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Should I Eat a No Carb Diet?

Health Tips
Last Updated Mar 17, 2022

The no carb or low carb diet phenomenon has been around for the last few years but this does not make it a healthy choice! Carbohydrates (or carbs) are an essential part of a healthy diet and are necessary for many body functions. Read on to find out more or consult your local nutritionist.

What are Carbs?

Carbohydrates are made up of simple sugar molecules and are used as a source of fuel for the body. They are found in fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, dairy products and in sugary foods like lollies and soft drinks. There are clearly better choices when it comes to carbs. Carbs that have been refined (for example white flour or white bread) contain less nutrients and fibre than their wholegrain counterparts. 

What Happens to the Carbs in your Body?

When you eat a carbohydrate food, the body breaks down the carbohydrate molecules to smaller sugars before the food reaches your small intestine. In the small intestine the smaller sugar molecules are passed through the villi into the blood stream. In the blood stream the carbohydrate is often called blood glucose or blood sugar. This blood glucose is transported throughout the body. The liver and muscles are able to take up glucose from the blood stream and store this as glycogen (this simply means stored carbohydrate). The muscles use this glycogen as fuel for movement. If stores start to become depleted, the liver can release some of the stored carbohydrate that it has into the bloodstream. You can rely on some fats and proteins but the body prefers to use carbohydrates. If you follow a no carb diet you will not be able to exercise on a regular basis as your body simply does not have enough fuel. 

Carbs are Brain Fuel

It is important to realise how important carbs are for brain function and mental performance. The brain can only use the glucose that circulates in the blood stream as fuel. As the brain is covered by a protective blood-brain barrier it can only utilise carbs. Fats and proteins cannot pass into the brain and be used as fuel. This means that the brain does not have a back up fuel supply. If your blood glucose levels start to decrease, the amount of fuel for the brain is limited and this can cause dizziness, lethargy and tiredness, irritability, a decreased reaction time and an inability to concentrate. 

Can You Even Go No Carb?

There is no way that you can do a no carb diet – your body needs carbs. If you do not have enough carbohydrate in your diet you will not be able to exercise and your brain will not function effectively – in fact you will struggle to perform many of your day to day activities. If you want to reduce the amount of carbs that you eat, or improve the quality of carbs you consume you would be best to try consuming more wholegrain and less refined products, and try to use low glycemic index options whenever possible.

Originally published on Sep 22, 2011

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