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Hungry But Not Really?: Dealing with Food Cravings

Health Tips
Last Updated Apr 08, 2021

Hungry But Not Really?: Dealing with Food Cravings

Summer is almost upon us and fitting into those swimmers is enough reason to defy those abysmal cravings in order to shed those extra kilograms.  It is not rocket science to realise beating food cravings can make it quite difficult to drop the kilograms as we try to defeat our intense desires to eat particular foods. 

What makes hunger different to that of food cravings?

Hunger is that which describes the feeling of needing food in order to overcome hunger pains.  Food cravings are when we yearn a particular food like chocolate, salt and vinegar chips.  Food cravings come from the stomach and not the brain.  In other words, it is very easy to blame our bodies for certain cravings, but push comes to shove, we acquire cravings because we simply desire that food.

Often emotions such as boredom, sadness, stress, can instigate and promote a food craving.  We imagine the food and may stop at nothing until we have reached our goal of obtaining that food.

Occasionally, there are times when our bodies are deficient in certain nutrients, that we overcome this by craving a certain food.  For example, a craving for water could indicate dehydration.  It could also be symptomatic of diabetes.  Salty potato chips are not only a comfort food, but when we are stressed, our adrenal glands produce cortisol which needs sodium as its cofactor.

Is it possible to control those cravings?

Thankfully, it is.  Here are some easy steps:

Think Ahead

In times of dire straits, reach for the fruit bowl instead of the chocolate dish.  Keep the fruit bowl handy.  Also, have at hand fruit that is easy to snack on like grapes, bananas.  The nut bowl is also a great option to keep at arms length.  Mix up portions of almonds, cashews, brazil nuts and some dried fruit.  Water should be available on tap.  Keep individual sized bottles of water in the fridge for easy access.

Exercise for Health of Body and Mind

Exercise releases the feel good hormones called endorphins.  In times of stress, instead of succumbing to the cravings, release the stress by going for a walk.

Avoid Temptation

Refrain from having tempting foods in your home.  Buy healthy snacks instead.

Write a Food Diary

When the craving pokes its dreary head, write down if you succumbed to it, what you ate as well as whether you were particularly hungry at the time.  Were there any triggers.  It is also important to be mindful in our eating. 

Sometimes cravings could be a sign of an imbalanced diet.  It is important to seek the advice of a nutritionist in order to understand these cravings and strive towards a more balanced nutritional intake.

Originally published on Oct 04, 2012

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