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Natural Treatments for Stress and Anxiety

Last Updated Jun 02, 2022

Natural Treatments for Stress and Anxiety

With stress and anxiety on the rise in modern society, there has been a discernible shift away from conventional treatments for anxiety and towards complementary therapies and natural supplements. Natural medicine is increasingly being sought out as an alternative to conventional medicine and surgery, and are valued for their non-invasive nature and lack of side effects.

What is Stress and Anxiety?

Stress is a response to a perceived threat or emergency by the body, and is generally a healthy reaction that prepares us for any eventuality. When we begin to react to everyday events as such, the body is constantly producing the hormones that trigger our defence mechanisms. If left unchecked, this scenario can have significant health implications – specifically heart disease, suppression of the immune system, hypertension and even diabetes. Symptoms include poor sleep patterns, irritability, poor concentration, low energy levels, chronic fatigue and pain.

Anxiety is a condition closely related to stress, and it is best described as an irrational fear or apprehension. This is often in relation to everyday events or scenarios that do not affect most other people. Symptoms of anxiety include excessive sweating, panic attacks and various phobias.

Natural Treatments for Stress and Anxiety

A wide range of natural treatments and remedies are on offer, from physical options like massage and Craniosacral Therapy, which utilise manipulation of tissues and muscles, to psychological therapies like meditation, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy that emphasise the mental aspects. If you're looking for a natural remedy to improve your relaxation response and your everyday life, have a look at the following natural treatments for stress and anxiety.

  • Aromatherapy for stress and anxiety: Plant and flower extracts are infused with base oils to create a palette of aromas that when inhaled, or experienced as part of a massage, can bring relief to muscular tension and stress in the body. Essential oils, such as lavender and bergamot, are popular, and one can even enjoy a cup of chamomile tea to ease tension before bed.

  • Breathwork for stress and anxiety: Engaging in breathing exercises is a great way to reduce anxiety levels and support the brain's neural circuits. Breathwork uses carefully considered and disciplined deep breathing techniques to reach a meditative state. The major benefit of this natural medicine is the deep state of relaxation that can be reached via this technique.

  • Craniosacral Therapy for stress and anxiety: This natural remedy is similar to massage, except that it uses more gentle techniques and has the head, spine and pelvis as its primary area of focus. As these areas influence the nervous system, gentle manipulation of these zones results in an alleviation of muscular and nervous tension.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique for stress and anxiety: Emotional Freedom Technique uses aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine, specifically acupressure, to relieve a wide range of issues, including stress, tension and anxiety.

  • Homoeopathy for stress and anxiety: The use of like to treat like is the foundation of this natural treatment, which utilises heavily diluted remedies derived from plant and animal extracts. The repeated dilution increases their potency, with specific remedies prescribed to combat particular ailments or symptoms.

  • Hypnotherapy for stress and anxiety: This treatment uses hypnosis to unlock the power of the unconscious mind and effect positive changes in the life of the individual. Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for people with anxiety disorder and stress-related diseases, leaving them very relaxed, free of pain and able to think more clearly. This is the reason why many people consider it to be the best treatment for anxiety.

  • Massage for stress and anxiety: Massage is perhaps one of the more widespread natural treatments available, with a range of techniques and styles to choose from. Gentle or more vigorous deep tissue massage stimulates circulation and often leads to a reduction in muscular tension.

  • Meditation for stress and anxiety: Meditation is a discipline that utilises a controlled breathing technique to free the mind of thoughts or activity. This very often leads to a more relaxed outlook, especially if practised on a regular or daily basis.
  • Yoga for stress and anxiety: Yoga is a discipline that combines the mental and physical, with controlled breathing and precise poses used to unify the mind, body and spirit. It is useful in easing stress as the meditative aspect of it aids in lowering blood pressure and heart rate.
  • A healthy diet for stress and anxiety: The foods that we eat can have a direct impact on how we feel, and when it comes to stress and anxiety the perfect combination of the right foods will go a long way in enhancing our ability to fight back against these negative feelings. This combination includes foods rich in B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin C, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids and low glycemic index carbohydrates or probiotics. Foods that are rich in amino acids are also great for this purpose as they contain tryptophan which causes serotonin production. Turkey, bananas, leafy greens, walnuts, lentils, chicken breast, soybeans and tuna not only make up a balanced diet but also keep feelings of anxiety at bay.
  • Psychological therapies for stress and anxiety: Talk therapy is just as effective for treating stress and anxiety disorders as antidepressant medications. There are different types of psychological therapies that can address the root cause of stress and anxiety, including cognitive behavioural therapy and exposure therapies. These therapies allow patients with anxiety disorders to acknowledge their feelings in a supportive environment while focusing on distancing themselves from their fears and accepting possible setbacks with self-compassion rather than distress.
  • Exercise for stress and anxiety: Physical activity causes the body to produce endorphins, chemicals that lift your mood and decrease stress hormones. In addition to its immediate mental health benefits, regular exercise can provide long-term psychological benefits as well by combating anxiety, stress and depression. One study showed that after a single 30-minute aerobic exercise session, participants displayed decreased anxiety compared to those who did not engage in physical activity. This suggests that exercise has a cumulative effect on tension reduction over time.
How do you effectively deal with stress and anxiety?Source: infographicnow

When you focus on things you don't have control over instead of managing the situation or taking care of yourself, worrying may lead to stress and anxiety. If you know someone who is experiencing high stress or anxiety, keep an eye out for any changes in their behaviour while remaining calm and offering to help. Encourage them to open up and take a fresh look at their situation. Accepting that you cannot control everything in life is often the only way to find peace within yourself.

Originally published on May 20, 2010

FAQs Natural Treatments for Stress and Anxiety

What is the best natural remedy for stress and anxiety?

There isn't just one natural remedy for stress and anxiety; rather, there are a number of them. A healthy mind and body can be achieved by combining exercise, a nutritious diet, a regular sleep routine, and a positive outlook.

What is the strongest herb for anxiety?

There are a variety of herbal remedies that can aid with stress and anxiety relief. Chamomile, ashwagandha, lavender and valerian root are among the most popular.

How can I calm my anxiety fast?

Whenever you feel your stress and anxiety levels rising, take a moment to pause and take a slow, deep breath while counting from 1 to 5. Fill your stomach with air, then slowly exhale while counting from 5 to 1.

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