts.

Anti-Ageing Support

Paw paw's high vitamin C content plays a pivotal role in collagen production, which is vital for maintaining skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. By incorporating paw paw into your skincare routine, you're effectively promoting a more youthful complexion. This natural approach to anti-ageing helps tackle fine lines, wrinkles and loss of firmness.

Hydration and Dryness Relief

For those struggling with dry skin, paw paw's hydrating properties can come to the rescue. The moisture-retaining abilities of the fruit, combined with its vitamins and antioxidants, can help replenish and rejuvenate parched skin. Incorporating papaya-based moisturisers or masks can provide a nourishing boost, leaving your skin softer and more supple.

Application Tips and Precautions

When using paw paw for skincare, it's a good idea to perform a patch test first to ensure you don't have any adverse reactions. For homemade masks, blend papaya into a smooth paste and apply it to your face, leaving it on for about 15-20 minutes before rinsing off. You can also find skincare products that contain paw paw extracts for targeted benefits.

Paw Paw for Weight Loss

Paw paw is a must-have in your diet plan if you're looking to shed off the unwanted pounds and achieve a figure to behold. Because of its high fibre content, the fruit gives you the feeling of fullness for longer, which helps reduce your calorie intake as you seldom get hungry and eat.

Raw papaya is just as tasty and healthy as its ripe version. Green papaya (which is how the fruit looks in its raw form) can be added to soups, sliced thinly and mixed into salads or juiced up. However you decide to take your paw paw, you will definitely enjoy its taste without adding another inch to your waist.

Paw Paw and Antioxidants

Including paw paw in your diet can be a tasty way to give your immune system the boost it needs to keep you in tip-top shape. Strengthening your immune system is crucial in warding off all kinds of health conditions, and paw paw can lend a hand in this department. Loaded with vitamin C, paw paw helps bolster your immune defenses, making it easier for your body to fend off infections and illnesses. The antioxidants in paw paw also play a role in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, which can further support overall immune function.

The antioxidants found in the fruit are extremely beneficial to your health and are said to be among the most important reasons why you should make fruits and vegetables a large and regular part of your diet. Antioxidants have shown to scavenge the free radicals that are pivotal in the development of life threatening diseases such as cancer that have become prevalent in modern society, where processed and unhealthy foods have become a large part of our life.

The health benefits of paw paw are potentially enormous. There are benefits both from the natural fruit and the natural paw paw supplements. While many health care professionals have recommended consulting a holistic doctor with knowledge of both natural and conventional medicine for existing or suspected diseases, taken regularly, paw paw may play an important role in preventing those diseases from occurring.

What Research Says About the Benefits of Eating Papaya

Papaya has captured the attention of researchers worldwide due to its potential health benefits. Clinical trials and studies have delved into the diverse advantages of incorporating papaya into your diet, shedding light on its contributions to overall wellbeing.

Digestive Aid and Gut Health

Clinical trials have shown that papaya contains enzymes like papain, chymopapain and caricain, which possess digestive properties. These enzymes aid in breaking down proteins and supporting smoother digestion. A study published in the "Journal of Medicinal Food" found that the consumption of papaya can alleviate digestive discomfort, making it a valuable addition for those dealing with digestive issues.

Immune System Support

The high content of vitamin C and other antioxidants in papaya has caught the attention of researchers exploring immune system function. A study published in "Nutrition and Cancer" demonstrated that papaya consumption may enhance the body's immune response by boosting the production of immune cells and strengthening immune defenses. This suggests that regularly including papaya in your diet could potentially help ward off infections and illnesses.

Skin Health and Anti-Ageing Potential

Studies have indicated that papaya's rich vitamin C content plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis, which supports skin elasticity and fights signs of ageing. A study published in "Pharmaceutical Biology" highlighted the ability of papaya extracts to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in skin cells, contributing to a healthier complexion. This makes papaya a promising natural ingredient for skincare and anti-ageing routines.

Heart Health and Antioxidant Properties

Papaya's antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and lycopene, have been linked to cardiovascular health. Research published in the "Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism" suggests that regular papaya consumption can reduce oxidative stress, which is a contributing factor to heart disease. These antioxidants work to protect cells from damage and inflammation, supporting overall heart health.

Remember, the key is to make paw paw a regular part of your diet. Whether you're enjoying it in its natural form or getting creative with recipes, papaya's enzymes can lend a hand in keeping your digestion smooth sailing. So, go ahead and embrace the papaya goodness for a happier tummy and a healthier you!

A nutritionist can help you come up with some delicious recipes, a good way of reaping the benefits of papaya.

Originally published on Jan 05, 2018

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