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Acidic Foods: All You Need to Know

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Last Updated Jun 19, 2023

Acidic Foods: All You Need to Know

Foods that are acidic by nature not only damage tooth enamel and stomach lining but also trigger all sorts of medical conditions. Despite what several studies have revealed regarding the dangers of these foods to one's health, highly acidic foods are becoming ever more common in the Western diet. Read on to find out why we need to balance acidic and alkaline foods consumption.

The Impact of Acidic Foods on Digestive Health

Maintaining a healthy digestive system is crucial for overall wellbeing, and our dietary choices play a significant role in this regard. One factor to consider is the acidity of the foods we consume. Acidic foods, with their low pH levels, can have both positive and negative effects on our digestive health.

The Role of Stomach Acid: Before delving into the effects of acidic foods, it's important to understand the role of stomach acid in digestion. The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid, which aids in the breakdown of food and the absorption of nutrients. This highly acidic environment is essential for proper digestion.

Effects of Acidic Foods on Digestive Health:

1. Acid Reflux

Acidic foods can trigger or exacerbate acid reflux, a condition characterised by a backward flow of stomach acid into the esophagus. Common symptoms include heartburn, regurgitation, and a sour taste in the mouth. Foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes and spicy dishes are known to be potential triggers for acid reflux.

2. Irritation of the Digestive Lining

Consuming excessive amounts of acidic foods can irritate the lining of the digestive tract, leading to discomfort and inflammation. This can manifest as stomachaches, bloating, and in some cases, even ulcers.

3. Disruption of Gut Microbiota

The balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut is crucial for optimal digestive health. High consumption of acidic foods, particularly those that are processed or contain added sugars, can disrupt the delicate balance of gut microbiota, potentially leading to digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, or an imbalanced gut flora.

What are Examples of Acidic Foods?

During metabolism, foods that are not oxidised leave a residue, which is also known as ash, in the urine.  This ash can form into acid or alkali when combined with the blood. High acidity in the blood causes negative chemical reactions in the body that may cause gastroesophageal reflux disease, tooth decay and a host of irreversible health conditions like osteoporosis. Having said that, it's important to limit the intake of acid-producing food. Acidic diets consists mainly of the following:

  • Meats – such as pork, lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, and seafood (apart from the occasional oily fish such as salmon)
  • Dairy Products – such as milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, ice cream
  • Drinks – acidic drinks such as soft drinks, sports drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol, fruit juice, milk and other dairy-based smoothies
  • Other Foods – such as eggs, vinegar, white pasta, white bread, wholemeal bread, biscuits, soy sauce, condiments, artificial sweeteners, and honey 
  • Fast Foods – such as sweets, chocolate, microwave meals, canned foods, instant soups, instant meals, and takeaway fast food
  • Fats and Oils – such as fried foods, saturated fats, hydrogenated oils, margarine, corn oil, vegetable oil, and sunflower oil
  • Fruits – all fruits excluding those that are listed as being alkaline foods 
  • Seeds and Nuts – peanuts, cashew nuts and pistachio nuts
  • Citrus fruits - lemon, lime, pomegranate, grapes and other citrus fruits have a low pH, hence contributing to the levels of acid in the body. Even orange juice, pineapple juice and other types of fruit juices are acidic.

Health Risks of Consuming Acidic Foods

Acidic foods can be delicious and satisfying, but did you know that regularly consuming them may have detrimental effects on your health? While occasional indulgence is generally harmless, excessive intake of acidic foods can pose risks to your wellbeing. Let's explore the potential health risks associated with consuming acidic foods and offer insights into how you can maintain a healthy balance.

Digestive Health

Acidic foods can disrupt the delicate balance of your digestive system. High levels of acidity may lead to symptoms like acid reflux, heartburn and stomach discomfort. Long-term consumption of acidic foods can even contribute to more serious conditions such as gastritis or peptic ulcers.

Tooth Enamel Erosion

Acidic foods and beverages can erode the protective enamel covering your teeth. Over time, this can result in tooth sensitivity, discoloration, and an increased risk of dental cavities. It is essential to be mindful of your acidic food choices and take proper dental care to minimize the impact on your teeth.

* Note on managing acid reflux: If you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn, acidic foods can exacerbate your symptoms. These foods can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus, causing discomfort and irritation. Identifying and avoiding trigger foods can significantly improve your quality of life if you have acid reflux.

Alkaline Diet and Its Benefits

In the quest for optimal health, many individuals have turned their attention to the alkaline diet, a way of eating that aims to promote a balanced pH level in the body. By incorporating alkaline-promoting foods into your diet, you may experience a range of benefits, from improved energy levels to reduced inflammation. We list below the potential advantages of adopting an alkaline diet.

Maintaining pH Balance

The alkaline diet focuses on consuming foods that promote an alkaline pH in the body, as opposed to an acidic one. Proponents of this diet believe that an acidic internal environment can contribute to inflammation, weakened immune function and certain chronic conditions. By incorporating alkaline-promoting foods like leafy greens, fruits and nuts, you can support a more balanced pH level.

Reduced Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is associated with a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, arthritis and certain cancers. Alkaline foods, rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, can help combat inflammation and support overall wellbeing. By reducing the intake of acidic foods and increasing alkaline options, you may experience a reduction in inflammatory markers.

Improved Energy and Vitality

The alkaline diet emphasises fresh, whole foods that are naturally alkaline or leave an alkaline residue in the body after digestion. This approach provides essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that support optimal energy production and overall vitality. By focusing on alkaline foods, you may experience increased energy levels and a greater sense of well-being.

By incorporating alkaline-promoting foods into your diet, you can potentially reap benefits such as reduced inflammation, improved energy levels and overall wellbeing. As with any dietary changes, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant alterations to your eating habits.

Balancing Acidic and Alkaline Foods

The pH of the blood in the body is important as if the balance is incorrect, symptoms of disease may occur. The blood pH should be slightly alkaline (between 7.35 and 7.45). If the pH drops below 6.8 or moves above 7.8, the cells in the body will stop functioning and death will occur. Thus, the body continually strives to maintain its pH. If the diet is not balanced and is too high in acid-forming foods such as animal protein, sugar, stimulants, and processed food, extra pressure is placed on the body to regulate its pH.

Our current diet is largely made up of acid-forming foods, with alkaline-producing foods, such as vegetables, being eaten in much smaller quantities. Stimulants such as coffee, tea, and alcohol are also extremely acidifying. Many foods are alkaline-producing by nature, but processed foods are usually very acid-producing. For this reason, we should be eating at least 60 percent of alkaline-producing foods in order to maintain good health. Not only do processed, sugary or simple carbohydrate foods produce acid, they also raise the blood sugar level very quickly and tend to be low in nutrients.

What Conditions are Caused by Acidic Foods?

If the body is too acidic, it will take alkaline minerals in order to maintain its pH levels. Such minerals include sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, and depletion of these can result in the person becoming prone to chronic or degenerative disease. The minerals are taken from the vital organs of the body and the bones in order to neutralise the acid and safely remove it from the body.

If you have a health problem, it is likely that you are suffering from acidosis. Acidosis decreases the body's ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients, energy production in the cells, the body's ability to repair damaged cells, and the body's ability to detoxify heavy metals. It also helps abnormal cells to grow and makes the body more susceptible to fatigue or illness. Acidosis can cause or contribute to a wide range of problems such as the following:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Weight gain or obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Bladder conditions
  • Kidney stones
  • Hormonal problems
  • Premature ageing
  • Osteoporosis
  • Low energy levels or chronic fatigue
  • Digestive disorders
  • Yeast or fungal overgrowth
  • Headache
  • Low muscle mass
  • Increased susceptibility to infections
  • Emotional issues such as becoming easily stressed, depression, and lack of enthusiasm
  • Easily irritated skin or dry skin
  • Dull hair and thin nails
  • Oral health problems such as loose, painful teeth, inflamed gums, mouth ulcers, and cracks at the corners of the lips

How Can You Maintain the Right Acidity Level?

While a body with an acidic environment lowers the blood pH level, consuming low-acid foods can help balance it out and reduce the risk of a variety of health issues. A healthy diet ensures that the body maintains a balanced acidic and alkaline environment. It should consist of 70 percent alkaline foods and 30 percent acid foods.

Limiting your daily intake of acidic foods may help improve your bone health, as it prevents the potential decrease in bone mineral content. It will also assist your body in releasing metabolic wastes like uric acid and creatinine. Accumulating high levels of these metabolic products in your body may cause kidney infections as it can make the urine and blood too acidic. If you suspect that you're consuming too much acid-forming foods, here below are certain types of foods that comprise alkaline diets:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables that have a higher pH level such as watermelon, banana, sweet potato, broccoli, turnip, parsley and mushrooms among others
  • Healthy fats like olive oil, avocado and almonds
  • Herbs and spices, except for mustard, nutmeg and salt. Spicy foods are packed with a variety of herbs, making them ideal alkaline foods for regulating the body's stomach acid and fighting cancer cells
  • Replace carbonated drinks with less acidic beverages like carrot juice, cucumber juice, herbal tea, plant-based milk and plenty of water 
  • Whole grains

A Summary of Clinical Trials and Studies on Acidic Foods

1. Digestive Health: Several studies have explored the effects of acidic foods on digestive health, particularly in relation to acid reflux and gastrointestinal disorders. Research suggests that while acidic foods can trigger symptoms in individuals with acid reflux, the severity and frequency of symptoms may vary among individuals. However, it is important to note that dietary triggers can be specific to each person, and it may be beneficial for individuals to identify their own personal triggers through trial and error.

2. Tooth Enamel Erosion: Numerous studies have investigated the impact of acidic foods and beverages on tooth enamel erosion. The findings consistently indicate that frequent and prolonged exposure to acidic foods and beverages can lead to enamel erosion and dental problems. Citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, and certain acidic sauces have been identified as potential contributors to tooth enamel erosion. Practising good oral hygiene and minimizing the consumption of acidic foods can help mitigate these effects.

3. Bone Health: There has been a hypothesis that acidic foods, due to their potential acidifying effect in the body, may contribute to bone loss and osteoporosis. However, clinical trials and observational studies have failed to establish a direct causal link between dietary acidity and compromised bone health. Factors such as calcium and vitamin D intake, physical activity, and overall nutritional status appear to have a more significant influence on bone health.

4. Inflammatory Response: Inflammation is a complex physiological process linked to numerous chronic diseases. Some studies have explored the association between dietary acidity and inflammation. Although acidic foods may induce a temporary acidic load on the body, the overall impact on systemic inflammation remains inconclusive. The anti-inflammatory properties of certain acidic foods, such as citrus fruits and berries, due to their rich antioxidant content, may counterbalance any potential pro-inflammatory effects.

5. Alkaline Diet: Several studies have investigated the effects of an alkaline diet, which emphasises alkaline-promoting foods, on various health outcomes. Findings suggest that an alkaline diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, may have potential benefits, including reduced inflammation and improved acid-base balance. However, it is important to note that the existing evidence is limited, and more research is needed to establish definitive conclusions.

Tips for Harmonising Acidic and Alkaline Foods in Your Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is key to optimal health, and striking the right balance between acidic and alkaline foods is an important aspect of achieving that equilibrium. By incorporating practical strategies and making mindful choices, you can effectively balance acidic and alkaline foods in your diet. These 6 helpful tips and guidelines will assist you in achieving a harmonious dietary balance.

1. Plan Your Meals

One of the most effective ways to balance acidic and alkaline foods is through mindful meal planning. Aim to include a variety of alkaline-promoting foods, such as leafy greens, fruits, vegetables and whole grains, in your meals. Create a weekly meal plan that incorporates both acidic and alkaline ingredients, ensuring a diverse range of nutrients while maintaining balance.

2. Understand pH Levels of Foods

Educate yourself about the pH levels of different foods. While some foods may taste acidic, they can actually have an alkalizing effect on the body once metabolized. For example, citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruits may be acidic in taste but have an alkaline effect due to their mineral content. Having a clear understanding of pH levels can help you make informed choices when balancing acidic and alkaline foods.

3. Emphasise Alkaline Snacks

Snacking is an integral part of our daily routine, and it's an excellent opportunity to incorporate alkaline-promoting foods. Opt for snacks such as almonds, kale chips, cucumber slices or fresh fruits to boost your alkaline intake. By replacing acidic snacks like processed chips or sugary treats with alkaline alternatives, you can gradually shift the balance in favor of alkaline foods.

4. Practise Portion Control

While balance is crucial, portion control plays a vital role in maintaining overall health. Even if you choose to include some acidic foods in your diet, moderating portion sizes can help minimise their impact. Be mindful of your portion sizes, particularly when consuming acidic foods that are known to have potential health risks.

5. Consider Food Swaps

Explore food swaps that allow you to enjoy healthier alternatives to acidic choices. For example, replace carbonated drinks or sugary juices with infused water or herbal tea. Instead of processed meats, opt for plant-based protein sources like legumes or tofu. These simple swaps can contribute to a more alkaline-friendly diet.

6. Lifestyle Considerations

Balancing acidic and alkaline foods goes beyond just what you eat. Certain lifestyle factors can also influence your body's pH balance. Regular exercise, stress management techniques and adequate hydration are essential components of overall wellbeing and can contribute to a more balanced internal environment.

Acidic foods should not be completely eliminated from your diet because they have an important role to play in health maintenance. Citrus fruits, for instance, improve immunity, while meat provides the body with protein. However, you need to work on maintaining the proper pH balance in your body to avoid developing health conditions due to high levels of acid in your body fluids. Talk to your primary healthcare provider or consult a nutritionist to find out which diet plan will work best for you. 

To find a natural health professional in your local area, feel free to check out the Natural Therapy Pages' comprehensive listing of nutritionists and dietitians.


Originally published on Jul 12, 2018

FAQs About Acidic Food

How can I reduce acidity in my body fast?

High acidity in the body manifests through physical symptoms like fatigue, headache, rapid heartbeat and shallow breathing. If you experience any of these, you need to consult your doctor immediately and undergo a pH level test. It would also help to eat more alkaline fruits and vegetables to reduce the acid in your blood and urine.

Does drinking water reduce acidity?

Yes, it does. Drinking plenty of water supports the functions of the digestive system and prevents symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease as it increase the pH level of the stomach.

What is a good dinner for acid reflux?

Acid reflux, which is the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus, causes pain and discomfort in people who have the condition. To regulate the amount of acid their stomach produces, they are advised to eat foods that are low in acid such as whole grains, vegetables, a small amount of lean meat, non-citrus fruits and yoghurt.

Are bananas good for acid reflux?

Yes, they are. Banana is a low-acid fruit that is high in fibre. It can prevent acid reflux and strengthen the digestive system to keep gastrointestinal issues at bay.

Are all citrus fruits considered acidic foods?

Yes, citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and grapefruits are generally classified as acidic foods. However, their impact on the body's pH balance is different, as they have an alkalizing effect due to their mineral content once metabolised.

Are all acidic foods unhealthy for our bodies?

No, not all acidic foods are inherently unhealthy. While some acidic foods may have potential health risks if consumed excessively, many provide essential nutrients and contribute to a balanced diet. It's important to consider the complete nutritional profile of a food rather than solely focusing on its acidity.

Can consuming acidic foods affect our bone health?

Current research does not establish a direct causal link between dietary acidity and compromised bone health. Factors such as calcium and vitamin D intake, physical activity, and overall nutritional status play a more significant role in maintaining strong bones.

Do acidic foods cause acid reflux?

Acidic foods can be a trigger for acid reflux in some individuals, but not everyone experiences this reaction. Each person's tolerance to acidic foods varies, and it's important to identify personal triggers and make dietary choices accordingly.

Can consuming acidic foods lead to tooth enamel erosion?

Yes, frequent and prolonged exposure to acidic foods and beverages can contribute to tooth enamel erosion. It's important to practice good oral hygiene and minimise the consumption of acidic foods to maintain dental health.

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