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Products for a Healthier Lifestyle

Last Updated Jun 17, 2022

Products for a Healthier Lifestyle

Do you want to eat, live and wash in a healthier way? Then you'll love the products on offer from Yes 2 Green. In this video, Andrew shows roving reporter Kat their great range of products, including dietary fibres, olive oil extracts, fruit juices, alkaline water, as well as a range of natural products for washing clothes without detergents.

The full transcription of this NTPagesTV interview is available below.

Natural Therapy Pages: I'm Kat from NTPagesTV, and I'm here with Andrew from Yes 2 Green. How are you, Andrew?

Andrew Kelly: Hi Katherine.

NTP: How's the expo going for you?

AK: Really good, thanks.

NTP: Wonderful. Now, tell me about your company.

AK: Yes 2 Green, we sell a whole range of products or health-related dietary fibres, olive leaf extract, alkaline water, fruit juices with natural taste, and a range of washing products, where you can wash clothes without detergents, which are chemical-based, so it's all natural.

NTP: So, it's a whole range of products. What are the benefits of some of those products?

AK: Well, you can wash your clothes with no detergents, so it's chemical-free, which is really good for especially children. It's hypoallergenic, antibacterial and very good for…

NTP: Keeping healthy

AK: Yeah, that's it. And then, we've got the alkaline cookbook, which is great because, you know, everyone should be eating alkaline these days so much. You know, everything that's cooked, and that's not that good for us. And alkaline water, which is great because it's softer, rehydrates your body really nicely. Drink a whole range of fruit juices with teas. They're all natural. No artificial colours and flavours.

And our main product is the olive leaf extract. The olive leaf extract, that's a natural antibody, so it's really good. You have it morning and night, and it builds your immune system. It's good for colds, flus, sore throat, inflammation of the joints like arthritis, cough-related. And the dietary fibre, it's got chicory in it and the inulin. So, you take that. It's a healthy snack between meals. It's a bit of an intestinal flora rebalance, and it's a mild detox. They come from Switzerland. The olive leaf extract, we're making on our farm in Queensland.

NTP: Aww, that's local.

AK: Yeah, it's all good stuff.

NTP: Sounds like a great range of products. Where can we actually get them from?

AK: All good health food stores and chemists. And visit our website,, and we'll send you to the closest dealer.

NTP: Okay, let's have a look! Thanks Andrew.

AK: Okay then, thanks Kat.

Originally published on Mar 10, 2011

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