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What is Tibetan Massage?

Dec 04, 2012

Along with Indian Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Tibetan medicine is one of the world's oldest systematised healing systems. Part of the Silk Road trading network that connected India, China and the Persian Empire, Tibetan medicine...

The Power of Suggestion

Nov 22, 2012

Did you know that what you expect influences your behaviour? According to recently-published research, if you believe a glass of wine will help you relax, you will think and act in ways to achieve that outcome. Likewise, popping a paracetamol might have...

Trying Out Mindfulness Meditation: What to Expect?

Oct 09, 2012

I recently tried mindful meditation for the first time. I found a spare slot in my schedule and a serene spot in my garden.  I was curious to try mindful meditation for myself and see whether it might help still my mind. Here's how it went… Why...

My Visit to the Naturopath

Sep 28, 2012

I was feeling rather run-down when I made an appointment with a nearby naturopath. I was constantly tired, my hormones were out of whack after being on the pill for a decade, and I needed to lose a few kilos. A visit to a naturopath was definitely in...

Why Should I Detox?

Sep 25, 2012

Called simply "detox" today, diets, fasts, herbal medicines and other detoxification treatments have been with us for millennia. Ayurvedic doctors and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, for example, have been prescribing a variety of detox natural...

Things You Should Ask Your Natural Health Practitioner

Aug 14, 2012

How often have you visited a health practitioner and thought "what was the point of that?" Time and again, a visit to a practitioner can leave you feeling overwhelmed, overloaded and wishing you asked not only questions that were more appropriate...

Music and Mood

Jul 23, 2012

In its purest form, music is a universal language. Studies have shown that many animals respond to it in the same way humans do. It may even be our oldest means of communication, pre-dating language by millennia. Have you ever wondered where music's...

Can I Reset My Body Clock?

Jul 13, 2012

The reason why we feel sleepy at night and wake up in the morning without an alarm clock is because of a natural body clock known as the circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythms can be found throughout the plant and animal kingdoms: they are responsible...

Characteristics of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Jul 11, 2012

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment that may be used to modify a person's patterns of thinking and dysfunctional feelings and convert them into positive thoughts, beliefs and emotions in order to improve their quality of...

What is Play Therapy?

Jun 25, 2012

What is play therapy? How does it differ from other forms of therapy? Who can benefit from it? Although most parents have heard the term, it is usually only those whose children have experienced play therapy who understand it best. While often thought...

What are Affirmations?

May 11, 2012

We seem to be hearing about them everywhere from TV talk shows to business conferences. Sometimes touted as a recently discovered "secret" to success, affirmations have been with us since since the birth of language itself. An affirmation is basically...

What is Mind Body Medicine?

May 04, 2012

What is mind body medicine? It's a good question, but not an easy one to answer. Basically, the term refers to the interaction between the mind and the body to facilitate healing. Increasing evidence from practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine...

What is Jivamukti Yoga?

Apr 27, 2012

Jivamukti yoga is the proprietary name of a form of yoga developed by David Life and Shannon Gannon in 1984. Unlike many styles of yoga, which emphasise the physical aspects of yoga (hatha yoga), Jivamukti yoga introduces students to the psychological...

The Benefits of Walking

Apr 20, 2012

When we think of getting fit, we almost automatically associate it with vigorous activities. Sports, going to the gym, attending yoga or pilates classes or some other activity that requires a certain level of fitness to begin with or that involves a...

What is Ayurvedic Medicine?

Apr 02, 2012

The story goes that one day, the supreme Creator remembered the medical science of Ayurveda. He passed this knowledge down through the hierarchy of lesser gods until finally it reached human ears. It was then recorded as the great healing science. This...

How Healthy is Our Fruit and Veg?

Mar 20, 2012

When you unpack the weekly fruit and veg shop, are you left wondering how healthy it all is? Intensive farming methods and the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have become the norm, as we demand perfectly formed, unblemished specimens with...

Boost Your Immunity With Naturopathy

Mar 19, 2012

Naturopathy combines conventional scientific knowledge with traditional wisdom into a holistic natural medical practice. While understanding the symptoms of diseases and their treatment, a naturopath goes beyond specific diseases and disorders and...

Myotherapy vs. Myofascial Release Therapy

Mar 08, 2012

With the development of ever more specialised and refined modalities, it can get confusing keeping track of their various qualities and techniques utilised. This is especially true for the various physical therapies that seek to treat the soft tissue...

5 Ways to Get More Out of Life

Mar 02, 2012

At the end of the day, what Natural Therapy Pages is all about is getting the most out of life. The practitioners listed on our pages range from acupressurists to yoga instructors. While they may teach very different modalities, they are all people...

A Day in the Life of a Yoga Instructor

Feb 27, 2012

You may be wondering what exactly a full time yoga teacher does on a normal day. Well this varies according to the teacher of course, but one thing is for sure, we don’t do yoga or meditation all day. Yoga is our business. It is our livelihood. Just...

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